When did people notice your weight loss?



  • shinycrazy
    shinycrazy Posts: 1,081 Member
    When I finally got clothes that fit!
  • Alarae21
    Alarae21 Posts: 171 Member
    I'm 5'3 and started at 178. I'm now 160(.4!)

    For me, the only person who outright commented was my fiancé's brother, which was after about 12 pounds or so. He was aware I was working out and trying to lose weight though so it's probably a bit more obvious.

    My face has definitely slimmed down though, which is obvious as with my naturally round face, it just got rounder! I can also fit into a pair of jeans I bought in 'my size' two years ago that I never could wear as it wouldnt go over my thigh. Now they are comfy :)

    Like other posters, I was in a bit of denial as the weight started to creep up so remained in the same clothes when I really should have gone up a size. Now they fit and are starting to get loose..
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    Started somewhere near 230 I think, not sure of the conversions. My parents noticed and commented when I'd lost about 21lbs. I had noticed a few pounds earlier.
  • sashayoung72
    sashayoung72 Posts: 441 Member
    Hello there, 5'4" starting weight 270, at around 30 lbs people noticed and started commenting. I think it takes awhile because of the way I dressed, I didn't change what I was wearing because it still technically fit. Now at just shy of 80 gone, I get tons of comments. My poor dad was worried that I might need to stop, when I told him I still weighed 190ish he was floored, I think seeing me so heavy for most of my adult life he had no idea what NORMAL was on me.

    Seeing a friend that hadn't seen me in person for nearly a year really got a reaction. She was AMAZED! That felt good because it is so much slower now 1 1/2 years later.
  • samchez0
    samchez0 Posts: 364 Member
    I started around 205 but it was around the 20 lb mark that most people started commenting about it.
  • sashayoung72
    sashayoung72 Posts: 441 Member
    angfirst wrote: »
    I have lost just over 70 pounds. I started at 283. The comments from other people started in the past couple of weeks, so after about 65 pounds. But once that first comment came, the floodgates opened and now people comment all the time.

    My mind hasn't caught up. I know I am wearing smaller clothes and can fit in smaller places, but I still feel like I am the biggest girl around. Logically, I know that I have come a long way, but I cannot really "see" it. Kwim?

    @angfirst I have always gauged if i'm the largest in the room, or avoiding parking in a tight spot to avoid squeezing out of my vehicle, I wish I could see me through someone else's eyes. Someone who for years was smaller than me is now larger and that was WEIRD!!!
  • myfightforfitness
    myfightforfitness Posts: 136 Member
    jetinder wrote: »
    I started at 323, but people noticed when I'd lost 40lbs, after about 8 weeks. The weirdest thing is that you don't necessarily want to buy a new wardrobe until you get to the end of your journey, but it's very rewarding when you do.

    Omg same I don't want to buy new clothes even though I've lost weight because I still need to lose ALOT more.
  • Sheks41191
    Sheks41191 Posts: 90 Member
    I started at 210 - I am now 188.

    Other people can see it, I can't at all, it is the most frustrating thing.
  • sashayoung72
    sashayoung72 Posts: 441 Member
    Sheks41191 wrote: »
    I started at 210 - I am now 188.

    Other people can see it, I can't at all, it is the most frustrating thing.

    Have you bought different clothes? I was guilty of just wearing the same things and they might be a bit baggy but they don't look much different, have some pictures taken of you and compare on an app, that helps.
  • termaineross
    termaineross Posts: 15 Member
    I was 312 in December and got down to 290 in February. My co-workers at office were first to notice. My clothes were all becoming too big but I was not able to notice significant difference until recently. I'm down to 270 but want it to come off even quicker, so I can really work on physique.
  • AlyssaPetsDogs
    AlyssaPetsDogs Posts: 421 Member
    I started at 225 and am down to 207. One of my friends who gives me "fitness advice" commented yesterday that I am looking good and that I have lost weight. Another friend told me I look "healthier" and my mom saw some pictures I posted on Facebook and set it definitely looks like I lost weight.
    As for me, I can't really see it yet. The numbers are there, but I still have a big old belly and some powerful, thick thighs. My clothes may be a little looser, but I haven't gone down a jean size.

    I'm wondering if the rest of my family will notice when I come home for summer - maybe by then I'll have lost more and start noticing it too.
  • johnmverdone
    johnmverdone Posts: 4 Member
    300 lbs and at 260 people noticed, I'm around 210 or less (not using a scale for awhile) and some days I notice it a lot and others not at all. Its very mental.
  • myfightforfitness
    myfightforfitness Posts: 136 Member
    Well done everyone :)
    300 lbs and at 260 people noticed, I'm around 210 or less (not using a scale for awhile) and some days I notice it a lot and others not at all. Its very mental.

    I totally agree with you on this
  • Bikgsm
    Bikgsm Posts: 1 Member
    hello everybody!this is my first day!
  • Harleyb87
    Harleyb87 Posts: 279 Member
    Id say 15 - 18 pounds. Around 25 Everyone was noticing.
  • imamyurdumb
    imamyurdumb Posts: 17 Member
    I started my first weight loss round around 294, after 30lbs lost ppl at work started noticing. I think it depends on what you wear too.
  • lil_br_98
    lil_br_98 Posts: 17 Member
    edited April 2016
    I started at 230 in March and currently down to 222. I started noticing a difference in my legs first, It's going to sound weird but I've really toned up in my knees and I can't stop feeling them...lol. I also have to pull up my jeans a lot (I don't wear belts...might have to rethink that). I've had family members and friends start commenting after about 6 wks of working out 5-6 days a week.
  • myfightforfitness
    myfightforfitness Posts: 136 Member
    Wow it is really so motivating reading everyone's experiences thanks a lot B)