Dammit, McDonalds



  • JackieMarie1989jgw
    JackieMarie1989jgw Posts: 230 Member
    OT, but I went to an employee orientation and was told that giving out free food is the No. 1 reason why people get fired from working there.

    I don't think what OP is talking about is what you are talking about. I think what you are speaking of is intentionally giving free food to family members, friends, etc.
    That may be the more common way of doing it. I just realized though that the OP said that it was a manager, which is even more striking. Since some McDonald's stores are owned by different franchises, it may be that not all locations are as strict with that policy.

    I assumed he was the manager, but he may not have been. I interpreted it not as him giving me free food, but deciding that I would want the large fry instead of the medium because it was cheaper. "You save a dollar" as in it is a dollar cheaper to get large fries, not him saving me a dollar.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    This kind of thing happens regularly in the UK too.

    Me: Can I have a medium drink and small popcorn please?
    Cashier: It will be cheaper to get the deal so I'll give you a medium popcorn as well!
    Me: I don't really fancy a medium popcorn so could I just have the small?
    Cashier: *blank look - does not compute*
    Me: ok, how about you just give me the small popcorn but charge the medium price?
    Cashier: *blank look - does not compute*
    Me: *sigh* ok, just give me the medium popcorn...
    Cashier: coming right up sir!