Help!! Messing up diet every weekend :(

Hi everyone!

Having real trouble losing any weight and I feel like I've been struggling for years.
I find that every single week I can eat really healthy and exercise well etc but then every weekend (I only work mon-fri) it all goes out the window.
My routine is completely out, we eat out a lot and it all seems to spiral out of control.
I know it's my own fault but if anyone has any tips and tricks that could help me that would be great!!
I'm getting really down about it now :(

Thanks xx


  • plami_9209
    plami_9209 Posts: 67 Member
    If eating out is your problem, try going to places where you can choose meat and salads ( and I don`t mean mcdonalds salads and fried meat). And order a salad with a bbq steak ( if possible without bbq sauce) or even better chicken steak. Order water instead of a fizzy drink ( even beer is better than a fizzy drink). That way even if you go over your calories at least you won`t be filled with bad fats and sugar. Also it`s getting warmer so why not go for walks in the park or play table tennis or something like that with your family instead of staying in the house all day.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    The app lets you check your weekly calories.

    You can eat less during the week, and eat more on the weekends, and still be at an overall calorie deficit.

    This is called the TDEE Method. Do a search for more info.

    If you're not losing weight, I recommend being more accurate with logging and weighing your food, and reading this "How To" on weight loss:

  • vegankid1990
    vegankid1990 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm vegan so all of that is out of the question haha! But yeah I do need to walk more on the weekends, I can be lazy.
    My sweet tooth is usually my downfall, although I rarely have fizzy drinks and juices I can fall in to cake and sweets frenzy sometimes!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Scroll up to see my post you missed.
  • ghudson92
    ghudson92 Posts: 2,061 Member
    My boyfriend and I suffer from the weekend sweet tooth, we have begun sharing desserts if we go out and no longer order starters or sides which so far saves about 800 calories per meal. I stick to being designated driver and drink only water. We've also started making meals at home which is much cheaper and much healthier. I think a lot of it is to do with your mind-set, I have to remind myself of all the hard work put in during my work week which seems to help. I hope you find something that works for you :-)
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    You can eat treats and still lose weight. I've lost 79 lbs / 36 kg in the past year and I had alcohol and chocolate pretty much every day. You just need to make room in your calorie limit for the things you love. If you deprive yourself of things, you won't stick to a calorie deficit for long enough to reach your goal.
  • vegankid1990
    vegankid1990 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks, to be honest I usually forget to log on the weekends or I purposely don't because I know it's gonna go over haha. Maybe that's my downfall :s
    I'm usually very good during the week at weighing and logging. Xx
  • JoshuaMcAllister
    JoshuaMcAllister Posts: 500 Member
    Thanks, to be honest I usually forget to log on the weekends or I purposely don't because I know it's gonna go over haha. Maybe that's my downfall :s
    I'm usually very good during the week at weighing and logging. Xx

    You could try changing your settings over the weekend to maintenance calories, giving you slightly more than your current diet calories. This will slow down any weight loss but mentally it could help you with logging accurately and trying to stay within calorie goal over the weekend.
  • vegankid1990
    vegankid1990 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks, to be honest I usually forget to log on the weekends or I purposely don't because I know it's gonna go over haha. Maybe that's my downfall :s
    I'm usually very good during the week at weighing and logging. Xx

    You could try changing your settings over the weekend to maintenance calories, giving you slightly more than your current diet calories. This will slow down any weight loss but mentally it could help you with logging accurately and trying to stay within calorie goal over the weekend.

    Thanks, that's a good idea xx
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    My tips for eating out:
    Ask for a take-out box up front and box half your meal for leftovers later in the week.
    Order a green salad starter, no dressing. By the time your entree arrives, you will feel less hungry and eat less of your entree.
    Drink a glass of water before going out, so that you're well hydrated and don't mistake thirst for hunger.
    No matter what you ate or how much you ate, log it faithfully (as close as you can to what you ate- restaurants are tricky.). If you don't log, you don't know how much you have to compensate for later on in the week.

    I also like to store up some exercise calories during the week so that I have some extra calories 'banked' in case I go over. :)

    The big trick is to figure out how make the things you love fit into your new lifestyle. Don't think of this as a 'diet', but think of it as changing your life for the healthier. It's all about finding balance, and you can do it! :)
  • KatKat1209
    KatKat1209 Posts: 229 Member
    edited April 2016
    and keep logging on weekends - I read that on another post somewhere in the Forum - cause if you see what you lock and locked already you're more likely to not go as overboard as you would without logging (estimating things is okay though just try to get as close as possible...)
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Order a green salad starter, no dressing. By the time your entree arrives, you will feel less hungry and eat less of your entree.

    Why do you even need a starter or an entree?
  • Vickie96
    Vickie96 Posts: 17 Member
    I struggled with this for a few months! My advice would be to always log everything you eat as accurately as you can, even if you go 1000's of calories over, log it. What I did then was try and cut it down week by week instead of feeling like I'm depriving myself, so I had a tendancy to overeat on Saturday and Sunday so the next week I'd try and cut it down to just Saturday, then it was maybe an indulgent meal and a few treats on a Saturday (instead of the whole day). Like you, I used to find eating out on the weekend quite tedious due to the temptation but once I'd managed to cut my weekend overeating down I found myself choosing the healthy option anyway. And you know what if I did have an unhealthy meal then I'd just enjoy and get straight back on track :)
  • chalaivy
    chalaivy Posts: 101 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    The app lets you check your weekly calories.

    I've seen other people talk about this too. How do you do that? I can't seem to figure it out in my reports section?

  • sanamm22
    sanamm22 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Having real trouble losing any weight and I feel like I've been struggling for years.
    I find that every single week I can eat really healthy and exercise well etc but then every weekend (I only work mon-fri) it all goes out the window.
    My routine is completely out, we eat out a lot and it all seems to spiral out of control.
    I know it's my own fault but if anyone has any tips and tricks that could help me that would be great!!
    I'm getting really down about it now :(

    Thanks xx

    Well Im in the same boat looking for advise.cant give u any tip bc I don kno anything lol
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Plan what you will eat even on weekends.
    Log everything even if you think you are going over. Log before you eat things.
    Eat out only once if eating out is a problem.
    Eat at maintenance level on the weekend.
    If your weekday diet is very restrictive and it is causing you to go nuts on the weekend change it so you eat more of what you like every day.
  • lml852014
    lml852014 Posts: 243 Member
    I eat at maintenance level on Saturdays, I also bank calories throughout the week for the weekend. I've still been losing consistently at .5 lb a week for the last 3 months so I figure I'm doing something right!
  • katiebean
    katiebean Posts: 110 Member
    chalaivy wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    The app lets you check your weekly calories.

    I've seen other people talk about this too. How do you do that? I can't seem to figure it out in my reports section?

    In the app version if you click on nutrition it gives you your weekly net total, so you can see how many calories you've eaten each day, how above or below your weekly total you are, and how this averages out over the 7 days. I'm not sure but I don't think the website version has this.