Tonsillectomy @ 5 yrs of age



  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I'm definitely not looking for sympathy a pat on the back or reassurance from anyone.. and it's typical of ppl to criticize when they don't know me or my whole story. I've been on a low caloric diet my whole life till I got this app. My whole life ppl been telling me not to eat a lot. . I never remember ever having a breakfast.. my fitness pal has been telling me that I'm not taking in enuf calories to lose weight.. so I'm confused

    Do you weigh everything you eat?
  • frankreis69
    frankreis69 Posts: 12 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    I'm definitely not looking for sympathy a pat on the back or reassurance from anyone.. and it's typical of ppl to criticize when they don't know me or my whole story. I've been on a low caloric diet my whole life till I got this app. My whole life ppl been telling me not to eat a lot. . I never remember ever having a breakfast.. my fitness pal has been telling me that I'm not taking in enuf calories to lose weight.. so I'm confused

    Do you weigh everything you eat?

    No I've only started this app a week ago.. I guess I'm Goin to hav to start doing that. Any tips on how to start?
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    I'm definitely not looking for sympathy a pat on the back or reassurance from anyone.. and it's typical of ppl to criticize when they don't know me or my whole story. I've been on a low caloric diet my whole life till I got this app. My whole life ppl been telling me not to eat a lot. . I never remember ever having a breakfast.. my fitness pal has been telling me that I'm not taking in enuf calories to lose weight.. so I'm confused

    Do you weigh everything you eat?

    No I've only started this app a week ago.. I guess I'm Goin to hav to start doing that. Any tips on how to start?
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    I'm definitely not looking for sympathy a pat on the back or reassurance from anyone.. and it's typical of ppl to criticize when they don't know me or my whole story. I've been on a low caloric diet my whole life till I got this app. My whole life ppl been telling me not to eat a lot. . I never remember ever having a breakfast.. my fitness pal has been telling me that I'm not taking in enuf calories to lose weight.. so I'm confused

    Do you weigh everything you eat?

    No I've only started this app a week ago.. I guess I'm Goin to hav to start doing that. Any tips on how to start?

    Get a food scale and weigh every single thing you are eating, including "small" things, like a bite here and there, low calorie things like e.g. fruit and vegetables, and of course soda, juice, milk, sauce etc.
    Do not change what you eat, just log everything for a few days to get an idea of what you are eating.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    I used to blame a lot of people/things/circumstances for my choices to overeat and sit on my butt too. Then I realized the biggest issue was the guy I saw in the mirror every day.
  • frankreis69
    frankreis69 Posts: 12 Member
    Again it's easy to criticize others.. plz don't put ur situation onto me.. I'm not a lazy *kitten*.. I've dieted my whole life and worked out on and off with no success.. if anything I got heavier from muscle gain but no fat loss.. been on a calorie deficit my whole life.. I don't need comments from ppl who are struggling themselves. Was looking for advice from sumone who's done it.
    P.s I'm not afraid to put my face up on here. Seems like the worst critics can't even show their faces.. anyways I appreciate the advice and the critics can suck it.. take care. Peace✌
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    Again it's easy to criticize others.. plz don't put ur situation onto me.. I'm not a lazy *kitten*.. I've dieted my whole life and worked out on and off with no success.. if anything I got heavier from muscle gain but no fat loss.. been on a calorie deficit my whole life.. I don't need comments from ppl who are struggling themselves. Was looking for advice from sumone who's done it.
    P.s I'm not afraid to put my face up on here. Seems like the worst critics can't even show their faces.. anyways I appreciate the advice and the critics can suck it.. take care. Peace✌

    Well, this is odd. It is easier for men to put on muscle, but in a caloric deficit that becomes far more difficult to do. I would do as some others have stated and really put effort into your logging. Get a food scale and weigh everything you eat, even if it's just one pretzel. I think doing so honestly will really put things into perspective for you with regard to your situation.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Again it's easy to criticize others.. plz don't put ur situation onto me.. I'm not a lazy *kitten*.. I've dieted my whole life and worked out on and off with no success.. if anything I got heavier from muscle gain but no fat loss.. been on a calorie deficit my whole life.. I don't need comments from ppl who are struggling themselves. Was looking for advice from sumone who's done it.
    P.s I'm not afraid to put my face up on here. Seems like the worst critics can't even show their faces.. anyways I appreciate the advice and the critics can suck it.. take care. Peace✌

    If you post on a public forum and specifically ask for feedback, that's pretty much what you're going to get. You've received some very good advice here, which, when you are actually ready to make the changes that will turn your weight gain around, will stand you in good stead. :)
  • frankreis69
    frankreis69 Posts: 12 Member
    synacious wrote: »
    Again it's easy to criticize others.. plz don't put ur situation onto me.. I'm not a lazy *kitten*.. I've dieted my whole life and worked out on and off with no success.. if anything I got heavier from muscle gain but no fat loss.. been on a calorie deficit my whole life.. I don't need comments from ppl who are struggling themselves. Was looking for advice from sumone who's done it.
    P.s I'm not afraid to put my face up on here. Seems like the worst critics can't even show their faces.. anyways I appreciate the advice and the critics can suck it.. take care. Peace✌

    Well, this is odd. It is easier for men to put on muscle, but in a caloric deficit that becomes far more difficult to do. I would do as some others have stated and really put effort into your logging. Get a food scale and weigh everything you eat, even if it's just one pretzel. I think doing so honestly will really put things into perspective for you with regard to your situation.

    Thnk you
  • frankreis69
    frankreis69 Posts: 12 Member
    aggelikik wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    I'm definitely not looking for sympathy a pat on the back or reassurance from anyone.. and it's typical of ppl to criticize when they don't know me or my whole story. I've been on a low caloric diet my whole life till I got this app. My whole life ppl been telling me not to eat a lot. . I never remember ever having a breakfast.. my fitness pal has been telling me that I'm not taking in enuf calories to lose weight.. so I'm confused

    Do you weigh everything you eat?

    No I've only started this app a week ago.. I guess I'm Goin to hav to start doing that. Any tips on how to start?

    Get a food scale and weigh every single thing you are eating, including "small" things, like a bite here and there, low calorie things like e.g. fruit and vegetables, and of course soda, juice, milk, sauce etc.
    Do not change what you eat, just log everything for a few days to get an idea of what you are eating.

    Thnk you
    usmcmp wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    I'm definitely not looking for sympathy a pat on the back or reassurance from anyone.. and it's typical of ppl to criticize when they don't know me or my whole story. I've been on a low caloric diet my whole life till I got this app. My whole life ppl been telling me not to eat a lot. . I never remember ever having a breakfast.. my fitness pal has been telling me that I'm not taking in enuf calories to lose weight.. so I'm confused

    Do you weigh everything you eat?

    No I've only started this app a week ago.. I guess I'm Goin to hav to start doing that. Any tips on how to start?

    Thnk you
  • xtina315
    xtina315 Posts: 218 Member
    I really do not think it's from your tonsils. You being depressed and not learning to cope can cause you to over eat, like many people-including myself. You being a truck driver your more than likely not getting enough physical exercise. Just start making changes, see a therapist to work on learning coping skills, and just eat at a calorie deficit. Myself, my child, my sister and dad all had their tonsils removed-and I am the only overweight person and that started 4 years ago because I didn't cope with issues, and I chose to overeat and exercise-making excuses for myself. I was thin all my life. I would seek professional help, and when it comes to your diet you can eat whatever you want just eat at a calorie deficit. You can do it!
  • frankreis69
    frankreis69 Posts: 12 Member
    xtina315 wrote: »
    I really do not think it's from your tonsils. You being depressed and not learning to cope can cause you to over eat, like many people-including myself. You being a truck driver your more than likely not getting enough physical exercise. Just start making changes, see a therapist to work on learning coping skills, and just eat at a calorie deficit. Myself, my child, my sister and dad all had their tonsils removed-and I am the only overweight person and that started 4 years ago because I didn't cope with issues, and I chose to overeat and exercise-making excuses for myself. I was thin all my life. I would seek professional help, and when it comes to your diet you can eat whatever you want just eat at a calorie deficit. You can do it!

    Thnk you
  • elsesvan
    elsesvan Posts: 16 Member
    Hey you savages! A lil intro. My name is Frank im a trucker by trade, 40 yrs old and I've been big ever since I can remember. At 5 yrs old I got a bad ear nose and throat infection. Doctors said I needed surgery to remove my tonsils and adenoids. Resulting in a steady weight gain.. it's been a real struggle to loose and maintain weight loss. Joining the highskool football teem resulted in a concussion that just brought me into a depression that I'm only getting out of now. As a result of depression, even more weight gain.. I've worked out and not lost a pound. My heaviest weight 374lbs . a year ago I decided to try and clean up my diet and started taking vitamin suppliments. Today I'm hovering at 305. I've only started using myfitnesspal recently and it's a big help. I'm looking for any info on and what I can do about the tonsillectomy and how its affecting my weight loss. And also wud like to start hitting the gym and mabe join a jiujitsu class.. anyways thnx for reading any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Have a great day!

    You are on track. Forget why, how and when :wink: Just hang in there.
    MFP is great to use. Good luck to you. You are doing it! :smile:
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member

    Rocknut53 wrote: »
    How did you come to the conclusion that having your tonsils and adenoids out at 5 years of age has any correlation to any weight gain over the course of your life? I understand the depression link, been there, done that. Weight loss is as simple as eating less than your burn in calories. There's lots of helpful info on here to accomplish that. Good luck to you.

    Apparently it's a thing.

    or not...

    OP - stick to CICO and you will lose. You even state this. Best of luck to you and I'm sure you will reach your goals.
  • frankreis69
    frankreis69 Posts: 12 Member
    elsesvan wrote: »
    Hey you savages! A lil intro. My name is Frank im a trucker by trade, 40 yrs old and I've been big ever since I can remember. At 5 yrs old I got a bad ear nose and throat infection. Doctors said I needed surgery to remove my tonsils and adenoids. Resulting in a steady weight gain.. it's been a real struggle to loose and maintain weight loss. Joining the highskool football teem resulted in a concussion that just brought me into a depression that I'm only getting out of now. As a result of depression, even more weight gain.. I've worked out and not lost a pound. My heaviest weight 374lbs . a year ago I decided to try and clean up my diet and started taking vitamin suppliments. Today I'm hovering at 305. I've only started using myfitnesspal recently and it's a big help. I'm looking for any info on and what I can do about the tonsillectomy and how its affecting my weight loss. And also wud like to start hitting the gym and mabe join a jiujitsu class.. anyways thnx for reading any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Have a great day!

    You are on track. Forget why, how and when :wink: Just hang in there.
    MFP is great to use. Good luck to you. You are doing it! :smile:

    Thnk you so much