running club!

3rdtrijourney Posts: 1 Member
edited April 2016 in Fitness and Exercise
anyone interested in trying this intermediate running plan with me? i've run 5k's before but always seem to have a really hard time sticking to running... but i really want to work on my fitness going into this summer!


  • hawksfan881972
    hawksfan881972 Posts: 16 Member
    I used that program on my first go around with running. It worked really well. I'm currently doing the C25K program.

    Not sure what you have in mind, but if you don't mind someone training for a 5k, I'd be happy to be part of the club.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @3rdtrijourney There is a C25K ( Couch to 5km ) group on MFP and a B210K ( Bridge to 10km ) . Lots of support and guidance from other people new to running and those who have completed C25K and moved on to longer distances.
    I used the Hal Higdon Half Marathon plan and had good success and the most important part was No Injuries.