


  • KendraMariexO
    KendraMariexO Posts: 44 Member
    For my avg I'm around 1,300 which I lose weight still for my avg lol:) so all is good everyone
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    @shadow2soul why do you recommend a start day rather than the rolling 7 days?

    Because I've had it in the past that one day it said I was under 200, so I ate 200 calories more that day and then the next day when I ate to my calorie goal I was now over 200 because the day that was under was no longer in the calculation.
  • KendraMariexO
    KendraMariexO Posts: 44 Member
    Do I have to look at net calories under or over or total calories under or over? I don't get the map? Plz explain
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    If your not logging exercise the chart won't help much.

    Total calorie graph doesn't factor in exercise burns, so it will say I'm over even when my NET is right where it should be.

    Net graph takes into account your exercise. However if your not logging any and your activity level is set lower than it actually is, the graph won't do much to help you.

    That's why I asked how fast you lost your weight. Knowing that I can figure out your approximate daily deficit.
  • KendraMariexO
    KendraMariexO Posts: 44 Member
    March I started:)) I was 165 then I'm 145 now
  • KendraMariexO
    KendraMariexO Posts: 44 Member
    Idk how much I burn at work I did workout everyday an hr a day but I have focused on calories and not so much working out bc I have a lot going on j work as a nurse 9 hrs a day. I'm on my feet mostly I don't sit I stand to do work. I have two kids and do stuff but I will lift weights sometimes but I'm so tired when I get home working out lol is out ! But weekends I'm outside all day! I'm off so I do stuff :) for sure
  • KendraMariexO
    KendraMariexO Posts: 44 Member
    I'm not sedentary I may not be active active but I don't sit all day lol but I use that to be cations bc I want to make sure I lose I have 25 to go
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited April 2016
    So if you started March 1st, that's 8 wks and an average of 2.5 lbs per week loss. This means you are averaging a 1250 calorie deficit.

    That large of a deficit at your weight likely means that you are losing lots of muscle mass as well as fat loss. You could actually eat a bit more on a daily basis, still lose weight, and possibly not feel the need to go 1k calories over your goal on a weekly basis.

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Kendra, you should look into getting a fitbit or similar activity tracker, then sync it with MFP. This will give you a much clearer picture and more data to work with.
  • KendraMariexO
    KendraMariexO Posts: 44 Member
    I am getting an I watch lol I want one :)) to help
    So if you started March 1st, that's 8 wks and an average of 2.5 lbs per week loss. This means you are averaging a 1250 calorie deficit.

    That large of a deficit at your weight likely means that you are losing lots of muscle mass as well as fat loss. You could actually eat a bit more on a daily basis, still lose weight, and possibly not feel the need to go 1k calories over your goal on a weekly basis.
    Can u mess me so I can ask u some questions please
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    Look at the weekly view, if your average stays where it needs to be then don't worry.

    For me, I could eat 1500 calories for 6 days and be able to lose even if one day is as high as 4300! I would maintain the same weekly deficit as if I ate my allowed 1900 each day. If you do the math and use your maintenence calories as a guide you'll probably feel better about going over once in a while.
  • tiffkittyw
    tiffkittyw Posts: 366 Member
    @shadow2soul why do you recommend a start day rather than the rolling 7 days?

    It's really 6 of one, half a dozen of the other, but for me it helps me 'budget' better, like if I splurge on a random Wednesday it's easier for me to figure out what I have left for the rest of the week rather than a rolling 7 days that's always changing, which was harder for me to plan around, so I go Monday-Sunday.

    Exactly, my splurge day and weigh in morning is on Saturday so my week goes Saturday to Friday. I just wish my Fitbit report would match but that's an entirely different issue LOL!
  • Jeffrey300050
    Jeffrey300050 Posts: 93 Member
    This approach works for me and keeps me on track!