(POST 3) BATTLE OF THE BULGE - Summer Slimdown Challenge!!



  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Great challenge. I did another try something new today...I started zumba. Just learning the steps so far, but it still felt like a workout. I am slightly neurotic and worry it wasn't "enough" of a workout since starting out so slowly, so I'll do a power mile after work, and I WILL challenge myself and really push myself when I do weights tonight!!
    Music REALLY helps get me through tough workouts (esp when doing 3 miles on weekends). My favorite tracks are Supermassive Black Hole and If You Seek Amy and anything with a beat by Pink. Songs with a beat and attitude :)
  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    I have gone off track in the last couple of weeks. I have been celebrating grandchildren's birthday parties, year end parties and father's day and somewhere in there I started to slip up. I have been doing very little exercise using the rain for an excuse not to walk( It has been raining almost all of June). Hello Karen -- you have a treadmill and an eliptical trainer sitting right in front of you!!!
    Anyway a climb on the scale is my wake up call. I know I can do this. There is so much love and support with this challenge and on this website.
    My goal for this week is no less that an hour of exercise over and above my regular work. I can do this with the help of my friends. Thanks all
  • DRSRiley
    DRSRiley Posts: 26
    I am so happy that I stumbled upon this MFP app on my iphone on May 5, 2011. I wanted to be more mindful of how many calories I was taking in each day and searched the app store for an app that could help me with tracking my food intake. I have been able to do this with MFP and got so much more than expected from this site. Although the weight is not coming off as quickly as I would like it to, it is coming off in a healthy way and I am incorporating a lifestyle that I feel I can maintain. I am very thankful for the site including the forums, friends, and abundance of useful information.
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    Great challenge. I did another try something new today...I started zumba. Just learning the steps so far, but it still felt like a workout. I am slightly neurotic and worry it wasn't "enough" of a workout since starting out so slowly, so I'll do a power mile after work, and I WILL challenge myself and really push myself when I do weights tonight!!
    Music REALLY helps get me through tough workouts (esp when doing 3 miles on weekends). My favorite tracks are Supermassive Black Hole and If You Seek Amy and anything with a beat by Pink. Songs with a beat and attitude :)
    Are you doing a Zumba class or video? I started doing Zumba a few months ago and absolutely love it! It's a great workout and fun too!
  • crystlgrn
    crystlgrn Posts: 124 Member
    So I had an awesome weight loss this week and it put me over my half-way-there! I want to thank all of you for being so supportive. Thanks so much to Kristy for keeping this group going. You have been so important in everyone's weight loss and keeping us all motivated and on track.

    I leave for vacation in 1 month so I am going to start working out an hour a day starting today. I'm planning on working out 5-6 days per week. I'm just glad I have you all to hold me accountable and give me the extra push when I need it. Thank you all so much!!
  • New topic already!! we moving fast!

    My motivation is up and down all the time...lol
    On the day downs, I just make myself go to the gym and 95% of the time, I'm good to go about 10 mins into it and feeling good!
    What keeps me going is music, all hip hop music, some rock music.
    I like nicki minaj "did it on em", diddy "hello, good morning, timberlake "bringing sexy back", amongst others.

    water is down, I was doing an ounce per pound, but scaled back this week to a gallon/day..I've drank 80 oz already :)
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    OK...in addition of my trying something new this morning, I totally met the day's challenge by really pushing myself. I did my 3 sets of weights/calisthenics and increased from 3 reps of 12 to 3 reps of 15 :) I also completed a one mile power walk, and jogged about a minute of it. Talk about feelin the burn and sweat!!!! Totally worked it today :)
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    Saw this posted at my son's karate school tonight - "Proper planning, hard work, and patience are key elements to accomplishing goals." So relevant and true!! You need to plan not just eat on the run, you need to work hard, and you can't expect results overnight - Keep going everyone!! July is just around the corner!
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    nl, I may have to copy that! thanks.l
  • multiplex
    multiplex Posts: 8
    I have gone off track in the last couple of weeks. I have been celebrating grandchildren's birthday parties, year end parties and father's day and somewhere in there I started to slip up. I have been doing very little exercise using the rain for an excuse not to walk( It has been raining almost all of June). Hello Karen -- you have a treadmill and an eliptical trainer sitting right in front of you!!!
    Anyway a climb on the scale is my wake up call. I know I can do this. There is so much love and support with this challenge and on this website.
    My goal for this week is no less that an hour of exercise over and above my regular work. I can do this with the help of my friends. Thanks all

    You Can do this! I can do this! We all have the advantage of having Kristy and all the BOBers with us on our journeys! How great is that! So when we have a backslide, we take a deep breath, we don't beat ourselves up, and we push on! Woo hoo!
  • SLIM195
    SLIM195 Posts: 133 Member
    Battle of the Bulge

    SW - May 16, 255.6

    Week 1 - May 23, GW: 252 Actual: 252.8
    Week 2 - May 30, GW: 248 Actual: 249.4
    Week 3 - Jun 06, GW: 244 Actual: 249.4 Didn't make my goal
    Week 4 - Jun 13, GW: 240 Actual: 248
    Week 5 - Jun 20, GW: 235 Actual: 247.6 Change my goal number
    Week 6 - Jun 27, GW: 244 Actual: 250.8 :noway: Didn't make my goal. I have to get back in the mix.
    Week 7 - July 04, GW: 245 Actual:

    Okay, I fell off the wagon this week, I reset my goals and I will make my goal next week. I didn't push myself today because Monday's is my Rest Day, however, I will definitely push myself tomorrow when I workout.

    Great Job! To all the BOB's who lost weight this week. If you didn't loose weight this week, don't be discouraged, we still can drop the pounds, just not this week.
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member


    *DON'T FORGET to send me your weighins!

    (we are in week 7)

    Today's challenge brought to us by: Kayleighdawn13:drinker:

    Fill your MFP cups! Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water DAILY!

    Get a JUMP start on your weekend! In the US, It's a holiday weekend coming up so kick it in the butt and Jump On it! Get a good workout in today and over the next few days to avoid those weekend set backs! Workout AT LEAST 45 MINUTES today, and set a goal for what you want to do over the weekend so that you push yourself and feel your burn!!

    1. Jump-Van Halen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlq0lYB3iSM
    2. Jump On It- Sir Mix-A-Lot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmIqYalUnWI
    3. Jump Around- House of Pain http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwQbPgouUYo
    4. Jump- Flo Rida Ft. Nelly Furtado http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHNLLqogRvs

    Have you ever looked outside and the weather effected your mood and mood on exercising?! When it's scortching hot, pouring rain, or just down right nasty out, how do you keep yourself motivated?! How do you continue to push yourself?

    Personally I want to show mother nature that NOTHING will stop me! If I can't run or work outside due to weather then I go to the gym or find something to do inside. I push myself. Those are the days that I usually work hardest and burn the most calories!

    STAY MOTIVATED: VISIT OUR WEBSITE - www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge *newly updated*
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    I will have to make up for the 45 minute workout tomorrow, as this is my one day off!!! Although, I DID do 65 minutes yesterday, as well ;)
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    hey all, did not get on the scale this week because I knew it would not be pretty and mentally just could not see that right now. Regrouped and feel like I'm getting on track so let's hope for a big number next week!
  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    I have challenged myself to get back at it. The weather has been very depressing here lately. We have had so much rain. I do not mind walking in the rain, in fact I quite enjoy it but I do not like to walk in constant pouring rain. I have not been going out and I needed a kick in the butt to get back at it. I have let the weather win for a short time but now I am back in control. Walked/ran last night and did about 5K in 39 minutes. That was my challenge to get myself back on track. I then did 20 minutes on the elliptical.
    My plan for the long weekend (Friday is our day off-Canada Day) is to walk twice a day and spend a lot of my time in my flower beds that I have not been able to work in because of the continuing rain.
    Have a great day and challenge yourselves. It is well worth it.
  • lynnie07
    lynnie07 Posts: 52
    Water it is... will be sure to drink up and get my training in today. At least 60 min of either circuit training or Insanity.
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    Get a JUMP start on your weekend! In the US, It's a holiday weekend coming up so kick it in the butt and Jump On it! Get a good workout in today and over the next few days to avoid those weekend set backs! Workout AT LEAST 45 MINUTES today, and set a goal for what you want to do over the weekend so that you push yourself and feel your burn!!

    This is EXACTLY my plan this week. I am spending the holdiay weekend at the beach and making sure I get some good intense workouts in before I leave.

    The weather does affect my moods. This time of year is easy but I find it much harder in the cold dreary winter to get motivated. I can deal with the rain-I just go to the gym anyway. But when it is cold out I find myself wanting to 'hybernate' in my warm cozy house.
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    Monday-Well I def fullfilled the push yourself challenge by starting C25K yesterday as anyone of my friends know I was having SERIOUS anxiety about starting it but I did it and felt GREAT afterwards...and yesterday was also one of those days where I was REALLY struggling to stick with things and just felt like giving up but it was almost like I had this personal trainer in my head yelling at me telling me all the reasons why it was stupid to give up at this point that I just need to get over it and do it and feel better...I even had a mini meltdown after my run yesterday b/c sometimes life just gets VERY overwhelming but I got it out of my system and today I feel great aside from the achy muscles! :)

    Tuesday-45 mins of working out today is going to be hard/next to impossible because I have class tonight straight after work and I was gonna use today as my rest day this week...as far as the weather affecting me I can definitely see where it WOULD especially if I am used to going outside for my exercise but just like everything else if you want results you have to do the work so I wouldn't really let anything like that stop me from working out or sticking to my goals for that day.
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    45 minutes?! *Groan/whine*

    Okay. The BF is going to be home and I refuse to workout in front of him. Jiggling stuff and all. But, I think I can get him to do some XBOX 360 adventures with me! In fact, I am going to prepare him by texting him right now. It will be done!
  • DunnaStunna
    DunnaStunna Posts: 22 Member
    Sry I've been out :( we just bought a new house so moving has taken over my life at this point. to top it off we don't have cable yet in our new house so i can only log on at work.

    anyway, i'm back now so i'll be back in the groove. I'm going to do my best to put in the 45 minutes today although I have to admit it will probably be in the form of unpacking.

    Weather does get to me a bit. The rainy days make me wanna cuddle up with DH and watch a movie :)
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