Females with 100+ lbs to lose!



  • outspokenbelle
    outspokenbelle Posts: 9 Member
    Hey all. I'm 26, and have 110 to lose. I need all the motivation and support I can get, as I don't have much in my personal life. Feel free to add me! Right now I'm getting a solid habit of tracking my intake (calories) and walking as much as I can, going to start an exercise program at home in May :smiley:
  • mrsrkearns
    mrsrkearns Posts: 35 Member
    Everyone here sounds like me!!! I'm slowly changing what I eat started by calorie counting and portion size and walking as much as I can ....plse everyone anyone add me I'm on a 81 pound goal loss never lost weight before been doing this since 4/4 and have lost 9 pounds so hopefully by November I'll be there but friends always help...hope to see friend adds!!!!
  • jillajillabobilla
    jillajillabobilla Posts: 8 Member
    lost 30lbs initially, have a 100 more to go. I'm going to go in 20lb increments because it's less depressing and daunting lol. I count calories and have been doing martial arts twice a week for about 2 years now. I don't think it burns a huge amount of calories because it's not cardio intensive but It helps me manage my stress so I don't turn to food when I feel angry/sad/frustrated. Also I'm pretty confident I can kick someones *kitten* right now if I needed to, or at least give them a run for their money. Finding something you love to do that requires even a small amount of movement like walks in a park, or swimming, or yoga on youtube makes a world of difference.
  • tayter_tot7
    tayter_tot7 Posts: 220 Member
    Yea I'm in feel free to add me everyone
  • sshaw226
    sshaw226 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there! I'm Stacey, 26 years old and around 270 pounds. My scales broken so I haven't checked my weight well since last year since I have failed to get a new scale but am looking to finally purchase one. I used to be really active on this site, but it was really hard to be good at eating without a kitchen. But I'm finally working around it. I'm a waitress by night and well I am tired by day. Right now in trying to be up by 9am and once I start getting better at that I want to start working out again.

    It's nice to meet someone who has the same goal and is the same age as me! So hi there!!
  • smiles4jo
    smiles4jo Posts: 202 Member
    I have 85 to lose total, so not quite 100, but it's still a daunting number! I've already lost 29, so just gotta keep at it.

    I just signed up for my very first 5K race in Disney World in January and I want to be fit when I arrive!

    If any of you would like to add me, feel free!
  • louisepaul16
    louisepaul16 Posts: 261 Member
    Hello. I have around 90/95lbs to lose, so not far off 100. I'm also looking for new friends on here and motivation, so please add me if you would like!

    I am here once again, trying something new on MFP for the 3rd or 4th time, as I lose weight, then gain it all back again, booooo!!!
    Soo, this time I am trying something a little different.....I am cutting out sugar, (added). I still have fruit and dairy, the very (and I do mean very) occasional sweet thing here or there, but generally if something has any type of sugar listed as an ingredient, I'm not eating it. I roughly look at the calories, but Im not
    counting them as such. I eat when I'm hungry, and as long as it's not got added sugar I am eating what I want. We shall see how this approach goes regarding weight loss, the sugar cravings are definitely settling down, which is nice!!
  • ninnnnnnna
    ninnnnnnna Posts: 31 Member
    Hey, everyone! I have over 100lbs to lose. Started working hard at it this month (April), and have just knocked away my 20th pound! Feel free to add me! I love fitness friends! :):):)
  • wasabipaste
    wasabipaste Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 24 and 235lbs, according to bmi charts, I have exactly 100lbs to lose. I got 30lbs down from my highest using another app but I lost motivation on that one and the community support on here really drew me in. I'm new and looking for friends so anyone who wants to, feel free to add me :)
  • klawley36
    klawley36 Posts: 4 Member
    I had 99.5 lbs to lose, lost 32.5 and still got 67 to go. Really struggling at the moment! For the last 12 months I've lost and gained the same 10lbs.
    I did the majority of mine through slimming world and would recommend it to anyone just starting out. I'm calorie counting instead now, But as of two weeks ago I'm seeing a PT and I've only lost 1lb so far. Trying to not let it throw me off track but we will see!
  • lapellegrina48
    lapellegrina48 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello. I'm 52 and need to lose about 120 lbs. I also have an autoimmune disease and fibro. I weened myself off all but one of my meds (including my pain med) and find I can move so much better without them. I still hurt like crazy but I won't go back on them. One day at a time, one step at a time, one bite at a time. 29985859.png
  • 120poundstogo
    120poundstogo Posts: 700 Member
    Ok so I managed to deliver 13 and 16 years ago and put on 80 pounds. Then I went on and put on another 40lbs. I just got through with losing the extra 40lbs. And have 120lbs. To go
  • kilahv
    kilahv Posts: 7 Member
    Hi there. I'm new to the forums. Lost over 60 lbs on MFP years ago but gained it all back and then some :( so a couple of weeks ago I hired a personal trainer and decided to get serious about this again. I'm 38 now though and have found that eating the same amount of cal as the last time I lost is having no effect at all. Not sure if it's my age or some meds that I am on for depression and anxiety. I have close to 130 to lose. My first goal is to lose 100 by age 40 , which is 14 months away. Feel free to add me, always looking for support and advice !
  • buniphuphu
    buniphuphu Posts: 288 Member
    I've got over 100 pounds to go too. I'm trying to focus on remembering that as long as I'm mindful and working on it, I'm being successful! The scale will stall or even go up at times, but there are constant opportunities to improve my health.

    Feel free to add me.
  • astoundingamber
    astoundingamber Posts: 3 Member
    Please add me! I have 116lbs to lose!
  • jlizk
    jlizk Posts: 20 Member
    23 and ideally over 100 to lose, but I'm aiming for that just to start! Was convinced my new years resolution would be stuck to this year, but sadly life happened a few times. Now have a goal with a deadline in sight so need to stick to this!
    Always looking for more friends :)
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    I am soon to be 60 and need to lose 100 pounds.... Again. Feel free to add me