gained two pounds :(



  • tracimy9
    tracimy9 Posts: 15
    I hear ya! I seriously felt like my scale was messing with me this weekend. My goal for Friday was to have hit the -20 lbs on there that morning and it hadn't budged below -17. Then, Saturday got on again because I couldn't help myself and then I had hit it. Makes NO sense, but decided to just go ahead and celebrate the fact that I finally made some progress.

    Hang in there! Sometimes it does feel like it makes no sense, then it balances out. We just have to keep at it and be proud of ourselves for the work we're putting in.
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    If it makes you feel any better, when I woke up yesterday I'd gained 3 lbs. When I woke up today I'd lost 5.

    I know it sucks but just try and focus on the exercise and the healthy eating.
  • coloradocami
    coloradocami Posts: 368 Member
    No worries…lots of factors go into your weight. I give myself a 5 lbs range. My goal weight is 125lbs, so anywhere from 123 to 127lbs I still consider AT goal. Just keep up the good work and don’t worry about a little fluctuation.
  • bigredhearts
    bigredhearts Posts: 428
    it could be water retention... at least from my experience that's always what it is and it makes me go crazy. how much sodium did you eat the day before you weighed yourself? i have found this has a lot to do with it as well. because i eat a decent amount of sodium, i try to drink A LOT of water a day or two before i'm going to weigh in. also, pickles have made me gain 10lbs over night before (granted I ate 15 of them lol).

    so yeah, i have to go on a "mini diet" two days before i want to know my weight so i KNOW i won't have water retention. For example, I was drinking A LOT of (like seven) diet pops every day, weighed myself (after two weeks) and had gained 5 pounds. I kind of flipped out so I decided NO POP for a while and within 12-24 hours I had lost all 5 of those pounds.

    i know people say "muscle weighs more than fat" (which is true) but i read on the forum that you can only gain about 2-3lbs of muscle per month, and unless you were eating 3500 calories over your deficit every day, it's unlikely that you gained any fat.

    hope that helps!

    ^ this!!!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I gained 2 pounds my first month! I checked my sodium, increased my water intake and kept on keeping on and since then I've been at a steady -1 per week. You can't worry too much about that...your weight loss chart will ALWAYS have some ups in it, it's the overall trend that matters. It sucks when those little hops up happen right at the beginning but try not to worry and you will do fine!
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    TOM does it to me every month :-/