April 2016 Running Challenge



  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @Orphia My shoe collection seems to grows every time I go to a race. Funny smoothie recipe.

    @ddmom0811 4 retired shoes and 3 in the rotation. Last year they had a shoe drive for charity and we turned in all our Clean Retired shoes that were still good for walking. These went to Haiti. Some of my local friends take them on vacation ( Mexico,Cuba etc ) with soccer/footballs/baseballs and give them to the Hotel Staff.

    @MNLittleFinn I run Trails through the winter snow and summer mud and have never had a pair of Trail shoes in my collection. I find that unless I get into really rough-rocky mountainous terrain I don't need the extra footbed/traction of trail shoes. But then I do need an excuse to buy some shoes with deeper tread patterns.

    @WhatMeRunning 9 pairs in rotation - impressive and now you have talked me into new trail shoes.

    Well off to meet our Saturday Morning crew as we are heading into the Hills and Trees on the North East Riverbank Benchlands around town. Roots, Ruts and Trails that I have not explored yet.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @juliet3455 Yeah, I'm not sure I need trail shoes....but another pair for the collection would be nice....
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,131 Member
    edited April 2016
    01/04 4 miles
    04/04 5 miles
    05/04 4 miles
    06/04 4 miles
    08/04 5 miles
    09/04 4 miles
    11/04 4 miles
    13/04 4 miles
    14/04 5miles
    16/04 4miles
    19/04 6.25 miles
    20/04 4 miles
    22/04 3 miles
    23/04 4 miles
    24/04 3 miles
    26/04 5.25 miles
    27/04 5 miles
    28/04 4 miles
    30/04 3.25miles

    Good luck to everyone with marathons and half marathons this weekend!!


  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited April 2016
    I wear a retired pair for casual shoes until the next pair is retired and donate the older pair (which are still in great looking condition) to a local clothing center charity organization my wife volunteers for. So now that I think about it, while she may not be aware of the shoes coming into the house, she is certainly aware of the ones going out of the house to the clothing center. Maybe that is why she hasn't busted my chops yet.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2016
    Orphia wrote: »
    Holy crap, I've got shoe envy.

    I've only been using my Nikes since February. My Asics weren't supporting my flat feet enough.

    Need to buy more shoes!

    OK, since I lose the shoe competition, how's THIS for a smoothie?



    My husband says 3 grams would kill you. A quarter gram is plenty... Half tops. :scream:

    So if you have 3 grams, you gotta share :grin:
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    Holy crap, I've got shoe envy.

    I've only been using my Nikes since February. My Asics weren't supporting my flat feet enough.

    Need to buy more shoes!

    OK, since I lose the shoe competition, how's THIS for a smoothie?



    My husband says 3 grams would kill you. A quarter gram is plenty... Half tops. :scream:

    So if you have 3 grams, you gotta share :grin:
    Honestly though, with the ratio of kale to everything else, I'm guessing this is a one sip ordeal. Maybe that's why it's so strong in....kale?:smile:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    Holy crap, I've got shoe envy.

    I've only been using my Nikes since February. My Asics weren't supporting my flat feet enough.

    Need to buy more shoes!

    OK, since I lose the shoe competition, how's THIS for a smoothie?



    My husband says 3 grams would kill you. A quarter gram is plenty... Half tops. :scream:

    So if you have 3 grams, you gotta share :grin:
    Honestly though, with the ratio of kale to everything else, I'm guessing this is a one sip ordeal. Maybe that's why it's so strong in....kale?:smile:

    Ah, the recipe serves 10-12!
  • PoppetsMaster
    PoppetsMaster Posts: 200 Member
    3 grams will NOT kill you. You are free to speculate on the absolute confidence behind that statement.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    3 grams will NOT kill you. You are free to speculate on the absolute confidence behind that statement.
    Maybe so. But people are really going to regret those 2 whole cups of kale.:trollface:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Has anyone else noticed it is the GUYS with the most shoes???

    Some of the races I have been to have donation bins for retired shoes. They clean them and give them to running organizations for the homeless like 'Back on My Feet'. Somehow though I never seem to realize it until I get to the race and I don't have the shoes to donate with me.

    I am heading out for my long run - probably won't be the 13 I need to hit my goal because I didn't get up early enough. It rained overnight unexpectedly so I am having to rethink my route. Going to be sloppy any direction I go :smile:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @WhatMeRunning - my husband would totally agree with you on the kale!
    @PoppetsMaster - I am sure your absolute confidence comes from work with your clients and not from personal experience!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    3 grams will NOT kill you. You are free to speculate on the absolute confidence behind that statement.

    So...... You makin' the smoothie...... Then takin' us shoe shoppin'? :love:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    3 grams will NOT kill you. You are free to speculate on the absolute confidence behind that statement.

    So...... You makin' the smoothie...... Then takin' us shoe shoppin'? :love:

    I'm in - at least for the shopping!
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,131 Member
    I'm only after noticing the last ingredient- maybe that would speed me up a little :D

    I've got 3, well 4 pairs of trainers only because I also have trouble parting with them! I only use the newest for running. Mine are Brooks Adrenalines and very old pair of Nike Lunarglides. I did have a pair of Asic's which I couldn't get rid of fast enough as all they gave me were blisters
  • lousoulbody
    lousoulbody Posts: 663 Member
    Shoes, smoothies, whats a girl to do. Today is myrest day and i just wanna thank y'all for providing the entertainment! Thank You-all!
  • MLS1582
    MLS1582 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm sad to say that I've completely lost track of the conversations here. I was doing really well (and really enjoying it!) until last week when life just got away from me a bit. :/
    On the up-side - I surpassed my goal for the month by more than 10 miles! I've got my first official 10K next weekend, and today's "practice run" went really well.
    4/1 - 2.2m easy
    4/2 - 6.2m (my first full 10k!)
    4/3 - 3.9m easy
    4/4 - 2m easy
    4/6 - 3.6m 8x400 @ 2:20/interval
    4/8 - 4.1 easy
    4/9 - 4m easy
    4/10 - 6m @ 5k pace
    4/11 - Skipped it - YIKES!
    4/12 - 2.5 m easy
    4/13 - 4m wog (speedwork fail!)
    4/15 - 4 miles easy
    4/16 - 6.5 HM pace
    4/17 - 3m recovery
    4/18 - 3m easy; 1 m fast
    4/20 - 5m w/6x400 @ 2:15
    4/23 - 2.75 m @5k pace & 3.5 m hiking
    4/24 - 6.2m HM pace
    4/27 - 4m @5k pace
    4/29 - 5.2 m easy
    4/30 - 6.2m @ HM pace

    Total: 86/75

    5/7 - Sgt. Larner Memorial 10k
    6/25 - Jackson River Scenic Trail 10k
    9/4 - VA Beach R&R Half Marathon
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    April Running Totals (miles)
    4/1 – scheduled rest day
    4/2 – 13.31 easy
    4/3 – 7.83 easy
    4/4 – 4.59 easy 30 minutes + 4 strides
    4/5 – 14.14 warm up + speed work
    4/6 – 5.18 easy
    4/7 – 11.45 – short warmup, long speed work
    4/8 – scheduled rest day
    4/9 – 7.30 speed work
    4/10 – 11.67 easy
    4/11 – 3.87 easy
    4/12 – 7.78 warm up, speed work, cool down, commute
    4/13 – 3.92 easy
    4/14 – 7.30 warmup + light speed work
    4/15 – 3.86 easy
    4/16 – travel day, no running
    4/17 – 2.70 very easy
    4/18 – 26.39 Boston Marathon (couldn’t' run good tangents)
    4/19 – travel day, no running
    4/20 – 4.05 recovery run
    4/21 – 5.28 easy
    4/22 – 4.00 easy
    4/23 – ad hoc rest day
    4/24 – 13.26 Flower City Half
    4/25 – planned rest day
    4/26 – extra rest day
    4/27 – 4 to 6 miles 3rd rest day
    4/28 – maybe 2 or 3 easy miles 4th rest day
    4/29 – 4.00 easy
    4/30 – rest day

    April total to date – 161.88

    Nominal Challenge Goal – 200 miles
    Real Goals: Taper well. Arrive at Hopkinton healthy. Run Boston well. Recover well.

    Today's notes – Closing out the month with a rest day. After yesterday's 4 miles, the pesky right hip abductor is still sore this morning. I think I set myself back a day or two on leg recovery, but definitely helped with recovery from the cold.

    Murphy's law and weather: The 4 days in a row I didn't run featured drop-dead gorgeous running weather. Weather was okay yesterday evening, clouds and mist/drizzle. Today I won't run, and it's drop-dead gorgeous running weather again. I hope to feel good enough to run tomorrow; the forecast is for a steady rain. If the legs cooperate, the rain will be the least of my worries.

    Mentally, I feel much better for having run yesterday. Lots of non-running days in a row tend to get to me.

    I threw out a May goal of 150 miles; I have no idea whether that will be too much or ludicrously low. The intellectual side says recover, run a couple weeks normal, then start training for Rochester. The emotional side of me says, "OMG! Your days of running long miles are over!" Kind of like taper, but with no race imminent.

    Thinking about adding races to the calendar, but can't bring myself to pay up until I can run normally again. Normal for me, that is.

    2016 races:
    January 1, 2016 Resolution Run 7.5 mile (Mendon, NY) finished in 53:58
    January 9, 2016 Winter Warrior Half Marathon (Gates, NY) finished in 1:30:59
    March 12, 2016 Johnny's Runnin' of the Green 5 mile (Rochester, NY) finished in 32:32
    March 26, 2016 Spring Forward Distance Run 15K (Mendon, NY) finished in 1:05:24
    April 18, 2016 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA) finished in 3:23:01
    April 24, 2016 Flower City Challenge Half Marathon (Rochester, NY) finished in 1:36:50, targeting MP
    May 15, 2016 Highland Hospital Lilac Run 10K (Rochester, NY)
    June 19, 2016 Medved 5K to Cure ALS (Rochester, NY)
    July 16, 2016 Shoreline Half Marathon (Hilton, NY)
    September 18, 2016 Rochester Marathon (Rochester, NY)

  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Oh, the shoe competition! I'm nowhere near winning it, as I tend to stick with what has worked for me. The plan is to have 3 pair of Saucony Kinvaras in rotation. Right now I have 4, because the pair I thought I'd retire has lasted longer than expected, and I started a new pair before Boston so I'd be sure to have 2 pair to travel with.

    So I have 4 pair of Kinvaras in play, 3 in boxes waiting for other shoes to be retired. I have 1 pair of Saucony Peregrines for snowy roads and trails, and 1 pair of Asics 33-M's that are a good walking shoe for me. Saw the wear on the M's this morning, and went online to order another pair. Also ordered more Superfeet Blue inserts, since I don't have enough on the shelf for all the shoes in boxes, and I found a good price today.

    Old shoes get donated for recycling, I don't know whether they get worn again or turned into tracks and playground surfaces. But it's easier for me to donate them than pitch them, and I can't afford the space for all the running shoes I can't run in any more. And I couldn't use that many pair for walking, even if I hadn't found that the M's are better for walking than the Kinvaras. I did save one old pair of Pergrines for lawn mowing and snow shoveling duty; they're okay to walk in, too.

    Disclaimer: I make no claim that Superfeet is a must have insert for everyone. I use them at the direction of my podiatrist. What's good for my feet might not be the best solution for your feet.
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    edited April 2016
    4/1...5.0 @ 12:00 on the TM (4.0 @ 11:15 and 1.0 walking)
    4/2....3.1 @ 11:45 through the neighborhood. My ankle hurt the first mile or so, especially on the uphill bits--downhill isn't too bad
    4/3...Rest day
    4/4...4.6 @ 11:32 on the rail trail and neighborhood streets
    4/5...2.8 @ 11:50 on the TM--that's 2.3 (just to make it even!) @ 11:15 and .5 at a walk, plus strength training
    4/6...Rest day, but I got to go help out at my son's RunFit club. Next time I'm wearing my own running shoes so I can chase him with a sharp stick so he doesn't walk so much! (That was a joke...don't call CPS or Jeff Galloway...)
    4/7...7.0 @ 11:25 on the TM (This was really 6.25 at 11:05 and .75 walking to cool down)
    4/8...2.0 @ 12:06 (just had a short time to run while the kids were at gym)
    4/9...Unintended rest day. I got dressed to run...that counts for something, right? LOL
    4/10...4.6 @ 13:39 with the slow poke pup. We ran about 3 miles in the 12:00 neighborhood and walked the rest. Well, I walked. He sniffed and did...doggy stuff.
    4/11...3.0 @ 12:00 ish on the basement beheamoth. The kiddos were home sick from school so I was grounded, too.
    4/12...2.25 @ 12:00 on the treadmill and strength training
    4/13...6.2 @ 12:34 on the rail trail and neighborhood streets
    4/14...Rest Day
    4/15...4.75 @ 11:56 on the park trail. I decided to try running with earbuds so I couldn't hear my phone telling me how fast I was going. I settled in to a nice easy pace, but I didn't hold back either. This is the pace I love to run, and it was remarkably consistent, with splits of 11:55, 11:46, 12:03, 11:51 and 12:00.
    4/16-17 I've been a slug with a terrible head cold, so no running.
    4/18...5.0 @ 12:23 My first run in the heat...I was wilting by mile 4. The funny thing is that I looked at last year's run for today and lo and behold, I told myself then that I should remember water and sunscreen. Some people never learn!
    4/19...3.5 @ 13:16 Ugh. I started out with the dog and then had to bring him back home because he just wouldn't get with the program. And then I was just sluggish with breathing troubles (oh, Spring, you are lovely but sneezy!!) It's probably good for me to just do a nice, easy run, but I was still a little disappointed.
    4/20...4.75 @ 12:06 on the park trail. I'll be honest and say that I'm surprised my time was this slow--it felt like I was flying. It was a really nice run, though, and the weather was perfect. I think I was smiling the whole time.
    4/21...Rest Day. I took my daughter to Temple University to visit with lots of walking...and food trucks!
    4/22...3.5 @ a super easy 12:38 on the Perkiomen Trail--it was a wonderful run
    4/23...6.25 @ 11:57 on the lake trail and roads for the Healthy Strides Community 10K
    4/24...Rest Day
    4/25...4.75 @ at an easy 12:23 on a new-to-me lake trail.
    4/26...3.0 @ 12:40 (2 running, 1 walking) on the treadmill at the gym, and strength training
    4/27-28 Rest Days
    4/29...This was a planned run day, but had some sort of gallbladder attack? the night before and was in a bit of pain still in the morning.
    4/30...5.2 @ 11:10 at the Run for the Children 8K. The three days of rest didn't seem to hurt too much. I had a good race today. It was far hillier than I anticipated, but I managed to keep a pretty steady pace (although not negative intervals) for the whole thing. I see that it isn't any better than my January race, but I was at the height of my half-marathon training and *not* dealing with anemia and gallbladder problems, so I'm still going to call it a win. :) I came in 9/21 for women in my age group, and 121/173 overall.

    Completed races:
    1/18 MLK 8K, Burke, VA 56:14
    2/22 Princess Half, Orlando FL, 2:49:33
    4/23 Healthy Strides Community 10K, Burke, VA 1:14:29
    4/30 Run for the Children 8K, Fairfax, VA 56:35

    Upcoming races:
    5/21 RunFitKidz 5K, Springfield, VA
    6/12 Celebrate Fairfax 5K, Fairfax, VA
    7/4 Freedom 5K, Fairfax VA
    9/5 Great American 5K, Fairfax, VA
    Either Hemlock Half or Divas Half in September
    10/30 MCM 10K, Washington, DC
    11/6 The Parks 10K, Washington, DC
    11/19 Potomac River Half, Carderock, MD


  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »

    I think I need more shoes..... :love: I have 8 pair, but only 3 or 4 I run in. A pair I've yet to come to love, and 3-4 pair that are retired for walking and yard work.

    Hey everyone- For entertainment these last few days of the month- HOW MANY SHOES DO YOU HAVE?

    I only have a few pair:

    2 pr retired Saucony Guide 8s
    1 pr almost retired Guide 8s
    1 pr almost retired Saucony Peregrine 5s
    1 new pr Guide 9s
    1 new pr Brooks Cascadia 11s
    I also may have a pair of Mizuno Wave Inspire 12s in my shopping cart at Amazon...just being thoughtful about pushing "buy". They're marked down, but still $100.