Joined mfp 35 days ago! And strted 30ds yesterday!

I found this website thru my iPhone app and I am so thankful for it. It has helped start my journey to a better ME. Im a zumba lover .... anyone who has completed 30ds?? Please give me your success stories. I just started 30 DS yesterday and it kicked my butt!


  • helloclaire
    helloclaire Posts: 191

    I also found MPF through my iPhone app and have lost 8-10 pounds in about two weeks!

    I tried the 30DS yesterday, with no weights, and it kicked my butt too. Never sweated like that in my life, and ended up throwing up a bit after..haha.

    I won't be able to do it everyday but I'll probably try to do it whenever I can't get to the gym. I'm feeling it all over my body today and I'm pretty confident if you can stick with it, you'll see great results!
  • helloclaire
    helloclaire Posts: 191
    My goal weight for 2012 is also 130lb :) We can do this!
  • commit4me
    commit4me Posts: 7 Member
    I know it's gonna be hard but I'm sticking to it! I'm giving it my all ... I used 2 lbs weights and my arms are so sore. Hopefully as the days go by it will get better!
  • cvstokke
    cvstokke Posts: 249 Member
    sorry if this is dumb, i'm new - what's 30ds?
  • irishwitch
    irishwitch Posts: 21
    30DS is a 30 day shred workout by Jillian Michaels. I haven't tried it I'm doing insanity but i have heard great things about it.