hi...looking for friends/motivation



  • HotMermaid729
    HotMermaid729 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome! B)
  • cassedebain69
    cassedebain69 Posts: 19 Member
    Fell free to add me
  • HotMermaid729
    HotMermaid729 Posts: 806 Member
    It's always fun to make new friends! B)
  • JennitheMermaid
    JennitheMermaid Posts: 4 Member
    Hey, Just added you. Anyone who wants to add me feel free :) I need some motivation!!
  • HotMermaid729
    HotMermaid729 Posts: 806 Member
  • HotMermaid729
    HotMermaid729 Posts: 806 Member
  • HotMermaid729
    HotMermaid729 Posts: 806 Member
  • HotMermaid729
    HotMermaid729 Posts: 806 Member
  • HotMermaid729
    HotMermaid729 Posts: 806 Member
    Alrighty....I am having a slow morning, but that's okay. My alarm was going off for SIXTEEN minutes before I heard it.

    Lol.....today's gonna be a GREAT day! I just know it! B)
  • HotMermaid729
    HotMermaid729 Posts: 806 Member
  • HotMermaid729
    HotMermaid729 Posts: 806 Member
    Looks like no rain.....finally! Maybe a spin around the block 10 times will get my day going.

    What are you doing this morning to MOVE?! B)
  • Viggyfuss
    Viggyfuss Posts: 20 Member
    edited May 2016
    anyone feel free to add me, I'm starting again (28 lost in 2014, found it all in 2015) going for the gusto to get it off and keep it off. could use to give and receive motivation. thanks
  • akhikrish
    akhikrish Posts: 3 Member
    Yup right there with you. Keep doing this, you can do it!!
  • HotMermaid729
    HotMermaid729 Posts: 806 Member
  • HotMermaid729
    HotMermaid729 Posts: 806 Member
  • HotMermaid729
    HotMermaid729 Posts: 806 Member
  • HotMermaid729
    HotMermaid729 Posts: 806 Member
    Make it a great day! You can also make new fitness friends! Add me if you want and welcome to MFP! B)
  • HotMermaid729
    HotMermaid729 Posts: 806 Member
    It's a great day to add new friends. Just sayin!

    Make it a fantastic day! B)
  • Woodlewop
    Woodlewop Posts: 4 Member
    I have a whole lot more weight to lose than you do, and am also starting a new. Feel free to add me!
  • kc_lea
    kc_lea Posts: 65 Member
    Added you :):) I am recently-ish back on MFP and really liking the motivation of having some friends here. I am trying to post about my fitness journey as an aspiring long distance runner who is also trying to lose ~20 lbs. Otherwise, I just like hearing from other people as well!