Really depressed about my weight



  • Dhafer7
    Dhafer7 Posts: 14 Member
    I have almost 0 support at home.

    Seeing everyone support me also seeing other who also have the same goals as you ,makes me feel very very happy.

    Thank you and I'm confident I will lose all those extra pound .
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I'm sorry you don't have support at home, but it doesn't really matter. You are the one that needs to decide to lose weight and do it. It's a slow process--day by day, so you just need to persist and find the best way for you to go forward.
  • nadler64
    nadler64 Posts: 124 Member
    edited May 2016
    You can totally do this. Just commit to this mindset: it's a lifestyle change. You're going to be learning (and making mistakes along the way, it's ok) a new and healthier way to live - not just doing a temporary fix to lose the weight, because if you do that, I guarantee it will all come back. Also keep in mind that it's a marathon, not a sprint. It will be a long journey but you will get there. One step at a time.

    I do recommend seeing a doctor to start, and asking him/her to set you up with a registered dietician if there is such a thing where you live. Don't bother with "nutritionists." They don't have the training and licensing requirements of a dietician. Also ask the doc to set you up with an exercise physiologist. This person will teach you to be active in a safe and healthy way.

    Most of us here have struggled with our weight all of our lives (I'm 51). It's only in the past year that I finally made that lifestyle commitment; I've lost the weight and kept it off, and I'm healthier than I've ever been in my adult life. I can't imagine going back to my old ways because I feel so much better now. If you can learn good habits now while you're still young, you've got it made.

    We've got your back. <3
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    You can do this! Set yourself a couple of achievable goals at first (for example, go for a 30 min walk 3x week, if you drink 3 cans of soda reduce to drink just 1, etc...). Small goals make it more achievable and harder to set yourself up for failure. Once you master those, you can increase your goals...
    And like everyone has been saying: Log everything you eat (measure and weight your foods as much as you can, guesstimating will usually render more calories consumed than you think), and log your workouts... try to stay within your allowed calorie consumption every day!!!
    And most importantly, remember that you are worth the work!!!!
  • cgvet37
    cgvet37 Posts: 1,189 Member
    It's more mental then physical. If you have the right mindset, you can accomplish your goals. Like others have said, see your Dr. first. Then make a list of short term goals. Track everything you eat, and be honest. Above all, don't quit. It's going to be challenging, but it will pay off in the end. Mind above matter.
  • PiperGirl08
    PiperGirl08 Posts: 134 Member
    Dhafer7 wrote: »
    Hi I'm new to this app and I like the community

    My weight is 310 lbs .
    I'm really struggling to lose alot of pounds I just don't know what happens that makes me eventually give up .

    I'm 24 years old guy .
    Do you think its possible to lose at least 50 lbs by the start of 2017?

    I really need some help of any ideas that can help me keep going


    You need to be honest with yourself and reflect on why you want to lose weight -- that is the only way you'll stay motivated. Because when times get hard, that is what you will have to keep in your mind's eye as a carrot.

    Your motives cannot be surperficial nor can they be other people's reasons. Once you have along term/lifetime goal, you'll be ready to make the trek. If not, even if you succeed to some degree, you'll found yourself back here looking for help.

    You have to decide you want this and you have to make it happen. No one else can. You have to want to change your life and embrace the challenge of doing so.

    Best of luck to you.
  • lizzelspark
    lizzelspark Posts: 178 Member
    Yes you can !! You can do anything you set your mind to do good luck and enjoy the journey that's the most rewarding part is starting and seeing each day the changes your body does and how good you feel by losing weight and getting stronger :)
  • WalkingQueen1979
    WalkingQueen1979 Posts: 119 Member
    Aww you can do it. It takes time but the key is don't give up and take it one day at a time. Being on mfp is a good start if you need help feel free to add me