Diet soda

ma2007pmc Posts: 58 Member
Is it really as bad as the health reports say? I get my water in but I also have a "healthy" coke zero addiction.


  • jen_bush
    jen_bush Posts: 679 Member
    Everything is okay in moderation, in my opinion.
  • Heartlight441
    Heartlight441 Posts: 278 Member
    I know it's not good, however it's one of my remaining guilty pleasures I allow myself and guilt free too. I have a little most evenings. I will cut it out one day, but not yet.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,919 Member
    It's fine. Lots of "unhealthy" or "it'll make you gain weight" articles use correlation as proof. Especially when they site "chemicals" in it, but not letting people really know that the chemicals are in every day foods that people eat regularly.
    Personally I've been drinking it for 25+ years and haven't suffered from any of the ailments that many "health" sites advocate will happen if you do drink it daily and on a regular basis.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    My personal experience drinking two cans of diet Pepsi per day at lunch; I started have slurred speech on occasion in the afternoon for no known reason. I stopped drinking diet Pepsi and the slurred speech has not returned after over five years.

    Cause and effect in my case and your situation may be different. I believe there is enough evidence of health risk to merit caution and further research.

    I now only drink coffee and water. I also refuse to discuss the subject, I am not a scientist but I know without doubt it had a detrimental affect on me.
  • ma2007pmc
    ma2007pmc Posts: 58 Member personal choice....Thanks all.
  • MindPump1
    MindPump1 Posts: 77 Member
    It causes cancer --- just wanted to turn this into a 200 page thread.

    I think you probably did. I got into a debate/argument with people over how unhealthy diet soda is in another thread, and the people are ruthless. I was having this same conversation with a buddy of mine who happens to be a nurse, and he agrees, the Aspartame is what we should be worried about. That is what causes cancer. I'm sure I'll get people that will bark at me and demand I show studies, or websites to back up my view, but I'm just saying what we talked about. Also, do you actually think doctors, will actually say that person A's death was caused by soda? There is to much money in the food industry for death to be linked to soda, or diseases to be directly to soda. So, MFP, have at it.
  • ma2007pmc
    ma2007pmc Posts: 58 Member
    Lol... I also use Splenda in my coffee in the morning
  • MindPump1
    MindPump1 Posts: 77 Member
    And here come all the experts in the health industry. Please inform me how soda is healthy for me! You guys are my inspiration!!!
  • ReaderGirl3
    ReaderGirl3 Posts: 868 Member
    alexzenk86 wrote: »
    And here come all the experts in the health industry. Please inform me how soda is healthy for me! You guys are my inspiration!!!

    I don't even drink soda anymore and I recognize that your post was flat out wrong. But, yeah really no point :p
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    edited May 2016
    psulemon wrote: »
    Here is what you will expect to hear in this thread:

    1. It causes cravings
    2. It cause headaches
    3. Aspartame spikes insulin
    4. It's worse than regular soda

    And the answers are:

    1. Most people don't experience this but only a small subset
    2. Same as above
    3. Not even remotely true
    4. Same as above

    If you like the taste and helps keep you on track, like it has for me, then go for it. Still drink plenty of water and things like tea.

    If you want to know the science behind aspertame, then read : . Aaron has a PhD and molecular biology and has documented a lot of good information.

    I actually tried this. I'm a T2D so blood sugar spikes are important to me. About a year ago, I decided to test the "artificial sweeteners causes blood sugar spikes" rumor. I fasted for a four hours, then drank a 20 oz Diet Pepsi. For the next two hours I took my blood sugars every 15 minutes. They ranged from 97-109, with 109 being the beginning number. These numbers are well within normal variable levels. I'm not phenylkentonuric, I don't have headaches and my teeth are fine. I won't be giving up my diet soda anytime soon!

    ETA: I am also cancer free, heart disease free and I use Splenda to sweeten just about everything!
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    alexzenk86 wrote: »
    And here come all the experts in the health industry. Please inform me how soda is healthy for me! You guys are my inspiration!!!

    You go first, we need the studies that prove diet soda is bad.
  • MindPump1
    MindPump1 Posts: 77 Member
    alexzenk86 wrote: »
    And here come all the experts in the health industry. Please inform me how soda is healthy for me! You guys are my inspiration!!!

    I don't even drink soda anymore and I recognize that your post was flat out wrong. But, yeah really no point :p

    Flat out wrong? Talking to a nurse, who just went to medical school, informs me that the Aspartame is what causes cancer? Yep I'm wrong. Go ahead and believe what you want. I don't drink soda any more. I used to. I loved it, I would drink it every day. But I realized that that along with the food I was consuming was killing me. So I changed my life. I drink water, tea and coffee and stick to a lot healthier foods. But again, the opinions of the people here mean nothing to me.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    alexzenk86 wrote: »
    It causes cancer --- just wanted to turn this into a 200 page thread.

    I think you probably did. I got into a debate/argument with people over how unhealthy diet soda is in another thread, and the people are ruthless. I was having this same conversation with a buddy of mine who happens to be a nurse, and he agrees, the Aspartame is what we should be worried about. That is what causes cancer. I'm sure I'll get people that will bark at me and demand I show studies, or websites to back up my view, but I'm just saying what we talked about. Also, do you actually think doctors, will actually say that person A's death was caused by soda? There is to much money in the food industry for death to be linked to soda, or diseases to be directly to soda. So, MFP, have at it.

    If you want to take your information from people with no formal training in nutrition (nurses, doctors) vice tons of studies that prove otherwise, that is your prerogative.