Low Carb Journey Looking For Friends

Hi I'm not 'new' to My Fitness Pal or lo carb eating as I have tried both before. I had minimal success with LC and none with MFP as I never found any friends but I have decided it is never too late to try again. I let me stressful life get in the way of doing what I know is right and works, I let my spouse sabatoge me and my depression get the better of me.....NOT ANYMORE!

I have re-started my low carb eating plan and re-started my MFP account and I am looking for friends.


  • TriciaCh
    TriciaCh Posts: 15 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm not particularly chatty but I do 'like' status updates and am paying attention even if it seems like I'm not. if you ask a question on your status I'll answer if I feel I have something that can help, or something that helped me. I tend to eat low carb since I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I am not new to MFP and had great success several years ago going from 139 to 99. (I am very tiny) Then bang. I gained back 30 lbs. I can't get into any of my pretty new clothes. I am very depressed. Low carb works for me. I am here everyday and sometimes I am chatty and sometimes not. Please add me.
  • falalaholly
    falalaholly Posts: 27 Member
    feel free to add me, i'm not new to MFP either.. I am no stranger to low-carb eating either! we're all going through a journey and can motivate each other on the way!
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've been low carbing for almost 4 months
  • dschacke
    dschacke Posts: 22 Member
    I'm getting back to it after too long! Don't let anyone sabotage you!
  • KaysKidz
    KaysKidz Posts: 208 Member
    Add me! I'm about 2.5 weeks back into eating lower carb. I set my max at 75g and it's working for me. :smiley:
  • maeganare
    maeganare Posts: 3 Member
    feel free to add me! my husband and I started a keto diet, so I know all about the LC. Down 9 pounds in one week!
  • RedSavvy10
    RedSavvy10 Posts: 33 Member
    You can add me! I've been doing low carb on and off since August of last year and am down 20lbs! Are you on FB? There is a great low carb page on there, that's where I get alllllll my recipes and support
  • Add me if you want. I'm restarting Paleo/Primal, which can be low carb if I want it to be.
  • kirstinethornburg
    kirstinethornburg Posts: 300 Member
    Add me as well. Could use suggestions for low carb ideas for lunches and ideas to re[place string cheese as snacks that would have no carbs or lower then 3 grams of carbs but would be healthy and quick.
  • shantellward
    shantellward Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there, I just started low carb eating (day 2) and I'm feeling pretty good about it so far. I'm adjusting what I'm eating here and there to make sure I'm getting the right nutrients. I get feed back from both ends, they nay sayers and the pat on the back type. Add me and we can keep each other going! :D
  • dvorbau
    dvorbau Posts: 14 Member
    Way to go and excellent to hear you've given another go of it!!! I'm new to MPF personally and just getting used to things around here and with my new VivoFit HR, but given a little time I'll get used to it and these forums!

    Feel free to add me as a friend (that goes for anyone else to looking for motivation and encouragement!) if you'd like, I love to motivate people and love being be successful not just in health but in life also! Keep at it and you'll reach your fitness and health goals! Btw from the looks of it, seems there are plenty of kind folks willing to lend that helping hand as well! Good Luck!

  • Gritty_Gal
    Gritty_Gal Posts: 96 Member
    I love this thread. Just researching and trying out the paleo way of living. Having hard time giving up bread, the other carb loaded foods I can do without, no problem... Would love to join your guys on your journey. Please add me to your friend list :)
  • SWink06
    SWink06 Posts: 73 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am on day 5 of keto.
  • lowjax75
    lowjax75 Posts: 589 Member
    Anyone can add me if they wish. I've been off and on with Keto/LCHF for about 8 years. Things go well, then I fall back to my old ways. Been going strong since July of last year and am down just over 50 pounds. Happy help encourage anyone who wants more friends.
  • glennner
    glennner Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I am a repeat offender as well. Low carb has worked well for me in the past but life keeps getting in my way. That just means I am not strong in the face of stress and big emotions... Add me and will do my best to stay connected. I am tired of being fat and tired.
  • kirstinethornburg
    kirstinethornburg Posts: 300 Member
    Low carb is going well for me. I haveave been doing it for a little over a month and have lost 10 pounds. When stressed I find myself missing my pay day candy bars and donuts but can not control those foods so I do not eat them at all any more. As well as no pasta or breads or potatoes . Eating out can be tricky but have found restraubts that have awesome salads that fit my diet
  • redatheart
    redatheart Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a 25 year old single mom of a 4 year old. Never managed to lose the pregnancy weight. I've been doing keto for 2 weeks now and already am noticing huge differences in how my clothes fit. But I'm always looking for keto resources, recipes and motivation!! Feel free to add me :)
  • roylovegrove
    roylovegrove Posts: 3 Member
    I have had great success at lo-carb, down 50 lbs since New Years.
    Feel free to add as I am not sure how to do it
  • kdarnell28
    kdarnell28 Posts: 21 Member
    You can add me too if you'd like ☺️
  • StacyReneO
    StacyReneO Posts: 317 Member
    Add me too!
  • vivsky
    vivsky Posts: 6 Member
    I've just restarted primal to manage hypoglycaemia and use Misfit Shine tracker to monitor my activity. Feel free to add me
  • PurpleSnack
    PurpleSnack Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. I was on mfp and low carb last year, I was 10stone 10 pounds in September and went up to 11st 5 in Jan. Since starting back on MFP I've gone down to 11st 2 and I've just began trying to cut carbs (although I had bread with my breakfast this morning
  • chloepops92
    chloepops92 Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me, would love more friends on here, I've just got myself a misfit flash tracker and hoping it will help me with motivation :)
  • kiley42790
    kiley42790 Posts: 3 Member
    Add me too! I need more mfp friends. I've been doing low carb since early December. The only thing that helps me with my hypothyroidism! I cut out gluten too but still have days where I go out to eat and don't follow this.
  • dexfatpants
    dexfatpants Posts: 55 Member
    Low carb is one of the only things that works for me. I just started back on MFP again after 2 years. I had great success, but then started slacking....now I'm up almost 20 lbs again. Nope. Time to get back on track. I have to fit in a wedding dress in 6 months
  • nacus2664
    nacus2664 Posts: 17 Member
    yep not new to mfp but I will be doing low carb, probably the dukan diet.
  • kaye300
    kaye300 Posts: 29 Member
    Feel free to add my as well....doing LC add have same hubby issues....
  • rerez2015
    rerez2015 Posts: 72 Member
    edited May 2016
  • lainy1979
    lainy1979 Posts: 173 Member
    Hey, I've been on mfp since Jan and I've managed to lose 19lb so far. I need to start thinking about a low carb diet but I know i'm really going to find it difficult to cut out bread and potatoes and find some sort of alternative. I'm vegetarian and carbs make up the bulk of my meals. Ideas and support from people finding success with the low carb thing would be great, I honestly get a bit upset by the thought of no more hot buttered toast for breakfast :D