How do you stay motivated each day?



  • beach_chelle
    beach_chelle Posts: 221
    As someone mentiOned that 4 pounds in two weeks is great. However I stay motivated by taking other measurements i.e. Hips and waist. AlsO as tempting as it is I only try to do it no more then than twice a week. I also keep a picture on my phone from when I started and look at it and myself in the mirror to really see the change.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    how do you stay motivated and focused on the big picture??

    I have changed my way of thinking from "weight" to "health". I have more control over my health, and the weight (loss) will follow. I am also very realistic with what I'm willing to do long term, and if I'm not willing, I maybe shouldn't even go down that road because then it won't be a lifestyle change, only a quick fix and I can attest that will not work.
  • heather0416
    heather0416 Posts: 118 Member
    It helps every time i enter food into my phone, i see how many calories i eat each day. When i go for my daily walk/jog, i usually burn around 300 calories. When I get into the pantry to get a "snack" I see all the goodies.. i ask myself if i really want to eat a candy bar, cup of ice cream, chocolate milk.. is it really work having to do all that walking just for one piece of candy?! I decide its not!!
    What also helped me to get where im at now is a picture I saw of myself. My aunt put together a family album. The family was all looking at it. There was a picture in there of me at my sisters wedding. We were all trying to figure out which one of my kids i was pregnant with.. after a few minutes my mom pointed out that i wasnt pregnant. I was just seriously overweight. I was so emberassed!! Ive lost almost 17lbs since then.. and im still losing.
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    For starters, take your measurements. If you're eating healthy and exercising regularly, you will see results quicker from those measurements than you will from a scale. As far as finding motivation and staying motivated, MFP is an amazing tool. By logging all your food, beverages, water, and exercise throughout the weeks you can see were you didn't do so well and can work on improving those things. The forums and people on this site are also great tools to help you get and stay motivated. Find people who have accomplished a lot in their journey to a healthier life or people in a similar situation as you and friend them. Their support, and having them able to see what you are eating each day, makes for a constant reminder that you're not in this alone. Make sure your diary is public, at least for your friends, so you can get as much out of this site as possible.
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    i maybe the odd girl out but i have learned NOT to use the scale to measure success, body wt will change daily and we seem to sabatage ourselves by looking at the numbers on the scale and want to give up instead of going by other non-scale success here are a few of the ways i measure success.

    1)completed my workout today.success
    2)stayed within my calorie range.success
    3)pushed myself to do a 45min workout that i could not do a month ago.success
    4)feeling & having more energy.success
    5)increasing wts or my workout time because they have become to easy.success
    6)staying here getting support & motivation from other like me with the same goals 8wks in a row.success
    7)posting my goal where i can see them & setting new goals for the next month.success
    8)clothes fit when they did not a month ago.success
    9)saying no to food & friends who dont help me reach my goals.success
    10)helping others who ask, how do you stay motivated?.success

    i can go on and on but i will never give up or forget this is a lifestyle change and as long as im on this road i will succeed.
  • rachelllk
    rachelllk Posts: 63
    Take a look at Jamie Eason and Wendy Lucas
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    Losing over 60 lbs has been such a huge success for me that it only makes me want to get to my goal weight even more! I know I can do it! :D
  • This is gonna sound ridiculous but it works for me :) I know this girl who has the perfect body literally nothing i would change. So when i don't feel like working out i just imagine being her how awesome she must feel!!! I wanna be able to stand next to her in a bikini and not feel like a whale!
  • imtriagain
    imtriagain Posts: 104 Member
    I struggle with this from time to time too. What I have started doing is entering what I plan to eat for the entire day into myfitness pal before I put anything into my mouth for the day. I try to allow myself a small treat each day, using some of the diet type products that are lower in calories. If I know I'm going to have a bigger day for whatever reason (eg a lunch out), I can plan to for example not have a morning snack, or choose a lower calorie one. For the past week it's worked well (although I haven't had to be around temptation).
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    I stay motivated by trying on my old jeans or buying a smaller size and being able to fit into them.
  • rure13
    rure13 Posts: 86
    I know everyone says not to, but I weigh in every starts me out thinking about my goals and when I see even a half a pound loss it keeps me motivated to see more and more... if im not down..or even up it pushes me to be better that day then the last... I know a lot of people disagree with weighing in everyday, but that is what works for me...
    good luck :)

    I do the same thing, it helps motivate me to exercise more and see I'm that much closer to reaching my goal. I also look at pictures of myself from when I was at my biggest and that definitely helps to keep me on track. Just pray about it and good luck on your journey
  • demonNIИ
    demonNIИ Posts: 187
    I just keep thinking of that boat and my picture I saw of me in the hot tub and I vowed to myself next year will be different...a new me...keep thinking of that pic I hated. That's what I tell myself
  • demonNIИ
    demonNIИ Posts: 187
    I just keep thinking of that boat and my picture I saw of me in the hot tub and I vowed to myself next year will be different...a new me...keep thinking of that pic I hated. That's what I tell myself

    why does my ticker have "for foods" on it... I didn't put that there... reply if someone can help