Battling depression



  • Simplifi
    Simplifi Posts: 128 Member
    My wife has battled depression. It's not an easy bout, but the best advice I can offer is to try and create healthy habits. Get outside, hang out with friends, do something for yourself that makes you feel good, keep bright cheery atmosphere and a clean organized home, all of this can help. Also depression episodes can have triggers too, try to identify what they might be and do what you can to correct them. Talking is always important. Try to avoid long time by yourself until you feel stronger.
  • mostein
    mostein Posts: 200 Member
    I also have depression and anxiety and struggle with feeling too embarrassed to talk to family and friends. It is important to find someone you can talk to. Maybe the therapist you see isn't the one for you, try another one maybe? I looked at your profile and see that you are a single mom, so am I. That in itself is very challenging. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • MsAmandaNJ
    MsAmandaNJ Posts: 1,248 Member
    I found keeping a journal really helped me understand myself and what I was going through. I'd write when I was up, I'd write when I was down, then I'd read. It was great to get the bad stuff out, but also to show me that there were good things.

    Your family wants you to be happy. Don't be afraid or embarrassed to confide in them, they are your built in support system. It doesn't have to be a big coming out party; even if you talk to one person you really trust, you'll likely feel better about it. I know it's scary to approach someone about this; you're not sure how they'd respond, but you'd be surprised how strong, helpful, and supportive a person is when they are confided in. Knowing you're getting help to beat depression will not make them feel bad.

    If you don't feel therapy is working, you should look for another therapist, perhaps there is another in their group you can speak with. Like someone said, it's not a one-size thing.
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Direct contact person-to-person prayer may be useful as an adjunct to standard medical care for patients with depression and anxiety. Further research in this area is indicated.

    May be useful as an adjunct....therefore might help to supplement standard care.
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    synchkat wrote: »
    Ws2016 wrote: »
    I want to reemphasize that moods are like the weather. Sometimes you have to wait out winter, but Spring will come. Also, even in the summer, there are storms. And they pass. No one stays the same mood all the time.

    I know a lot of people are recommending medication to rebalance brain chemicals, but I would urge you to try other things first. Exercise had been shown to be as or more effective in treating depression than meds. The side effects of those medicines can further the depression. (Hair loss, weight gain, suicidal ideation, diabetes, kidney problems). Just hold on to the idea that 1) it will pass and 2) with God, you CAN have joy while you wait 3) It can get better faster than you think if you pursue getting better every day with prayer, gratitude, exercise, staying away from things that make it worse.

    Depression has NOTHING to do with moods. It is a physical brain disorder. Physical, not mental.

    This...and what if the OP is an atheist? Not everyone believes in the power of prayer.

    Just read an article this morning regarding MRI scans of alcoholics. They found that those who prayed showed decreased cravings.

    So even science agrees that prayer can change brain physiology for the better.

    I'm sorry you are so down on something that 1) works and with 2) has no bad side effects.

    I just looked the study up. The participants were long-time AA members who recited an AA prayer. So in other words, people who already found that the AA methods worked for them were scanned, and their brain patterns verified the AA methods worked for them. That's not taking a random selection of alcoholics and asking them to pray. I don't believe in God, and prayer would not help me. It would feel useless. Please don't push your ideology without knowing the OP's beliefs.

    OP, I agree with the others who have said to find a psychiatrist who can assess if you would be helped by medication. Even if you don't go on medicine, a psychiatrist may be able to pair you with a therapist who specializes in counseling that will benefit you most. Some people need CBT, some need to understand their brains better, some just need to talk. If your current therapist isn't helping, you need to find someone who can.

    Talk to your family. Don't be embarrassed. You shouldn't have to go through this alone.
  • MrsBooBear
    MrsBooBear Posts: 12,618 Member
    edited May 2016
    KwaziiNeko wrote: »
    I'm so lonely, it hurts me so much and I'm up all night worrying with anxiety.
    I see a therapist but it's not helping me at all.
    I don't know what to do anymore
    I need help, advice or something
    I would talk to a family member but I'm so embarrassed about feeling this way and I don't want them to feel upset because I'm going through this.

    Lonliness is painful. Sometimes, physically so.
    You may need a new therapist. As in all relationships, not everyone can adhere with who we are.
    Seek more help. DO NOT CLOSE YOURSELF OFF. Contact MIND or a like organisation.
    See above. You are not at the point of giving up. Recognise that fact and act on it.

    There is truly, TRULY, nothing to be embarrased about. I'm so, so grateful that my son opened up to me over how he was feeling(I truly thought two years ago that I would lose him), your feelings are not debateable. Nor unimportant, trite or worthless.

    Without knowing anything about you, let me say this: You are loved more than you will ever know. Love yourself. Love yourself to seek out everything you need to put yourself on a happier, healthier path. I wish you all the best in the world.:heart:
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    synchkat wrote: »
    We all have our own beliefs I'd appreciate you respecting mine rather than putting me down because I don't believe what you do.

    My father is alive today because of modern medicine. I believe in science.

    And that's fine that you take advantage of scientific advances in medicine. There is nothing wrong with that.

    And notice I didn't put you down. I'm telling people that there are alternative therapies to conventional medications to depression that are as or more effective that do not carry the risks that medicines do. Medicine is only one tool in the toolbox and sometimes other tools work better and cause less damage.

    Choose your words wisely, you have been basically saying anyone who doesn't believe in your God is somehow in the wrong.

    Prayer is not a therapy.
  • finny11122
    finny11122 Posts: 8,436 Member
    edited May 2016
    KwaziiNeko wrote: »
    I'm so lonely, it hurts me so much and I'm up all night worrying with anxiety.
    I see a therapist but it's not helping me at all.
    I don't know what to do anymore
    I need help, advice or something
    I would talk to a family member but I'm so embarrassed about feeling this way and I don't want them to feel upset because I'm going through this.

    My father has depression and when he talks to others about it , he feels alot better . Supportive friends and family is the key . He takes meds every week to help with it and he is in great form . Never hold back and bottle things up . There is always good people out there willing to help.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I've suffered from depression since I was 9 and anxiety for the last 10 years. It's great that you are seeking professional therapy, but medications can become necessary due to the chemistry changes that happen in the brain during depression and anxiety. It may be a good idea to take that step at this point. There are lots of great medications on the market and a low dose could be enough to get you back on your feet. It took me a few months to find the right one, but pulling out of depression was simply not possible for me through other means.
  • nicapuro
    nicapuro Posts: 13 Member
    I have been suffering from depression for awhile now and I am taking zoloft and aderall to fight it; I also have a therapist who has helped me a lot. I know what you are going through, it is awful to see dark clouds all the time but do not give up and see a doctor who can prescribe you something. Go exercise and eat healthy becasuse that's what got me out of bed and after losing 40 pounds I feel alive again, hang in there and do not give up on this beautiful life.
  • JazmineChamin
    JazmineChamin Posts: 21 Member
    Everyone has their beliefs and what works for them. Ive delt with depression yrs back. Meditating/prayer...God. Thats what helped me out and really I had to start thinking positivie, then I started feeling positive. But thats just me. I agree that it could take more than just that there could be harmone inbalance who knows.
    Don't feel embarrassed, reach out to someone close to you, having someone just listen is a start.

    Lord, You are my portion and my cup of blessings; You hold my future.