Avoid squats and lunges

Hey all I was reading a blog online which advised not to do squats and lunges as well as other leg exercises.

Let me explain I have very VERY large thighs.
And wanted to know if I should do leg muscle exercises to slim them down?

But the blog I reading said that cardio is the way to go as exercises such as squats make you legs bigger?


  • pcpop7
    pcpop7 Posts: 161 Member
    If you are in a deficit nothing will make your legs bigger. You also cannot spot reduce. To reduce fat on your body you must be in a calorie deficit. If cardio help you achieve that deficit then great use it as a tool to manage your energy expenditure.

    Body builders work for years to get big legs so do not be afraid that you are suddenly going to wake up covered in muscle. If only it was that easy.
  • myfightforfitness
    myfightforfitness Posts: 136 Member
    Okay thanks a lot everyone I was just abit worried about my leg muscles bulking up and getting bigger. The blog I read was "how to slim thighs" on superskinnyme.com if you want to have a read :)
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Okay thanks a lot everyone I was just abit worried about my leg muscles bulking up and getting bigger. The blog I read was "how to slim thighs" on superskinnyme.com if you want to have a read :)

    superskinnyme. Sounds legit. <eye rolly>
  • mmclure317
    mmclure317 Posts: 11 Member
    Don't believe everything you see on the net. I love squats:) and my legs arent huge.
  • OfficialDSXIII
    OfficialDSXIII Posts: 91 Member
    I think if you're working out your legs they will get bigger regardless if it's cardio or weight training. My gf played soccer throughout school and has big thighs without squats.

    Either way though what's wrong with big strong thighs?
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    That particular website is basically crap, but the question is legitimate. Fitness professionals can sometimes be dismissive about this topic, but it can be a real concern for some body types.

    However, if you are overweight and want to look smaller, the first action is to decrease body fat. For most people that will be best accomplished by maintaining a calorie deficit and following a mixed program of cardio and resistance training with heavy(er) weights. In the weight-loss stage, adding muscle will likely not occur to a great degree. If someone is at a lower, or goal body fat percentage and still has more muscle than desired, then you have to change the way you train.

    As usual, Bret Contreras has a good article on the subject if you want to read more:

  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
  • Lynnmi07
    Lynnmi07 Posts: 131 Member
    I'm going to go against the grain here. I have a couple friends who are "bottom heavy" and have very muscular thighs and large calves and if they do a lot of lower body exercise they get larger. I think it is truly in their genetics. So I think genetics plays a large part in how squats/lunges will affect you.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    synacious wrote: »
    I know it's a "broad strokes" type of thing, but I avoid reading, and rarely take seriously anything with the word "skinny" in the title. It reeks of obsessive vanity, voodoo dieting and neuroticisim.

    Agreed. I love trying different protein/snack bars and the other day at Target I saw a Dark Chocolate Coconut Almond bar that caught my eye. I love that combo together, but when I saw the brand name for the bar "Skinnygirl" I decided to pass on it. The name is very offputting.

    I'm pretty sure I can guess what's on the site without actually visiting.
    • The suggestion to eat vegan and/or raw vegan. Lots of mentions about antioxidants and the benefits of stuff like chia seeds and power greens.
    • Cardio, cardio, cardio with only a few mentions of resistance training and most likely with light weights.
    • How to exercise/eat for your "body type".
    • Lots of quizzes.
    • Possibly the color pink and lots of it.
    That being said, I'll be avoiding that superskinnyme website like the plague, so thanks in advance OP!

    What's wrong with the color pink?
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    edited May 2016
    It was a joke. I'm wearing a pink shirt now.

    eta: I'm with you. Just having a little fun. Or trying to. Not successfully, I guess.