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What kind of fat are you?



  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    edited May 2016
    auddii wrote: »
    MommyMeggo wrote: »
    I am none of those types of fat. *but i am overweight*

    People are fat because of imbalanced gut flora?
    Or do they have an imbalanced gut flora because they are fat, ie: unhealthy?

    Why must our weight due to overeating and sedentary lifestyle always try to be blamed on other things?

    BREAKING NEWS: Airborne obesity super-bug hits NYC!!! Oh noes!!

    Well if you read through to the end that vaguely relates to the title, you don't get fat because of your gut bacteria; you get fat because you're tired or stressed. And none of the solutions mention getting a fecal transfer or eating probacteria; just get more sleep, exercise more, control food intake.

    Shocking advice really.

    I read until the end. You may notice how I specified i was none of those categories of fat- which are listed at the bottom of the page.
    I am speaking to the body of the article referencing gut bacteria.

    "I think there are definitely disease that are caused by an imbalance in microbiotia. If you look at something like Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Or obesity, that’s a possibility"

    Apparently per this statement obesity is vaguely referred to as a disease that may be cause by an imbalance of microbiotia.
    Yes- we are fat because we need probitotics not because of our frequent trips to the drive-thru at McDs <sarc>

    And they do reference a probiotic type advancement:

    "But now the team has compiled a library of new bacteria they are hoping to create a pill containing a mix of bugs which could restore healthy levels."

  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    MommyMeggo wrote: »
    auddii wrote: »
    MommyMeggo wrote: »
    I am none of those types of fat. *but i am overweight*

    People are fat because of imbalanced gut flora?
    Or do they have an imbalanced gut flora because they are fat, ie: unhealthy?

    Why must our weight due to overeating and sedentary lifestyle always try to be blamed on other things?

    BREAKING NEWS: Airborne obesity super-bug hits NYC!!! Oh noes!!

    Well if you read through to the end that vaguely relates to the title, you don't get fat because of your gut bacteria; you get fat because you're tired or stressed. And none of the solutions mention getting a fecal transfer or eating probacteria; just get more sleep, exercise more, control food intake.

    Shocking advice really.

    I read until the end. You may notice how I specified i was none of those categories of fat- which are listed at the bottom of the page.
    I am speaking to the body of the article referencing gut bacteria.

    "I think there are definitely disease that are caused by an imbalance in microbiotia. If you look at something like Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Or obesity, that’s a possibility"

    Apparently per this statement obesity is vaguely referred to as a disease that may be cause by an imbalance of microbiotia.
    Yes- we are fat because we need probitotics not because of our frequent trips to the drive-thru at McDs <sarc>

    And they do reference a probiotic type advancement:

    "But now the team has compiled a library of new bacteria they are hoping to create a pill containing a mix of bugs which could restore healthy levels."

    Ah, I was going off the statement that you aren't any of the types of fat. And I'm still annoyed that the title refers to something completely made up that they tacked on to the end of the "article" and has nothing do with the actual text.
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    MommyMeggo wrote: »
    auddii wrote: »
    MommyMeggo wrote: »
    I am none of those types of fat. *but i am overweight*

    People are fat because of imbalanced gut flora?
    Or do they have an imbalanced gut flora because they are fat, ie: unhealthy?

    Why must our weight due to overeating and sedentary lifestyle always try to be blamed on other things?

    BREAKING NEWS: Airborne obesity super-bug hits NYC!!! Oh noes!!

    Well if you read through to the end that vaguely relates to the title, you don't get fat because of your gut bacteria; you get fat because you're tired or stressed. And none of the solutions mention getting a fecal transfer or eating probacteria; just get more sleep, exercise more, control food intake.

    Shocking advice really.

    I read until the end. You may notice how I specified i was none of those categories of fat- which are listed at the bottom of the page.
    I am speaking to the body of the article referencing gut bacteria.

    "I think there are definitely disease that are caused by an imbalance in microbiotia. If you look at something like Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Or obesity, that’s a possibility"

    Apparently per this statement obesity is vaguely referred to as a disease that may be cause by an imbalance of microbiotia.
    Yes- we are fat because we need probitotics not because of our frequent trips to the drive-thru at McDs <sarc>

    And they do reference a probiotic type advancement:

    "But now the team has compiled a library of new bacteria they are hoping to create a pill containing a mix of bugs which could restore healthy levels."

    Ah, I was going off the statement that you aren't any of the types of fat. And I'm still annoyed that the title refers to something completely made up that they tacked on to the end of the "article" and has nothing do with the actual text.

    Im with you!!
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I have Inflammatory Bowel disease and am not obese. Plus there is no conclusive evidence that IBD is caused by an imbalance of microbiotia. There are many possible causes (they aren't sure of the cause yet)
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    I hate to be indelicate, but when I first read through this article last night, I thought they were saying (ahem) poop spores were spread through the open air, so I was thinking, "stay away from farts," (note: always universally good advice) but now that I re-read, I see it's saying the spores can just *survive* in the open air, not that they are necessarily floating through it, so now I'm thinking the best advice is, "don't lick the spores off the toilet" (also universally good advice).

    Regardless of the method of fecal spore transmission, it seems like one should be concerned about picking up some unwanted "microbiome" from public restrooms, and not just from your family.

  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    All three, but not technically over weight. (20 BMI)
    I don't know what that had to do with the main piece of the article. But I do think gut flora is important and I should eat more kimchi.
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    edited May 2016
    Not fat now. But, as it happens, my gut issues (gluten allergy) were at their worst when I was fat. Before I knew I had allergies. Ditched the allergens, didn't try to replace them with equivalents...and lost the fat. I don't know if one would say that's due to the drop in bad gut bacteria, or the drop in calories when I ditched stuff. OO...and my parents are fat, always have been...grandparents too. But my honey, both my kids, and my granddaughter are all very slim.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    From a young age my brother and I shared a bedroom and a bathroom. He's older by 2 years. When I was 2 years old, I was heavier than he. He never tended toward overweight and has always been slim. I've always tended toward overweight and have never been slim. For this intensely personal reason, I doubt the validity of the findings in the opening posted article
  • Savannahmiamaddie
    Savannahmiamaddie Posts: 54 Member
    I've been married for 23 years to a man who is chronically underweight? I on the other hand, have to count calories and exercise like a fiend if I want to maintain a healthy weight. I work for a pharmaceutical company and at one time I was working with a team trying to bring a weight loss drug to market. (The drug didn't make it to market. 9 out of 10 drugs don't make it to market.) Anyhow, when I asked the PhDs about my hubby, they said he had a genetic defect. That hypothesis made me very happy. I couldn't wait to get home and gloat about his genetic defect...that I really, really want. I take small comfort in the fact that I will outlast him in the event of global famine.
  • Kieranova1994
    Kieranova1994 Posts: 258 Member
    I'm full fat
  • 3pets2kids1house
    3pets2kids1house Posts: 1 Member
    If you are interested in this topic, watch (stream) In Defense of Food on PBS. It is explained in the program.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    It's quite clear to me I became fat because I ate too much food. There may be something to this theory, but it can't be everything.
  • winston
    winston Posts: 4 Member
    All three, but not technically over weight. (20 BMI)
    I don't know what that had to do with the main piece of the article. But I do think gut flora is important and I should eat more kimchi.

    Random fact about kimchi. It often contains gluten and seafood (shrimp paste). Founds some interesting options if you are vegetarian or have celiac disease.

  • Suspended_User
    Suspended_User Posts: 16 Member
    I am the kind of fat where you are in shape and riding a bike 15 hours a week and eating 4000 calories a day just to keep up. Then you have a kid and you drag that kid around in a trailer and not much changes. Then you have two kids and stop doing any riding but basically keep eating the same. I am that kind of fat.
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    edited May 2016
    It's not contagious. It's not a virus or a bacteria that people can catch. The problem is the food we eat. Our society values convenience over health. That's why corn and soy are subsidized by the government but beans and spinach aren't. Obesity is not a contagious illness it's a public fiasco that values big business and money over the health of individuals. How many mothers fed their kids applesauce in the 80s and 90s thinking it was healthy for their children. It's loaded with sugar and when mom goes back to work it's much easier to pick up moats from the store than to peel, slice, and cook the apples yourself and control how much sugar is in the food you and your children eat. But yet when Obama pushes to put added sugar on food labels, that mind you most people don't know how to read, the food industry throws a big tantrum and throws their money at their politicians to make sure it doesn't happen. And the dumbasses we elect in office take that money and run with it.

    Honestly, the obesity epidemic isn't caused by people who don't care that they're unhealthy. It's caused by people who are just thoroughly uneducated about nutrition and everywhere you look are lies about health and wellness.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Not fat. Never fat.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    im a "i love food a lot and therefore will never be super thin cause i dont care anymore" fatty
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    I don't understand the question. I'm less fat than the fat I've been the last 40 years but I'm still 60+ lb from my BMI goal. I understand from a certain young know-it-all that even then I'll be 'skinny fat'. I guess that means I'm still the garden variety of 'fat fat'.