How are you sticking to calorie limit?



  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    Cutting out carbs! But you don't have to! When I came to do this (for other health reasons) I started finding alternatives to my usual ingredients which were just as nice but with way fewer calories:

    Before - After
    Rice - Cauliflower rice
    Pasta - Courgette Spaghetti
    LF yoghurt - plain unsweetened yoghurt
    Skimmed Milk - Unsweetened soya
    Chopped tomatoes - Tomato puree

    Set aside a night, have a big healthy dinner so you're full then go wander the supermarket. Examine things you've never looked at, scour the shelves above and below your normal choices to see what's there!

    I'd also recommend drinking no sugar squash/coridal and green or herbal teas. Keep experimenting till you find one you like!

  • DeviatedNorm
    DeviatedNorm Posts: 422 Member
    I can't believe how lucky I've been to find a diet that works for me around 1200-1300 calories/day. I never feel hungry for long (30 minutes maybe), have lots of energy and I'm not eating anything weird.

    A big thing for me has been to basically turn meals into snacks that I eat slowly over several hours. Almost every day my breakfast consists of two hardboiled eggs and maybe a decaf coffee with some creamer (total: ~190 calories) I'll drink the coffee, let that fill me up for an hour or so, eat an egg, wait until I'm hungry again and then eat my last egg. I generally don't finish my breakfast until 10:30 or 11am, and have lunch at 12:30p.

    For dinner I often put whatever I'm eating on a giant bed of greens -- pretty much anything can be a salad. The greens only add 20 calories but they add tons of fiber, nutrients and substance to help fill me up.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    I think your struggle is that the foods you're eating are satiating. You shouldn't feel hungry. Try eating more protein and fat and see if that helps.

    On 1200 I can fit:

    Apple (88cals)
    Greek Yogurt (140)
    Chicken & vegetable stir fry with peanut sauce (300)
    Carrots (35)
    Protein bar (160)
    Chicken Thighs (228)
    Asparagus (50ish)
    200 calories of whatever I want
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited May 2016
    Smaller bodies require less energy to run them. We need a calorie deficit to lose weight. Most people slowly lower their calorie intake so that they can keep the same deficit. I swap that around. I found a calorie amount that works for me (that's lower than my goal weight maintenance calories) and let the deficit get smaller as I get smaller. That way, I don't feel deprived because I just keep eating the way I'm now used to eating instead of having to figure out where I'm going to cut more calories.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    To stay within calories I do 2 things mainly.

    1. Move more. Much more. This is obvious.
    2. Identify and replace high calorie components of my diet. Replacing rice with romaine lettuce and spinach for example.

    Also, meal timing throughout the week.

    Everyone is different in their habits, so, you'll simply need to try things out and find what works for you.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    I find the smaller and older I get the less food I have the hunger for. This seems logical in that hunger should equal amount of calories needed to sustain the energy output needed for the body.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,792 Member
    When I was at 1200, I tried to get a reasonable amount of protein as my first priority, ideally .8g/pound of goal weight, but around .6/pound as a floor if at all possible. Since I'm an ovo-lacto vegetarian, that meant skim milk, kefir, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, tempeh, eggs, beans of all types including edamame, nuts in reasonable portions.

    Next, I would prioritize a bit of healthy fat with every meal, either olive oil to fry the eggs, or those nuts, or maybe some seeds on a salad (I like pepitas especially).

    Then I would fill in with lower-calorie, high-volume, high-nutrition vegetables and fruit, often raw (because chewing is satisfying). I like spinach or romaine, cabbage, broccoli, collards, cauliflower, berries, carrots, celery, spaghetti squash and other winter squash, apples, cucumbers, jicama, tomatoes, and more.

    It helped me to experiment with the timing & composition of my meals/snacks to find the most satisfying approach.

    By timing, I mean whether to eat or skip breakfast, which meal is biggest (or all equal), whether to reserve some calories for snacks or not, whether to eat 2, 3, 5 or whatever times daily.

    By composition, I mean (with a healthy range) whether to have relatively more protein, fats, carbs, fiber, etc.

    Everyone is different, but for me, it turned out that a big protein-filled breakfast was important (oatmeal, Greek yogurt, berries, small amount of walnuts), then solid protein in each meal & snack, with some high-fiber/low-cal veggies at some point in the day. It also helped to have a small protein snack if I started to feel hungry, rather than waiting to get ravenous (like a light string cheese for 50 calories, or 1/2 oz of dry-roasted soybeans for 63 calories).

    But I didn't stay at 1200 for long. At 5'5", 60 y/o, and (then) around 150lbs, I found I didn't need to eat that little in order to lose weight. Even as I got lighter, I could eat more than that, as it turned out.
  • tiffkittyw
    tiffkittyw Posts: 366 Member
    As everyone has said different things work for different people. I get 1,200 net calories for 0.6 lbs a week loss. What works for me is intermittent fasting. I eat from 11am until 7pm so I'm constantly eating and I also keep my protein and fat up. For example, today I've logged 1,198 calories.
    Before 11am black coffee with cinnamon and hot tea.
    11am a protein shake.
    12pm some low sodium tuna 42 grams with light mayo, a mini babybel cheese and 30 grams of unsalted cashews.
    1pm a low carb yogurt
    3:30pm some 2% cottage cheese with a sprinkle of chocolate protein powder, cinnamon, blueberries and some plain non-fat Greek yogurt.
    4:30pm a protein granola bar.
    6:30pm: chicken and low sodium refried bean and cheese burritos with salsa on a low carb whole wheat tortilla.

    I never feel hunger except in the morning but I curb it with coffee. I also go to bed around 7:30pm since I work out at 5am so I'm never up late enough to want to keep eating.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Since losing weight, mfp has reduced my calories down to 1300 per day. I'm honestly struggling to stay within this limit, even eating healthily. As as result I got discouraged and gave up for a while, and binged, but think that enough is enough, and time to get back to it. I would appreciate some examples of what other people with similar calorie allowance are eating to manage to stay within it. I eat more on the days I exercise, but even then often don't feel satisfied and tempted to snack.

    1. It's mostly a mental challenge
    2. I have days that I eat giant chocolate bars but still stay within my net calories
    3. Get use to being uncomfortable

    One doesn't need to be uncomfortable to lose weight. I don't have aggressive weekly weight loss goals, do focus on foods that satisfy me, exercise and eat back some (but not all) of the calories I earn from exercise, and am only hungry right before meals.
  • emmadonaldson95
    emmadonaldson95 Posts: 179 Member
    Since losing weight, mfp has reduced my calories down to 1300 per day. I'm honestly struggling to stay within this limit, even eating healthily. As as result I got discouraged and gave up for a while, and binged, but think that enough is enough, and time to get back to it. I would appreciate some examples of what other people with similar calorie allowance are eating to manage to stay within it. I eat more on the days I exercise, but even then often don't feel satisfied and tempted to snack.

    I'm doing well so far staying around my 1260 goal and you're welcome to check out my diary if you want ideas. I tend to bulk up meals with extra veg to stay full longer.
    But recently I'm also focusing on getting my macros in particular protein to try and avoid muscle wasting.
    Feel free to drop me a message if you want any help with things, recipes etc.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I'm at 1330 and some days it is a struggle, other days I'm barely eating 1200. If you honestly have a struggle and it's making you miserable, change your loss goals to .5/lb (or more depending on what you're set to right now). Otherwise, take a look at your diary and see areas where you can improve on (ie cut back on sweets, less <something high calorie here>).
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    I dont eat until 12/1pm. Im usually not hungry in the morning (and if I am a cup of tea or coffee suffices) and then I have calories left over for night snacking.