metabolism aftershock - Does it work?

Shoebacha1 Posts: 2,113 Member
I just bought this program. I did not want to wait and miss the big discount, so unfortunately I am asking after I bought it....has anyone used this and did it work for you? I am not concerned so much that I wasted money, it has a money back guarantee, but just curious what you think of it. I think I have my diet where it needs to be, and after watching his long *kitten* video after my test, it all made sense to me. I am hopeful, just want some unpaid testimony. :)


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    What is it?
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    It's just another variation of HIIT with wildly exaggerated claims about EPOC.

    Don't get me wrong, HIIT has its place and there's been a recent study from McMaster University that strongly supports the contention that HIIT can confer many of the health and fitness benefits (at least over a 12 week study period) as more traditional programs.

    It may well be a great program but after looking at his website and the extravagant claims it makes (along with the hard sell 60% discount) is off-putting.
  • Shoebacha1
    Shoebacha1 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I will keep you guys posted once I get it. I will continue my current exercise program, regardless of results. Just hoping it will enhance my current program. Maybe a good supplement for hectic weeks that swimming at the gym or walking the dogs are too much. Thanks for the feedback. Hoping someone who has actually tried it will respond.
  • Shoebacha1
    Shoebacha1 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I currently swim 3 days a week, I walk a 3 mile trail with my dogs at least once a week, I have dramatically changed my diet and have remained consistent for 60 days now and have lost 9 pounds. I am not looking for a miracle, I know there is no quick fix magic move or pill and will have to work for what I want. I also plan to start doing the dance revolution on Xbox once my kinect comes in. I just get bored easy and get discouraged with slow results when it comes to exercise, but my diet has done wonders for how I feel. I enjoy my cheat days, but I regret them the next couple of days. Even my cheat days (Sunday) are not as bad because the way it makes me feel is not worth the splurge. I also struggle with the fact my left elbow and left knee are damaged and I have to accommodate them when trying to exercise. The pool has helped them both, but I cant support my weight, push or pull with my left elbow. Doctor is talking about doing surgery since physical therapy is not helping. I have been rollerblading and riding my horse. I stay active, but routine exercise bums me out. The quick 15 minute workouts with encouraged rest is what pushed me over into buying it.
  • Shoebacha1
    Shoebacha1 Posts: 2,113 Member
    wilsoncl6 wrote: »
    Any program is as good as what you put into it. The program is not going to do the work for you. My take on it is it's a reduced commitment form of HIIT program. Any program that gets you up and moving (as long as you stick to a reduced calorie diet) will work. My concern is that the changes you make to your body will be more a result of a low caloric diet than the actual workout. I wouldn't expect to see extremely dramatic result doing 15 minutes a day 3 days a week so the claims to me seem a litle over the top. But you say that you can get your money back? That may be true but the money back guarantee may not be as easy to do as you think. Sometimes these programs require you to do other things in order for you to get your money so you have to pay attention to the small print. I don't think the program is bad at all, but I do think you could get a lot more benefit out of different programs that don't cost you a cent from YouTube.

    Do you have any suggestions on pages or people to follow on youtube? I need programs that will not hurt my elbow.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    edited May 2016
    The main thing would be for you to fully implement the program for the guarantee period and see what you think. Everyone is different, has different needs, and responds differently to the same program.
    Personally, I have not tried and and probably never would.
  • Shoebacha1
    Shoebacha1 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I start the program tonight! Wish me luck. I watched the first workout, looks intense but I got this. I actually met some folks who have done this program and they love it. Only one person has said they sent it back, and it is because it was too much for her. (She is over 60). These are people I know personally and they are excited to see how it works for me. I am going to take progress pics each week. Dont care about weight, will still only weigh on or around the first. Going to go get a tape measure tonight. I will keep you posted!
  • Cacwells
    Cacwells Posts: 10 Member
    I have been wondering about this program. I will keep checking back to hear how you like it.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Some of the claims are clearly over-promises but it's an exercise program.

    Do it if you like it.
    Don't get injured.
    Move on.
  • Shoebacha1
    Shoebacha1 Posts: 2,113 Member
    My arms and legs are jello. I did exercise 1A. So many squats, push ups and batmans. I have never hurt so good! My arms and legs still look pumped, I woke up in the best mood and I love the burn and ache when I walk and go to sit down. Feeling really confident and radiant today. I went ahead and watched the video for the next time, and my shoulders and hips already ache. Gonna be a tough one. I did much better than I expected to. My husband found it very challenging, too. I am really excited!
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Shoebacha1 wrote: »
    My arms and legs are jello. I did exercise 1A. So many squats, push ups and batmans. I have never hurt so good! My arms and legs still look pumped, I woke up in the best mood and I love the burn and ache when I walk and go to sit down. Feeling really confident and radiant today. I went ahead and watched the video for the next time, and my shoulders and hips already ache. Gonna be a tough one. I did much better than I expected to. My husband found it very challenging, too. I am really excited!

    K. But be sure to concentrate on getting your form right rather than keeping up with the video. The basic problem with this entire genre is the temptation to try to keep up with a select group of very fit people rather than go slower, nail down form, and then add speed as your fitness improves. That's a good way to get injured.
  • Shoebacha1
    Shoebacha1 Posts: 2,113 Member
    He stresses that a lot in the video as you go. I was much slower than the video. They get through 3 or 4 rotations of each movement, I usually only got 1.5 sets. I focused on form and soon had to go to my knees from full push up position. I am very serious about doing this right and getting the most benefit I can, safely. I was very worried I would not be able to do the squats and push ups due to bad knees and an elbow injury, but taking my time and focusing on the form and keeping tight kept me from rushing and over burdening my joints. I did not realize how much difference it makes to put all your weight in your heels while doing squats, rather than the ball of your foot. He is very good at reminding you throughout the video to keep your own pace, keep proper form, rest and go to the beginner modifications as needed. I am sure it will get annoying as I advance, but right now, the constant reminders to not get sloppy trying to rush and push hard/rest hard are helpful right now.
  • Shoebacha1
    Shoebacha1 Posts: 2,113 Member
    SOOO SOOOO sore. Been stretching all day to get prepared for tonight's work out. Today is 10 times worse than yesterday, but I love it. It is a good hurt, not pain.
  • Shoebacha1
    Shoebacha1 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Well, I was great with the back, ab and arm exercises....sucked balls at lunges and squats. Took the time to do LOTS of stretching afterwards. However, I feel great this morning. thighs are still sore when going up and down stairs, but otherwise ok. Feel the burn while walking and going to sit down, but I keep flexing and stretching. The back of my biceps are speaking to me today. I only did two of the dive bomber push ups, then had to go to my knees to modify, but I made it! I only got one set of 4 in, while the video got in 2 or three, but I focused on form and not speed. Not bad. Was kinda shocked how fast it went. That 15 minutes flew by. Husband hurt his back at work so did not participate, but he watched me and critiqued my form. Other than squats, I nailed it! Maybe next time my legs will be ready and not give out on me.
  • singletrackmtbr
    singletrackmtbr Posts: 644 Member
    This might be a good program, but the "price slash" is laughable. No one in their right mind would pay $300 for a 3-DVD workout.

    I personally would stick with Insanity if you want HIIT. Max 30 is only a half-hour, and Beachbody is a reputable company that has been around for a long time. You can often find used versions of these sets for 50 bucks or so on Ebay.

    Either way, good luck with your journey!
  • Shoebacha1
    Shoebacha1 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Thanks! I will look into the BeachBody thing. I like variety to keep me from getting bored. I have a bunch of videos in storage, once I lose another 10 pounds or so I will get them out. Right now, I do low impact stuff like swimming, walking, roller blading, zumba and this program. I think that once I get down to around 190 I can start increasing the impact slightly. Taking it slow to avoid injury.
  • singletrackmtbr
    singletrackmtbr Posts: 644 Member
    Makes sense, and I'm all about the variety, too. Max 30 actually sticks a person over to the side that does modifiers the whole workout. My wife has a bad back from years of running and only does the modifiers. No jumping and still an awesome workout. Good luck!
  • Shoebacha1
    Shoebacha1 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Back from vacation. Starting tonight, I finally have the time and ability to go hard core on this program, starting tonight when I get home from work. After that, I am going grocery shopping to get healthy snacks and meals to go with the program. Taking my before pics tonight and will take them each month.