Day 2 of this and I've already failed. :(



  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    A fall is only a fail if you don't get back up.
  • Carol_
    Carol_ Posts: 469 Member
    I bet at least one of your meals was not a failure! Keep going. You will get better at it!
  • Etsar73
    Etsar73 Posts: 260 Member
    Do you know how many 'Day 2' days I've had! Too many! Do you honestly think anyone who successfully lost weight never had a bad day or more? What I have learned to do is to not beat myself up about it. Saying 'I've failed' is defeatist. Take it as a part of your learning to lose weight journey and getting to now yourself.

    I agree with the person who said that regardless of how good or bad you ate, you must log it. I have made counting calories work for me. I eat 'not so healthy' sometimes if it gets me through but I always log it and try to keep it within my calorie goal. I have gone over many times (once every few weeks) but my tactic now is to 'carry over' the food I ate into the next day/s and sometimes week/weeks. I overate a lot a week ago so I have spread it over this week and into next week. I don't wan't the overeating to be 'out of mind and out of sight'. I might think a little more before over indulging now! Or maybe not but who cares, this is my journey and I'm making it work for me.

    I am truly thrilled to have stuck with it through the ups and downs. As of this morning I have lost 16.2kg (35.7lbs) I feel proud! I am sooooooooooooo glad I persisted. I have 7kg (15.6lbs) to go until goal weight.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    So make day 3 better. And put some thought into your internal monologue. Your profile is "trying?" No. Choose to be healthy. No one is standing in your way but you.

    THIS. If you must, make the decision every minute.
  • pebble4321
    pebble4321 Posts: 1,132 Member
    What's done is done. The only thing you can change is your actions going forward.
    So, you ate more than you planned today.... make better choices tomorrow.

    And definitely consider how much you are eating - have you set yourself up with a ridiculously small calorie allowance? If so, you might want to change your goals so you are set at "lose 1/2 pound per week".
    If you don't have much to lose then you are better to do it slowly rather than be unrealistic and "fail" every day.
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    edited May 2016
    Don't get discouraged, think of it as a false start and start again. You can always start again on things!
  • kasparkid
    kasparkid Posts: 40 Member
    Accepting how imperfect we are is the goal. I know how you feel - I used to get really angry with myself when I felt I was sabotaging myself (or being sabotaged by someone else... or by life). Things started working for me when I cared less about any particular day, and more about gradually shifting my lifestyle.

    I still have what I used to call "bad days," but I don't think of them that way anymore. I log everything I eat, I weigh myself every day, and I am as a result no longer as sensitive to changes on an everyday basis.

    Every day is another opportunity to change your life. Think of your "relapses" this way. Make the time between them longer, the time they last shorter, and try to make them less intense (a piece of delicious cake, instead of half a cake). Whatever you do, try not to beat yourself up. It's not easy to change your lifestyle. Be kind to yourself.
  • kaknieke
    kaknieke Posts: 4 Member
    After eating too much, think that you still have chance to burn the calories. I almost fail, i ate too much and now i have to burn 500 calories. Ill be swimming like crazy this afternoon.
  • edoll61
    edoll61 Posts: 22 Member
    I totally pigged out today.... and I'm still hungry.

    Don't give up. I'm 318 pounds and know the struggle like so many. I've fallen off the wagon countless times, but I see it as motivation to try harder. A trick I use is to drink a ton of water. When I'm really feeling it, I pound a 16 ounce cup of water and it fills me up for a short while. Also you gotta get the crap food outta the house if you haven't already. It's easy to binge if you know it's there. Keep with it. That's what this forum is for.
  • memickee
    memickee Posts: 250 Member
    Not a failure, but a learning opportunity. All part of the journey.