Any good jokes?



  • finny11122
    finny11122 Posts: 8,436 Member
    A guy walks into a bar , sits down , takes a tiny man and a tiny piano out of his gear bag and places him on the counter and the little pianist starts playing away .
    The barman was amazed and came over and said , where did you get him . that is just brilliant . The guy says its a long story and will only end up in disaster .
    Barman says you got to tell me , this is great .
    The guy says ok but i warned ya . And he gave the man a bottle and said , you can have one wish if you rub this bottle and the barman immediately rubbed the bottle and a million ducks appeared and covered the whole bar .
    The barman freaked out and said to the man , i asked for a million bucks not a million ducks . And the guy says , you think thats bad i asked for a 12 inch penis .
  • finny11122
    finny11122 Posts: 8,436 Member
    Paddy irishman got arrested , and he was struting his stuff with a badass attitude , this will a walk in the park , no problem .
    So one of the guards said to himself , i will fix this cocky fella.
    So they gave him his prision gear and escorted him to his cell and when they opened the door there was a big huge guy standing there naked with an enormous schlong .
    Then all of a sudden he blew the sink of the wall with it , broke the bed in half with it and broke tiles with it !!
    And then he says to paddy irishman , im going to stick this up your *kitten* .
    Relieved , with sweat ,and nerves paddy irishman says , ohh thank god , i thought you were going to hit me with it .