Lost 25 lbs and can hardly tell....

While I am thrilled and so proud to have lost 25 lbs, I find it so frustrating that I can barely see a difference. It hasn't really made a dent in my clothing size either. I know no one can even tell what I have accomplished so far. While in my head, I realize that I was just so overweight to begin with that it will take a good amount of pounds lost for people to notice, I am just discouraged that I don't have more to show for the 25 lbs I DID lose. Sorry to be a downer. This is the first time I've ever posted on MFP, and I wish it was a more positive one! Thanks for listening.


  • isign17
    isign17 Posts: 23 Member
    That is a great way to look at it. Thank you so much for taking time to post. I guess now that I've gotten the most annoying part off, now the next significant amount will make a lot more difference. :smile: Thank you!
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    I was feeling that way very recently, and boom, I hit 30lbs this week and for whatever reason, that was the magic shift. I almost lost my pants at the gym and had to buy new ones. My family were absolutely fawning the last couple of days at how different I looked. Now all the clothes are different. I have to buy new underwear. I can't explain why, but that's how it went. Sometimes it's just a little more and BOOM!

    Also, remember this: When we look at ourselves in the mirror, we are quite used to the image. We often see ourselves through a distorted lens.

    Hang in there. 25lbs is a hard won victory you should be enjoying. I'm CERTAIN you're about to break through and things will be noticeable to you.
  • arubalarue
    arubalarue Posts: 1 Member
    Wow! Glad to know I am not the only one feeling that way. I have lost 40 and can't even tell. I have quite a lot to lose so maybe that is the reason. It just seems that when I have lost the weight of a toddler, you might be able to tell!
  • cgvet37
    cgvet37 Posts: 1,189 Member
    When you have more to loose, even a significant amount will not seem so, in terms of appearance. Don't let it get you down. Focus on what you have accomplished.
  • tinamarie6624
    tinamarie6624 Posts: 182 Member
    I understand how you can feel that way. I have lost 67 lbs and I logically know that is a significant amount. I know clothes are fitting me differently and there have been indicators that I have lost a great deal of weight but I look at myself and I can't see any real difference. I know that is just my perspective as I've been told pointedly by other people that they see a difference. I also know it's because I still have a long ways to go. I don't get down on myself and I think I have a very healthy attitude. I just have to keep my head on straight and continue with the good work that I have already done and I know that I will get there.
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    Stay the course! You're doing this for you, not them, and YOU know the work you're putting in and the changes that are happening.

    Great work!! 25 lbs is not easy to lose!!
  • bendis2007
    bendis2007 Posts: 82 Member
    25 pounds is amazing!! I had some of the same problem with you and most of the others. I didn't feel like I looked much different after a 25 pound weight loss, and I didn't really drop pant sizes. However once I passed the 40 pound mark then people started to notice and I could notice a big difference.
    Just keep doing what you're doing, and try not to get to down on yourself =)
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    It's important to keep in mind that when you lose weight your body shape stays the same. It just gets smaller. So when you look at yourself in the mirror you can think you haven't changed at all. My thighs still look large because they're larger than my tiny chest at the same ratio they were before I lost weight. My perspective is off. This is why measuring is great and also progress photos (so you can do a side by side comparison) are helpful.

    And congrats on the 25 pound loss! That's fantastic and a lot of work!
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    25 pounds is awesome. Just think of how 25 pounds of butter would look and give yourself a pat on the back for getting rid of that! Keep at it, it will all work out for you.
  • isign17
    isign17 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you all for your responses! I know I have to look at the bigger picture and realize that it WILL show eventually. I'm definitely much healthier than I was 25 lbs ago, so I will be sure to focus on the positives and not the bit of discouragement I'm temporarily facing. Things can change a great deal in just a month or so. I'm so glad I posted here. I really feel the support! Thanks again!
  • isign17
    isign17 Posts: 23 Member
    arubalarue wrote: »
    Wow! Glad to know I am not the only one feeling that way. I have lost 40 and can't even tell. I have quite a lot to lose so maybe that is the reason. It just seems that when I have lost the weight of a toddler, you might be able to tell!

    Yes - that is exactly what I've been feeling! But I guess the point is, we DID lose the weight of a whole toddler. So we are much, much healthier even if people don't see it. Less pressure on our joints, and all the other health benefits that come along with it. We may not feel it, but the numbers don't lie. And congrats on your loss!
  • isign17
    isign17 Posts: 23 Member
    Cheesy567 wrote: »
    Stay the course! You're doing this for you, not them, and YOU know the work you're putting in and the changes that are happening.

    Great work!! 25 lbs is not easy to lose!!

    Thank you for that awesome reminder! Yes, I'm doing this for me. All that matters is what I've accomplished so far, and I worked hard for it!
  • isign17
    isign17 Posts: 23 Member
    MissusMoon wrote: »
    I was feeling that way very recently, and boom, I hit 30lbs this week and for whatever reason, that was the magic shift. I almost lost my pants at the gym and had to buy new ones. My family were absolutely fawning the last couple of days at how different I looked. Now all the clothes are different. I have to buy new underwear. I can't explain why, but that's how it went. Sometimes it's just a little more and BOOM!

    Also, remember this: When we look at ourselves in the mirror, we are quite used to the image. We often see ourselves through a distorted lens.

    Hang in there. 25lbs is a hard won victory you should be enjoying. I'm CERTAIN you're about to break through and things will be noticeable to you.

    You have really gotten me excited! How awesome that it just all of the sudden happened for you! So I guess it will be a very nice surprise when it finally happens for me. Thank you for that added motivation!
  • DylsGrandma
    DylsGrandma Posts: 69 Member
    Stay encouraged...YOU are doing great!! I am sure your clothes are getting loose by now...keep going girl!
  • WalkingQueen1979
    WalkingQueen1979 Posts: 119 Member
    edited May 2016
    I understand I am almost at 20 lbs and some pple notice others don't. I'm trying to lose another 58 I'm scared I won't get past 192 when i do bc a few yrs ago I quit when got to that, but not quitting anymore. You can do it we all can do it :D
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    That bowling ball you're holding weighs what? 10 lbs? So you've lost 2 1/2 bowling balls!!! That's fantastic! Congrats
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    edited May 2016
    I get it, but focus on moving forward. It probably took 30lbs for me to notice the first time I lost, and 50 (!!!!!) For anyone else to notice.

    This time I haven't seen much scale progress at all (and now not weighing in at all), and my shape is changing. I've lost inches from my low hanging belly and thighs. Oh and I'm noticing the very tops of my shoulders are sinking in and getting narrower!

    Do you do any strength training? That's what's different for me this time- I started exercising right away and I'm 2 weeks ish into a strength training plan. It's not one that people will send links for, I just created one based on my strengths and goals. I always like having strong legs and loved the little muscle I could see when I lost before, so I do lunges and squats, planks and wall assisted push-ups to build my strength. I did 3 sets of 10 reps last week, today I was able to do 4 sets of 12 :) You might be pleased with your body a little more if you build some strength :)
  • BinaryFu
    BinaryFu Posts: 240 Member
    I feel your pain - I've lost 27lbs so far and there's really no difference anyone can easily see and although I have to cinch my belt tighter, I've *almost* lost a pant size...but not quite.

    I started off at 325lbs so I still have a long ways to go, but I don't mind that others haven't noticed yet. *I* have noticed that little things - like walking up and down the stairs is now easier. I have more spring in my step. I have less cravings for food and more cravings to get up and do something.

    Now if only I *could* get up and do something...

    I agree with clbortiz - it is definitely the paper towel effect.
  • cbstewart88
    cbstewart88 Posts: 453 Member
    I have found that the scales shows the loss before I feel or see it. I'm down 15lbs since 4/1 - almost half-way. My weight was decreasing weekly which was encouraging- but it wasn't until I woke up one morning and as if almost by magic I felt much lighter and could see and feel the difference in my body. I think it takes the body and mind awhile to catch up with the numbers.... and BTW isign17: other people don't notice our change because they're all obsessing over their own bodies - LOL