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Anyone disabled & trying to loose weight?



  • cjdsign
    cjdsign Posts: 202 Member
    ….a full grocery shopping trip is as many steps as a day at work for me, so that explained why I struggled so much doing both on the same day!

    Exactly! After my car accident in 09 I learned that I simply can't do 4 trips/errands in one day. SoI do one planned event, and maybe on the way home may stop and pick up something…but OVERcommitiing just wrecks the next day.

    PAIN MEDS- ALL MDs/clinics/ERs/Hospitals/VA are tapering off all patients, and there soon will be no more opiods no matter the NEED, and valid use. The FDA and CDC cracked down because of the epidemic of illegal use, and so patients who are not abusing meds must suffer in future.

    It doesn't matter what your pain level is, if you are chronic, doctors are not allowed to prescribe, some have quit practice or been sued for continuing…so we no longer thve the freedom of private advice and treatment from medical staff…the government has taken over (hopefully just temporarily).

    The VA started pressuring me last year, and now each month ...less pills…this makes a difference in ANYTHING I can do to function! Even the car dealer I was talking to on 2 different visits noticed the difference in my energy
    (one day without, one day with meds) I was dragging, and it really showed. Some days I must use a walker, and I am just adjusting to being unhappy over this.

    I'm also following a low carb high fat diet, and it seems to be the only one that works for me for better health, and losing weight.

    Gosh, you have just summed up my days! Yes, my WC Dr. of 20yrs, last year, decreased my Ultram "because I could be addicted to it." What a Crock! Oh and I hate the Lyrica that makes me sleep all the time and veg out when I am awake. I try to medicate as little as possible, hence the legal cannabis in my state. But here is where the benefit comes in. If you grow it you know what is on and in it. I don't smoke it, but ingest it in a gel cap I get from the Health Food Stores. I fill the capsule with the buds and I drink tea made from the leaves. I know it helps and two of my Dr's have said to do it if it works for me. But they also say, "we have no documented evidence as to the validity of it's effectiveness." MY OPINION ONLY>>>> If I am at a 9-10 Hubby says, "take a pot pill" and it does the trick even when the Dilaudid does not. I can sleep and I can function and that is a GOOD thing in my book. Everyone has their own opinion. But I don't think smoking it does as good a job as ingesting it.

    I have to follow a weird diet, having carbs to keep the food in for longer than 3 hrs to 12 hrs. like if I eat a salad, I have a pc of bread or croutons that help keep the raw veggies in my system. I have "Rapid Transit".

    Boy do I get the trips to the store!! I sometimes really want to go and then half way through, I'm beat. Just want to sit or better yet, lay down and relieve the sciatic pressure. Before I broke my back, injured my neck and shoulder, I loved to multi task. Now, that is no longer an good option for me. I am sure you feel the same way! CJ
  • cjdsign
    cjdsign Posts: 202 Member
    Has anyone used a food scale? I have been using measuring cups and measuring spoons to weight my food these last 3 weeks so today I used a food scale. I wanted to see how accurate the cups and spoons were. Turns out I was either under serving myself on the chicken, fish, and other proteins and over serving on my snacks by more than double! I weighed out my nut/fruit combo snack and 1/4 cup serving was 2x as much that way then when I used the food scale! I was surprised

    Hey Happy Auntie,
    I measure my food, but I think I have a food scale in my storage. Great Idea and great advice!! I'll let you know if it helps me! CJ
  • cjdsign
    cjdsign Posts: 202 Member
    Hey everyone, I blogged on the sites I use here is the link http://stylingwithcjdsign.blogspot.com/2016/05/diet-exercise-herbs-and-seeds.html
  • cjdsign
    cjdsign Posts: 202 Member
    I have a Prayer/Praise List for anyone who would like me to add them. link: http://prayingtogodjournal.blogspot.com/2016/02/prayers-for-healing.html
    If you wish you can message me in the IM on my profile. Or just mention it here and I will add you. I am praying for all of you to have good days, healing, restful sleep, and daily goal blessings!! Enjoy! CJ
  • cjdsign
    cjdsign Posts: 202 Member
    BinaryFu wrote: »
    I wanted to offer an update/bump and maybe a little motivation and celebration today:

    My official weigh-in was this morning. I have officially dropped 27lbs in 12 weeks. I reached my first milestone (to hit under 300lbs for the first time in almost fifteen years) and I did it using CICO.

    For those who were curious (or still are) as to what CICO is, it is simply science:

    Calories In vs. Calories Out.
    CI > CO = Weight Gain
    CI = CO = Maintain Weight
    CI < CO = Weight Loss

    Since I want to lose weight, I set MFP for sedentary activity level (because 99% of the time, that's my life) and set my desired weight loss of 2lbs/week.

    On top of that, every 10lbs (sometimes sooner, just to be sure) I reset my calorie goals. It uses my present weight and lowers my calorie amount as needed from that point forward.

    So for example, when I started out, I was at a little over 2,000c a day. I'm currently around 1,870c per day.

    I have plenty of milestones to go, but I'm looking forward to each one of them now with a new fire inside.

    I can do this. WE can do this!

    Let's do this!

    Let's do this!
  • cjdsign
    cjdsign Posts: 202 Member

    "Calories In vs. Calories Out.
    CI > CO = Weight Gain
    CI = CO = Maintain Weight
    CI < CO = Weight Loss
    Let's do this! I can do this. WE can do this!" Great Idea from BinaryFu !

    I think that may be where I fall short. I get the extra calories from doing something and it adds it, so I eat something else. I know this will sound weird, but It is hard for me to eat 1,300 calories each day. Most days the darn thing says, "you're not eating enough", so I eat something else. But because of my Rapid Transit, which is like a bullet train in my gut some days, my body is daily freaking out to keep the fat. So, decrease the carbs, but loose the food. A catch 22 for sure.

    I for one will be trying BinaryFu's idea above and see if it will help me out. CJ
  • cjdsign
    cjdsign Posts: 202 Member
    And a fabulous weight loss Goal obtained by BinaryFu today!! CELEBRATION TIME!!!! Wooooo Hoooo!! Congratulations on your goal smashing!!! CJ
  • BinaryFu
    BinaryFu Posts: 240 Member
    cjdsign wrote: »
    And a fabulous weight loss Goal obtained by BinaryFu today!! CELEBRATION TIME!!!! Wooooo Hoooo!! Congratulations on your goal smashing!!! CJ

    Well shucks, thanks CJ. The biggest thing I learned on changing my eating habits was something I knew a long time ago and forgot along the way - get the protein in you first, then fiber (veggies) then everything else.

    That helped me to not feel exhausted every time I tried to do anything. Any day I fail to stay under my target goal, I can look back and go, "Yeah, I was low on protein...go figure."

    I am cheering each and every one of you on, not from the finish line, not from the sidelines...but from the front line.

    We're all in this together.
  • Arwen1218
    Arwen1218 Posts: 118 Member
    I am a disabled veteran with multiple problems that I take very heavy meds for. I broke my back in the Navy in 2010..have had several surgeries to repair the damage. I spent almost two years in a wheel chair but now am able to walk fairly well.. On my good days. For me I just take it one day at s time. On my good days I go for walks, swim or ride my stationary bike. On my bad days I give my body the rest it needs. I try to stay vigilant with my diet since my activity levels can vary from day to day.

    I could definitely use some friends who understand that sometimes it's a struggle just to get out of the bed. Between my depression, anxiety, fibro, chronic back pain, nerve pain from an injured sciatic nerve, and PTSD I have a very full plate. Anyone on here is free to add me.
  • happyauntie2015
    happyauntie2015 Posts: 282 Member
    Thank you for your service Arwen!
  • cjdsign
    cjdsign Posts: 202 Member
    I've been disabled for 10yrs, wheelchair bound now for 2yrs I have Osteonecrosis and Degenerative Bone disorder all wrapped up in a Chronic Pain Bow lol. I've lost about 140lbs so far (low carb) and am now to a point I can do Pool Based Physical therapy!
    If you're looking for likeminded people For support I'm here if you want to add. :p

    Hi Josh! Wow what accomplishments!!!!! Way to get it done!!!! I do hope you have some pain relief in the pool!! Welcome to the growing group! CJ:-)
  • cjdsign
    cjdsign Posts: 202 Member
    Arwen1218 wrote: »
    I am a disabled veteran with multiple problems that I take very heavy meds for. I broke my back in the Navy in 2010..have had several surgeries to repair the damage. I spent almost two years in a wheel chair but now am able to walk fairly well.. On my good days. For me I just take it one day at s time. On my good days I go for walks, swim or ride my stationary bike. On my bad days I give my body the rest it needs. I try to stay vigilant with my diet since my activity levels can vary from day to day.

    I could definitely use some friends who understand that sometimes it's a struggle just to get out of the bed. Between my depression, anxiety, fibro, chronic back pain, nerve pain from an injured sciatic nerve, and PTSD I have a very full plate. Anyone on here is free to add me.

    Gosh Darwen, you can count on us!! No judging here :-) Thank You for your Service!!! You do have a full plate!!!! And we all here understand very well. I have had PTSD since I was a kid. Bad stuff, and all, I read something another friend wrote, opt out of others stuff, unsubscribe to their craziness!! That helps me a bit. Keep up the good work!:-) :-) CJ
  • cjdsign
    cjdsign Posts: 202 Member
    Arwen, sorry tablet thought it knew better and won't let me edit!!!!
  • paulgads82
    paulgads82 Posts: 256 Member
    edited May 2016
    Glad I found this thread. I'm 8 years into a crappy illness and managing to lose weight without exercise or, for the last 4 weeks, leaving the house. Sorry you're all in similar positions.
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    I've been disabled for 10yrs, wheelchair bound now for 2yrs I have Osteonecrosis and Degenerative Bone disorder all wrapped up in a Chronic Pain Bow lol. I've lost about 140lbs so far (low carb) and am now to a point I can do Pool Based Physical therapy!
    If you're looking for likeminded people For support I'm here if you want to add. :p

    Awesome progress!!
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    paulgads82 wrote: »
    Glad I found this thread. I'm 8 years into a crappy illness and managing to lose weight without exercise or, for the last 4 weeks, leaving the house. Sorry you're all in similar positions.

    It's tough but can be done! Keep up the new habits regardless!

  • cjdsign
    cjdsign Posts: 202 Member
    LETS DO THIS!!! A little each day and lots of encouragement! Days and Nights can be tough, but we can do this and we will feel better with less weight weighing us all down!! As BinaryFU says " LETS DO THIS!!!" And have a great Weekend Everyone! CJ
  • cjdsign
    cjdsign Posts: 202 Member
    paulgads82 wrote: »
    Glad I found this thread. I'm 8 years into a crappy illness and managing to lose weight without exercise or, for the last 4 weeks, leaving the house. Sorry you're all in similar positions.

    Paul, we are all glad you found us here too! Great about the last 4 weeks! There are some suggestions on page one about what we are all doing which may help you too! Add me as a friend, I'll support your journey like all the others here! Welcome Aboard. CJ