


  • generallyme2
    generallyme2 Posts: 403 Member
    I had a friend try it and she did lose weight... while she was on it. She gained it all back, plus some. I tried a sip once and ugh, it reminded me of cold snot (sorry!). Aren't they around 200 cals each? I'd rather eat 200 cals (more preferably) worth of food and log it than that stuff.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Mom bought the stuff often back in the 1970's. I just used it like chocolate flavored more food.
  • w117seg
    w117seg Posts: 14 Member
    I love the cappuccino flavor- just like a frappucino! I usually have it for breakfast. I did do slimfast for breakfast and lunch for a while, and I lost weight, but it was just super annoying hearing people ask me all the time if I was still hungry. If you do it, don't tell people! It did take some getting used to, and I definitely needed to snack in between meals, but it made calorie counting easy, and it allowed me to eat larger dinners, which made me happy. I lost weight while doing it. It was fine when I wasn't working out. When I was working out, I really just had to eat more.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I currently done it,loved the taste and lost 7lbs in just over a week which was great. But I was too tired for proper work outs plus after 4 weeks constantly on it I feel really sick in the evening (I have them breakfast and lunch), I don't think the milkyness done me any good. So I will keep them for a once in a while meal replacement if I'm stuck but I can't follow it long term. However if you can then I wish you all the best!

    I'm thinking it wasn't the "milkiness" that caused the problem, it was the lack of calories. Plus losing 7lbs in a week is waaay too much unless you are morbidly obese.

    I suppose if you have to drink one on the go here and there, sure. But it's not sustainable, as others have said. Plus, there's much better tasting food out there. (in my opinion).
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    IpakDaley wrote: »
    I did it about 8 years ago. Drank the shakes, ate very little, and walked a lot. I lost 45 lbs. It wasn't sustainable though. There is not a chance that I'd ever do it that way again since finding MFP. I have enjoyed losing while still eating foods that I like to eat.


    I can lose weight using Slim Fast, but then I get to goal and am clueless.

    I'm fat because my portions are too big. Slim Fast does nothing to address that. MFP is so educational. Yes, you need to make an effort to measure & log. But you learn so much by doing that.

    There really are no shortcuts.

    If you already bought it, use it as a protein supplement or a snack here & there.
  • chunky_pinup
    chunky_pinup Posts: 758 Member
    When I was hospitalized and losing too much weight, they had me drink slim fast, because it causes more people to gain than lose...
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    There are so many better options for shakes. Anything with higher protein. Or a protein bar!
  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    A question for those to ponder: If one uses those meal replacement programs, how does one learn how to maintain their weight? It's not addressing the issue of why you became overweight in the first place (eating too much too-frequently) and doesn't show you what sensible eating might look like come maintenance (a 500-calorie goal for every meal may not be sensible if your maintenance is 1400 calories, and you also want 1-2 snacks).
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    If you want to replace a meal with a shake due to the convenience factor, there are a multitude of better options taste/price/nutrition-wise than slim-fast. I do this just because I never have an appetite in the morning and it's easy to chug something after the gym. Any decent protein powder would be better than slim-fast.

    I'll echo what just about everyone else has said too, I'd avoid the program since it doesn't teach you how to eat properly long-term. Unless you plan to drink their shakes forever which hopefully you don't.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    Anyone on slimfast?

    I wouldn't recommend any "go on" Slimfast. Count your calories and learn to eat like a normal person. You'll lose weight and be able to maintain it.

    That said, I'm a fan of the new High Protein no sugars version that I find from time to time. It's lower calorie than most protein drinks, and a little lower calorie than regular Slimfast. I hate breakfast but if I don't have something before going to the gym I have no energy. It's a 180 calorie breakfast for me. That's all it is.
  • llbrixon
    llbrixon Posts: 964 Member
    Slim Fast? Do you plan on having Slim Fast when your diet is over? If not, then don't do it! You need to change your eating habits to what you will eat in the long run. Keeping the weight off is the hard part of losing the weight. Maintenance is the next big step of keeping your weight off.
  • rumswood
    rumswood Posts: 120 Member
    scorpjabo wrote: »
    There are better options to a quick on the go breakfast. Ever try 0 sugar protein shakes? I make mine with cold coffee, grounded up oats with a table spoon of peanut butter and a tsp of cocao powder.
    alyssa0061 wrote: »
    scorpjabo wrote: »
    There are better options to a quick on the go breakfast. Ever try 0 sugar protein shakes? I make mine with cold coffee, grounded up oats with a table spoon of peanut butter and a tsp of cocao powder.

    That sounds amazing
    Agreed. I am going to try this.