May 2016 Running Challenge



  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    @RespectTheKitty - I had this issue frequently last summer/early fall when it was hot out. For me, eating immediately after a run was a huge help (my go-to post-run snack was cheese curds and blackberries). If I felt really crappy, I'd just eat some salt. Yep, straight salt always did the trick. My guess is a combination of electrolyte issues and the pause in digestion that goes along with a long, hard run.

    I will qualify the suggestion to eat straight salt with this: I eat a very low carb diet, so my salt intake needs to be higher than normal anyway. Please take my advice with a GRAIN OF SALT (nyuck, nyuck, nyuck...I think I'm funny, anyway...)!

    You might want to try an electrolyte drink or supplement during your run to help keep things from getting too far out of whack. That should help prevent issues.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    @EvgeniZyntx why would you do that to me. there goes my productivity
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    edited May 2016
    Decided to take today off from work. Been working a ton of hours for end of year stuff and needed a day to recuperate. So I got to run in daylight. But it was SO hot! It was 95% humidity and 78 - but felt like it was much worse. I felt pretty good until the last mile where the heat/sun just really got to me - had to walk a few times in that mile. But otherwise was happy and felt good. Was a little surprised at how my HR was when I analyzed it later. I was in zone 5 for a long time. But IDK, I wasn't sprinting or pushing myself and tried to always make sure I could sing/talk.
    The only scary thing was a lady nearly hit me as I started to cross the street with my walk sign. I was in BRIGHT pink, yet she decided to make her right turn oblivious to anyone around. I was looking at her as I was starting to cross, trying to make eye contact which didn't happen until I backed up to get out of her way. The car that was sitting at the light honked and at first I thought he was honking at me, but he yelled something to her as she passed him. I guess my 4:30am runs are safer after all. That happened in mile 2 so I was very careful after that!

    BTW, if you have young kids be sure you are making them do math in their heads. Myself and the math teachers have been astonished at how high school students can't do any math in their heads or understand basic things. I have had my students write a program for years that is for a drive-up restaurant. The idea is they design a screen and write the code so that the customer just presses buttons for what they want to order and a picture shows up and the running total is displayed. There is a "total" button that takes the running total and adds 6 or 7% tax. I would say half the class did not know how to do it. In the past I would have maybe one student who would ask me "what do you mean?" and I would ask them "if you went to the store to buy something that was $50 and tax is 7% what would the total be?" and they would always say "OH OK" and then write the code. This year, many and some of them SENIORS!... said I don't know... add .70? Um... No, do it on paper. They would look at me with the deer in headlights look. So I'd say ok, when YOU go to a restaurant and want to leave a tip how do you figure it out. They either said "it says it at the bottom or there is an app for that". OMG - seriously? So I said "how did the receipt calculate the potential tax???? or how does the app figure it out? that's what you need to do". I wouldn't tell them. I just couldn't. I said ... this is basic math you have to figure it out. Do it on paper first. Eventually they did, or they probably asked someone and thought I was a mean old teacher.
    Sorry rant over!

    5/1 - 35 mile cycling
    5/2 - 5 miles
    5/3 - 3.5 miles
    5/4 - 5 miles - intervals, sort of.
    5/5 - 25 miles cycling in a brutal wind
    5/6 - 5 miles + strength training
    5/7 - 34 miles cycling
    5/8 - 36 miles cycling
    5/9 - 5 miles + strength training
    5/10 - 5 miles - fartleks
    5/11 - 25 miles cycling
    5/12 - 5 miles
    5/13 - 4 miles
    5/14 - 34 miles cycling
    5/15 - 27 miles cycling
    5/16 - rest day
    5/17 - 4.5 miles + strength training
    5/18 - 5 miles + 20 miles cycling
    5/19 - rest day
    5/20 - 8 miles

  • Lord007
    Lord007 Posts: 338 Member
    5/1 - rest
    5/2 - 4m
    5/3 - 5m
    5/4 - 6m
    5/5 - rest
    5/6 - 5m
    5/7 - 10m :D
    5/8 - rest
    5/9 - 3.8m
    5/10 - 3.5m
    5/11 - 7m
    5/12 - rest
    5/13 - 3m
    5/14 - 6.2m
    5/16 - 4m

    5/17 - 6m
    5/18 - 7m
    ****breaking in new shoes: Asics Gel Nimbus 17s

    Distance to date: 70.5m
    Goal: 126m (56.0% complete)

    Training Plan (in case anyone is interested)

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @ddmom0811 Nice run! The math thing is terrible. I teach special ed, so my student's mostly can't do math in their heads, but I see it more and more in the general ed classrooms too!
    @greenolivetree nice run, and that's a very pretty picture
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @ddmom0811 - You remind me of an Isaac Asimov story I read when I was in grade school or junior high. He wrote about a future time where technology did lots of stuff, and one of the kids in the story put 3 + 2 into a calculator multiple times before concluding that 3 + 2 would *always* be 5. Then he went on to discover/derive the principles of basic arithmetic.

    At the time, it was far-out futuristic fantasy type stuff. Sounds like we're almost there now for the youngest generation.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    6 weeks, 3 days until my first half...Eek! Training is going very well, I can't wait to see how it all comes together!
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited May 2016
    @ddmom0811 - As a second generation programmer my dad and I have chatted a lot about the impact of the modern digital world. It seems pretty inescapable that people's intelligence and drive to learn has suffered from it when any information you could ever need is available at your fingertips without ever having to learn or memorize anything. It's kind of sad how this all came to be due to great intelligence, and to further knowledge, yet the impact seems counter to the desired effect.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for May
    5/1 REST DAY
    5/2 6.2 miles - 6.2 << Taper and cutback week. 5K race Wednesday morning
    5/3 6.2 miles - 12.4
    5/4 4.4 miles - 16.8 << PEO-AVN 5K Fun Run (was only 2.9 miles; plus 1.5 w/u)
    5/4 3.1 miles - 19.9 << got some extra miles squeezed in
    5/5 7.5 miles - 27.4
    5/6 4 miles - 31.4
    5/7 REST DAY << Sick +daughter's birthday party
    5/8 REST DAY
    5/9 9 miles - 40.4 << Madkin Mountain (634 ft elev gain)
    5/9 4 miles - 44.4 << Daily Double
    5/10 8.3 miles - 52.7
    5/10 4 miles 56.7 << Daily Double
    5/11 6.2 miles - 62.9
    5/12 9 miles - 71.9
    5/13 6.4 miles - 78.3
    5/14 17 miles - 95.3
    5/15 REST DAY
    5/16 8 miles - 103.3
    5/16 5 miles - 108.3 << Daily Double
    5/17 9 miles - 117.3
    5/17 4 miles - 121.3 << Daily Double
    5/18 6.2 miles - 127.5
    5/19 9 miles - 136.5
    5/20 6.2 miles - 142.7


    Upcoming races:
    UAH 8K - 3/6 <<< 34:33 3 in AG
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2 <<<< 1:38:00 3 in AG
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10 <<< 1:36:33 3 in AG
    PEO-AVN Team Day 5K - 5/4 <<< 19:10 (2.9 mi) 1 in AG 5 OA
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler 6/25

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Folks. You may know most of this, but wanted to throw this out for hot weather running.
    Thanks for the links @stoshew71 The fact that my HM is in July is the reason I'm training for a faster HM than my nominal goal pace, so I can slow down, and still meet my primary and secondary goals, hopefully.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited May 2016
    @ddmom0811 @MNLittleFinn wow. Sucks about the kids and math. When my kids were younger and we went to sonic I'd even the change up, by offering an extra dollars to get back 5s or 10s or met the change so I'd only get bills back. Poor kids, they'd always insist I gave them too much. None of them ever figured out I was making it easier. The change is calculated on the receipt, that's all they knew. I just hope my kids caught on.

    @greenolivetree love that photo.

    MFP isn't suggesting people's when I type @ someone anymore... man, I can barley spell. Spell check is awesome. not like math apps ya know.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    @ddmom0811 - You remind me of an Isaac Asimov story I read when I was in grade school or junior high. He wrote about a future time where technology did lots of stuff, and one of the kids in the story put 3 + 2 into a calculator multiple times before concluding that 3 + 2 would *always* be 5. Then he went on to discover/derive the principles of basic arithmetic.

    At the time, it was far-out futuristic fantasy type stuff. Sounds like we're almost there now for the youngest generation.

    Yes, it is very scary. The calculus honors teacher told me she saw a student enter 100 / 10 into a calculator. At first I thought she was joking but she was serious.
    @ddmom0811 - As a second generation programmer my dad and I have chatted a lot about the impact of the modern digital world. It seems pretty inescapable that people's intelligence and drive to learn has suffered from it when any information you could ever need is available at your fingertips without ever having to learn or memorize anything. It's kind of sad how this all came to be due to great intelligence, and to further knowledge, yet the impact seems counter to the desired effect.

    And I get that technology does that. I'm sure all of us used to know many phone numbers and now we know hardly any. But this is just simple logic!

    We used to have our kids calculate the tip in restaurants (it wasn't on receipts then), and we used to have them figure the way out of an airport (to bags, etc) so that they knew how to read the signs... in Germany where they didn't speak the language or here. The latter was my husband's idea because he traveled a lot as a kid. It turned out they both went overseas during college alone, so it was wise of him.

    And yet... I teach some brilliant kids that probably have higher IQs than me. So there is some hope!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @ddmom0811 - As a second generation programmer my dad and I have chatted a lot about the impact of the modern digital world. It seems pretty inescapable that people's intelligence and drive to learn has suffered from it when any information you could ever need is available at your fingertips without ever having to learn or memorize anything. It's kind of sad how this all came to be due to great intelligence, and to further knowledge, yet the impact seems counter to the desired effect.

    It's all a plot by Skynet to dumb down the population, si that when it become fully sentient, it will be easier to take over, as all human ingeniuty will have been lost.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »

    You come here to get talked out of things?

    This place is like a bar full of drunks and one drunk asks the others if he should have one more drink.

    So much this!!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    It's pouring now so won't get a bike ride in but I might run if it stops lightening.

    In other news... A lot of mornings my husband takes a picture of our daughter’s dog and then later in the day texts it to her and I in a group text with a funny message. She lives in NYC and misses her dog (and us, I presume). Yesterday she replies “why is mom topless in that picture?” I was like …. WHAT?!
    I look…. sure enough... the dog was front and center but there in the background is me … getting ready without anything on top. I texted back: EVERYONE MUST DELETE THAT PICTURE IMMEDIATELY!!! My husband replies “oh shoot, I submitted that earlier to”. I told my friends at work and they all said "LET ME SEE!" Um, NO!
    And I was such a good mom, warning my kids about sexting ... now there is me in a picture out in the cloud.

    @ddmom0811 I hate to laugh at your expense, but that is freaking hysterical!!! :blush: Love it!!

    I so needed that laugh today. I didn't run this morning, I need to run with Skip tonight. Her new running coach wants a baseline for her to start a running plan for the summer. Of course the coach will be in Poland for the next month LOL But they will meet up when she gets back and will communicate via all the medias while she is gone.

    I need to get my *kitten* together and soon. I have way too much stress in my life right now. Sorry I haven't been a good replying on posts, I've been taking advantage of the "like" and "awesome" buttons.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    @asmalworld - Congrats on hitting your goal! So early, too!
    @ddmom0811 - Just catching up and read about your "wardrobe malfunction"! Laughed out loud for real! I would totally do that to my wife.
    @ohhim - "...take today easy with a 7.5 miler..." More proof that we are all *kitten* nuts!
    @orphia - "Welcome to the Runny Farm" should be our next shirt!
    @kristinegift - "13x1 mile hill repeats". See above comment to @ohhim