I know it's naughty but fast track weight loss....



  • candysh0p
    candysh0p Posts: 23 Member
    Choose a weight and try to do 10 reps, if you can do them easily, pick a heavier weight. Wait a few minutes and try the 10 reps again.

    Ideally you want to be really trying hard at rep 6-8, and rep 10 to feel almost impossible. But if it is too hard to even get to rep 6, the weight is too heavy.

    Where are you getting this from? If you're training for endurance, I think you're meant to do about 8-10 reps. If you're trying to build muscle, you need to be able to only just manage 5 - the fourth rep should be starting to get really difficult, completely pushing you out of your comfort zone.
  • You'll need to dedicate a good portion of your week to exercise, and eat between 1,000 to 1200 calories a day.

    Michael Dansinger, MD, from The Biggest Loser speaks about the safe way to drop weight quickly here: http://www.webmd.com/diet/guide/lose-weight-fast-how-to-do-it-safely

    It seems to be the best (and least damaging) way to do it, and not dissimilar to what a previous poster did.
  • anitanz
    anitanz Posts: 72
    OMG are you going to be on Don't Tell the Bride??? That is my fave programme, I am totally obsessed.
    It is possible to loose 1 or 2 dress sizes, but you look really little in your pic so maybe you only need to loose 1 size?
    Anyway, if I were you I would go to the gym and suss out the trainer who makes their clients work the hardest (possibly the traner with the hottest clients but not necessarily). You want a trainer who uses weights, honestly, you wont bulk up. Then I would be honest with the trainer about my goals and tell him/ her that I want to work HARD.
    Then stick to this website, track your calories and lay off the booze!
    You can do it!! Good luck!!!!
  • holkeo
    holkeo Posts: 34
    Choose a weight and try to do 10 reps, if you can do them easily, pick a heavier weight. Wait a few minutes and try the 10 reps again.

    Ideally you want to be really trying hard at rep 6-8, and rep 10 to feel almost impossible. But if it is too hard to even get to rep 6, the weight is too heavy.

    Where are you getting this from? If you're training for endurance, I think you're meant to do about 8-10 reps. If you're trying to build muscle, you need to be able to only just manage 5 - the fourth rep should be starting to get really difficult, completely pushing you out of your comfort zone.

    Hey- thanks for your reply. So should I be doing heavy weight and lift until failure i.e. keep going til I can't do anymore. Or more controlled lighter weights. Sorry, I'm easily confused!! ;-)

  • holkeo
    holkeo Posts: 34
    OMG are you going to be on Don't Tell the Bride??? That is my fave programme, I am totally obsessed.
    It is possible to loose 1 or 2 dress sizes, but you look really little in your pic so maybe you only need to loose 1 size?
    Anyway, if I were you I would go to the gym and suss out the trainer who makes their clients work the hardest (possibly the traner with the hottest clients but not necessarily). You want a trainer who uses weights, honestly, you wont bulk up. Then I would be honest with the trainer about my goals and tell him/ her that I want to work HARD.
    Then stick to this website, track your calories and lay off the booze!
    You can do it!! Good luck!!!!

    Hey- hehe- (shhhh) yes that's the one!!!!!! It's SO not guaranteed and I feel like I might have jinxed us by telling everyone and their cousin about the possibility hah. But fingers crossed! I will let you all know so you can watch.

    I'm not tiny. Perhaps that photo is decieving! I'm a size 16, 5"11 and very curvy (I wouldn't say fat.... just an all round bigger girl. What I'd give to be short and petit but that's a whole different story)
    I want to be a size 12 by then which people are saying is doable. I know how much weight a camera can put on you- around 10lbs) so I really do need to get crackin.

    I can't get an appointment with a trainer til 4.30 a week today- so I'm itching to get going. I have a solid week of body combat/ spinning and will improvise with weights until I get some solid programme in place.

    I'm so desperate to do this now!!!! (Sipping on my Dr. Stuart's SlimPlus tea as we speak- not sure what it does but the name sounds good!)

  • candysh0p
    candysh0p Posts: 23 Member
    Choose a weight and try to do 10 reps, if you can do them easily, pick a heavier weight. Wait a few minutes and try the 10 reps again.

    Ideally you want to be really trying hard at rep 6-8, and rep 10 to feel almost impossible. But if it is too hard to even get to rep 6, the weight is too heavy.

    Where are you getting this from? If you're training for endurance, I think you're meant to do about 8-10 reps. If you're trying to build muscle, you need to be able to only just manage 5 - the fourth rep should be starting to get really difficult, completely pushing you out of your comfort zone.

    Hey- thanks for your reply. So should I be doing heavy weight and lift until failure i.e. keep going til I can't do anymore. Or more controlled lighter weights. Sorry, I'm easily confused!! ;-)


    Ideally, you should be doing heavy weight until failure. I'd stick to 5 reps though, if the weight's heavy enough you should be really struggling by that point anyway.
  • holkeo
    holkeo Posts: 34
    Choose a weight and try to do 10 reps, if you can do them easily, pick a heavier weight. Wait a few minutes and try the 10 reps again.

    Ideally you want to be really trying hard at rep 6-8, and rep 10 to feel almost impossible. But if it is too hard to even get to rep 6, the weight is too heavy.

    Where are you getting this from? If you're training for endurance, I think you're meant to do about 8-10 reps. If you're trying to build muscle, you need to be able to only just manage 5 - the fourth rep should be starting to get really difficult, completely pushing you out of your comfort zone.

    Hey- thanks for your reply. So should I be doing heavy weight and lift until failure i.e. keep going til I can't do anymore. Or more controlled lighter weights. Sorry, I'm easily confused!! ;-)


    Ideally, you should be doing heavy weight until failure. I'd stick to 5 reps though, if the weight's heavy enough you should be really struggling by that point anyway.

    THANKS YOU- Can't wait to get to the gym tonight now!x:happy:
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    I love this thread! I'm an impatient loser and have been stalled the last two weeks. Id like to lose 20 lbs by the end of August, so this thread has been very motivating.

    Holkeo, best of luck, deternination, and results on your journey. I can't think of much better motivation.
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    I think you can lose 2 dress sizes in that time healthily. Please don't do anything drastic!

    To jumpstart the weight loss I'd do a fruit and veggie cleanse to get rid of some of the toxins in your body. Do 2-4 days of just fruits, veggies, water and herbal teas. Avoid bananas which can constipate you. Get as much fiber as you can to help flush things out. 1 cup of mild laxative tea such as senna tea per day will help move things out of your body. Then after doing this for a few days, slowly reintroduce normal food and no less than 1200 calories per day. For a few weeks now I've been eating around 1300-1450 calories per day and losing a steady 1-3 pounds a week. I've been drinking a lot of tea and water, keeping my sodium and carbs as low as possible, and proteins high.

    I know a lot of people here on MFP don't really agree with cleanses and/or fasting, but a fruit and veggie detox is a form of fasting and it can actually be really good for the body to take a break from all of the really hard to digest foods we eat such as meat, dairy, etc. It can help reduce bloat, clear up skin, give you more energy, etc. It can help jumpstart weightloss once you get back to eating normally. Just make sure the detox doesn't go on for longer than 4-5 days or your body will think it's starving.

    That doesn't cause you to gain all the weight back after you come off of the cleanse? I thought that's why most people disagree with them...and you eat 1200 calories of fruits and veggies? That's seems like it would be a TON of food!
  • NCisME
    NCisME Posts: 41 Member
    Cardio Cardio Cardio! Spinning is a great idea! But, I would switch it up. Maybe spin twice a week and run twice for at least 20-30 mins

    Eat lean meats and less foods that are processed - au natural!
    But, make sure you eat at least 1200 a day.
  • NCisME
    NCisME Posts: 41 Member
    Sorry but I forgot to mention that incorporating weights should help too.

    Best of luck!
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
  • claireb9
    claireb9 Posts: 9 Member
    I can't advise much on the quick weight loss thing, but by your pic I can tell you have a really beautiful face, which I hope will give you a bit of confidence for the screen test!

    Good luck.
  • lcbrown62
    lcbrown62 Posts: 1 Member
    For really fast weight loss you could try Lighterlife. Go for the Lite option where you still eat one (low-carb) meal a day - the rest are replaced with shakes and bars. Fantastic for fast weight loss but expensive - hence why not doing it myself to lose pre-holiday pounds this year!
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