Ugh!! (pregnancy question)

TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
Around 9:30-10:00 like clockwork, the morning sickness hits me!! I am fine when I first wake up and fine in the later afternoon/evening. But now is all about :sick:

I am now in maintenance mode and know I need a certain amount of calories (especially since I worked out this morning).

But is it a huge issue if I just can't eat a lot right now? I am in the First Trimester. I know it's important in the 2nd and especially the 3rd trimester to get proper nutrition and I take my prenatal vitamin and usually get close to the calories I need in the day. It just get's rough when I feel so sick!


Feeling queasy in CT! :laugh:


  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Around 9:30-10:00 like clockwork, the morning sickness hits me!! I am fine when I first wake up and fine in the later afternoon/evening. But now is all about :sick:

    I am now in maintenance mode and know I need a certain amount of calories (especially since I worked out this morning).

    But is it a huge issue if I just can't eat a lot right now? I am in the First Trimester. I know it's important in the 2nd and especially the 3rd trimester to get proper nutrition and I take my prenatal vitamin and usually get close to the calories I need in the day. It just get's rough when I feel so sick!


    Feeling queasy in CT! :laugh:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Well your baby is about the size of a baby shrimp now, so it doesn't need a lot of calories. I'm not sure if there's anything your doc can give you in the way of an antiemetic since you're pregnant. Sorry I can't be more help! I only know how the baby grows, not what the mommy needs to do. :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Tam could you just make all your meals later like.... have breakfast at 11ish, lunch around 2 and dinner at like 7? I wouldn't worry... I mean if you can't keep food down there's not much else you can do, but if you're feeling better later in the day then...

    I once read that eating extra during pregnancy is actually important for the mother, not for the baby, because the baby takes what it needs from what you eat and you get the leftover. So if you're not eating enough YOU'RE the one who's suffering ffrom it not the baby. Not that I want you to suffer, but it's good to know that the baby won't. :flowerforyou: SOrry, can't help more, I've never been in that position :ohwell:
  • iluvbread
    iluvbread Posts: 104
    Oh I can so understand what you are going through! I was sick for all my pregnancies the first 4 months. I always had that nagging nausea feeling that just would not lift. For the first 12 weeks I stayed the same or lost weight every prenatal visit and I WAS ONLY 105LBS TO START WITH. I was so afraid I was harming the baby. My OB would always reassure me that the baby would take what they needed and to just do my best munching when I had a window of feeling good. Good luck Tam, take one day at a day and munch munch munch when your stomach allows.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I had 3 preg with 3 different weight gains. 55 lbs with the 1st, 35 with the 2nd and 20 with the 3rd.

    I ate practically NOTHING the 1st 3 months!

    Crackers and oatmeal were the name of the game in those days for me!

    God knew what he was doing when he put us together.

    Trust your body, keep eating healthy stuff!
  • 9726172000
    Congrates on being pregnant.

    First you should really realize that the first trimester is really important becase that is when everything in the baby starts to form. If you take your prenatal vitamins any where from 30 minutes to 3 hours before the time you are getting sick then it could be a good possibility that it is your prenatal vitamins, especially if it is about the same time everyday. Talk to your Dr. about this problem, and also try some soda crackers to sooth your tummy.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Oh I can so understand what you are going through! I was sick for all my pregnancies the first 4 months. I always had that nagging nausea feeling that just would not lift. For the first 12 weeks I stayed the same or lost weight every prenatal visit and I WAS ONLY 105LBS TO START WITH. I was so afraid I was harming the baby. My OB would always reassure me that the baby would take what they needed and to just do my best munching when I had a window of feeling good. Good luck Tam, take one day at a day and munch munch munch when your stomach allows.

    leenie, it is really funny to see that sexy man telling me about morning sickness:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Oh Dr Mc Dreamy,how I love thee!! :heart:

  • fiddlechic
    3 of my girlfriends at work are pregnant, all due the 2nd week of march and I remember that 2 of them lost weight during the first trimester bc they felt awful and food wasnt very appetizing so dont sweat it. Ultimately I think you need add 300 calories a day during your 2nd and 3rd trimester to feed you and your baby. None of this "eat anything and everything bc I'm pregnant". One of the girls has gained 20 pounds which is perfect but one of the others has gained 60 already!!!

  • iluvbread
    iluvbread Posts: 104
    haha! arewethereyet....don't you just want to stare at him!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    haha! arewethereyet....don't you just want to stare at him!!!

    thank you,,,,,,keep posting!!:love:
  • Erin31
    Erin31 Posts: 4
    Eat what you can when you can ! And try to make the healthiest choices possible ! Some women with horrible morning sickness feel better eating frequent small snacks, never letting their stomach fully empty. While other women can not possible bear the thought of food. Just listen to your body, it knows how to grow a baby, that is what it was designed to do. If the N/V get so bad that you can't keep anything down, please see your OB provider so that you don't become dehydrated!

    Add a little lemon to your water :drinker: I know it sounds crazy but it helped me ! It is worth a try :flowerforyou: Remember, you only have a few more weeks of this and then you will enjoy eating a whole lot more during the 2nd trimester. Listen to your body & eat what it needs (healthy nutritious foods) through out your entire pregnancy! Congratulations :happy:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Tam, ask your doc to confirm, but during the first trimester you should continue to eat normal, which is hard with morning sickness but eat what you can your body will make sure to get what the baby needs during this first part.

    Second and third trimester you only need an extra 200 - 300 calories for a single pregnancy, twins or more of course would need a little more. Some doctors might recommend up to about 500 calories.

    As far as the morning sickness goes I don't have any advice I got lucky with both and had morning sickness once with each. Although, my second made me dizzy a lot, but soon found out it was because I wasn't eating regularly due to work so I had to ask boss to let me take a break every 2-3 hours just to have some water and a couple of crackers.

    My grandmother was the head nurse of the maternity ward and she had 6 pregnancies and she swears by 7up and saltines before getting out of bed in the morning and about a 1/2 hour before your usual time. :wink:

    Oh, and CONGRATULATIONS :drinker: :heart:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    haha! arewethereyet....don't you just want to stare at him!!!


    If you're gonna keep that av, please post on every thread. :love:


    The Ladies of MFP :laugh:
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    someone above me has said it, but PLEASE PLEASE try to eat as healthily as possible as during the first trimester is when ALL of your baby's vital organs are being laid down. Did you know from 13 weeks to full-term the baby basically just develops and gains weight? I know it is hard with the nausea and it is defo worth speaking to the dr in case the multivit is triggering it, but please try to eat :flowerforyou:

    edited to ad d- I found eating before I tried to get up helped, and I found ginger particularly helped take the edge off, also constantly nibbling all day - I went for no fat crackers. Sickness is actually often lack of fluid or food.
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    haha! arewethereyet....don't you just want to stare at him!!!

    I'm sorry , couldn't read your post....too busy staring at McDreamy.
  • FloridaGranny
    FloridaGranny Posts: 154 Member

    How did you do with your first pregnancy? Every preg. is different and your body is definately different this time - I learned to get up really slow and take it easy in the morning.......

    Good Luck - but, this too shall pass...........
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member

    How did you do with your first pregnancy? Every preg. is different and your body is definately different this time - I learned to get up really slow and take it easy in the morning.......

    Good Luck - but, this too shall pass...........
    Well, I do remember some nausea in the first pregnancy.

    One thing that is throwing me this time around is dizziness(which I don't remember at all from being pregnant with my son), which contributes to the nausea.

    All in all, I feel GREAT even with the nausea. I mean, during my last pregnancy, at my first prenatal appointment, I was 120 lbs heavier than I am now! And I did ok then! Was out and about, so I would think it should only get better but who knows. Like you said, every pregnancy is different.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Thanks everyone! I appreciate the responses! :happy:

    I think it is just a very weird time for me. I mean, I knew going from "lose" mode to "maintain" mode was going to be strange and take some getting used to. In away, being pregnant helps with that because it isn't just about me. I think I am a good pregnant woman because I immediately start taking care of this baby (eliminate certain foods, eat healthy foods, prenatal vitamins, rest up, etc)

    I will try and get higher caloric yet healthy foods into my system during the "nausea" stage. Chocolate milk anyone????? :laugh: And like someone suggested, maybe change the times of day I eat based on the nausea.

    Thanks again!

  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    i know you feel yucky and it is super hard to eat but you have to small meals a little protein with each meal may help.

    two things that helped me with the morning sickness with my boys were sea bands and papaya enzymes. both life savers.
    ginger is a good natural anti nasuea thing but if you have a history of miscarrige dont do the ginger
  • wilted6orchid
    wilted6orchid Posts: 423 Member
    I had horrible nausea with all three of my pregnancies. One thing that always sent me running (to the bathroom) was drinking with my snack...because I couldn't sit to a meal. I know they want you to drink lots of water though, especially if you are dizzy because being dehydrated can cause dizziness. But if you are hungry I would suggest eating a little something and then waiting for 20 min. or so to drink those enormous amounts of water.