Did you get fat as a kid?



  • RosieRose7673
    RosieRose7673 Posts: 438 Member
    Yup. I definitely was. I remember when I was 7/8 years old, asking my mom if I was fat (I was a healthy weight at that point). But my mom was very sick with cancer and eventually passed away right before I turned 9.

    In retrospect, it was a combination of comfort eating and the fact that my dad was a hard working single father trying to make ends meet that didn't have much time to make us meals. So my sister and I ballooned up both comfort eating and eating out of convenience.

    In 7th grade, I slimmed out. Held steady through high school and then developed an eating disorder my first year of college. Went to treatment for that and eventually stabilized until I turned 24. Ballooned up due to newly sedentary ways and keeping my old cruddy eating habits. Lost most of the weight before I turned 27. I'm 28 now and in the best shape of my life. I had a blip this past winter gaining a few pounds but it fell off quickly.

    TLDR; yes. I feel I will always have a struggle with my weight due to that.
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    I wasn't "fat" but I wasn't lanky and lean either. My mother was over concerned about my weight - wouldn't let me play with Barbies cause Id get anorexic but for the love of God Robin suck in your belly! =|

    Raised in a "clean your plate" home that had no idea about portion control and candy/soda fully stocked all the time, as well as chips. Rarely any fresh fruits or veggies until summer rolled around for BBQs brought salads and corn. Our veggies always came out of cans otherwise.

    But it was when I got out on my own that things went truly sideways. (ab?)Using my independence hardcore with fastfood, junk food, then I moved to Europe.

    Oh My God- Swiss chocolate bars. You have no idea. I am wrecked on the crappy US chocolate now.

    That was the end of my hopes for ever being skinny.

  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    I was always at a normal weight as a kid and got in really good shape after I joined the military at 17. It was when I got out 8 years later that I started packing on pounds. I got pretty sedentary and put on a lot of weight over the years. It wasn't until I turned 50 that I decided to do something about it.
  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member
    edited May 2016
    Yep. Why? Because my parents never really bothered teaching healthy eating habits, and my siblings and I were pretty much left to eat however which way we wanted. I ate like my mom. That is, I ate everything on my plate no matter if I was full or not and ate just to eat. A "seefood" diet you can call it. I wasn't totally sedentary, as I have vivid memories of playing outdoors, but I wasn't really active either. My mom cooked many high-calorie foods, and there was always junk food around. Nearly every day, my dad would bring home junk food for us as a treat (chips, ice cream, etc).* I never refused food, and I was never told to stop eating more than my body needed. In fact, the women in my family are pretty big (especially on my mom's side), and two of my siblings, who managed to be thin in childhood, were always scolded for being too thin.
    When I was a tween, my pediatrician started bringing up my weight as a health concern at annual check-ups, but each and every time, my mom would tell me that it wasn't true, and that my weight was okay. As a teenager, I still ate a ton, but played less outdoor "kiddie" games, and I gradually went from being overweight to being obese.
    It wasn't until I left for college that I finally lost all the weight.

    *Disclaimer: I strongly support moderation and do not believe in so-called "evil" foods, but junk food is easy to overeat, especially when there is so much around, as was the case in my childhood.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    I was a little chubby as a kid, curvy as a pre-teen, then through my late teens and 20s I became morbidly obese. Because I was never active, always hated the sun and loved snacking all day every day.
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,146 Member
    Nope, always small and petite. My parents cooked well balanced meals with lots of vegetables and fresh fruit and everything was home made, we couldn't afford eating out.
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    incisron wrote: »
    If so, why?

    Newp. Too much whiffle ball and basketball.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I was always a large child . I remained large until I learned how to use portion control and moderation.
    I was large because I consumed more calories then my body needed. Plain and simple. People gain weight because they ate at a caloric surplus.
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    Yep. My parents brought me and my brother to a kids' weight watchers-esque group when I was in 6th grade (brother in 4th). They were obese my whole life, though we didn't eat terribly...just too much.

    I slimmed down my senior year of HS and decided to make myself over as athletic in college (crew team, rugby, kickboxing, half marathons). I've pretty much kept at it (though rather less working out, since I don't have 3 hours a day to work out anymore) and people that met me in/after college think I'm "the athletic one"
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Nope, I was skinny as a splinter.

    Only started getting overweight gradually in my twenties.

    Lost weight and gained a few times, but never obese till late forties.

    Have now lost it all again before reaching 50.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    My mom always said I was a fat child, but when i look at pictures, i don't see it.
    My sister was under-weight- skinny and because I wasn't that skinny, my mom considered me fat.
  • critterbug15
    critterbug15 Posts: 55 Member
    edited May 2016
    I have always had to keep an eye on my intake... I've always seen the scale move up if I ate everything I wanted. I got pudgy for a brief time as a kid when I lived with my father and he let me eat 2 ice cream sandwiches when I got home from school every day. I went back to live with my mum and she very subtly - without instilling any shame or making a big deal out of it - cut me back. She did tell me I should not be eating 2 ice cream sandwiches when I got home from school. So she didn't buy me all the great things my dad did, and it was effective. I was never overweight again until...

    I got fat when I was pregnant. If our house had been made of the icing-cream filling in donuts, or the cream filling in chocolates, I'd have eaten the house, shelter be damned. And then not just ice cream, but this chewy double the fat ice cream we have here at the local creamery. By gawd. I ate. Boxes and boxes of cheerios. And I never ate like that before or have since (2 ice cream sammiches would have been tame compared to my second trimester)... it was not lack of knowledge of nutrition or lack of desire (I felt really guilty about exposing my little one to all that junk). It was just simple madness. As I work even now to drop it, I totally get why I did it. The draw was Real!

  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    edited May 2016
    I was thin up until around age 8 or 9, then I gained a lot of weight. Don't think there was any particular reason apart from obviously eating in a calorie surplus - I was very active as a kid, even when I was fat. No deep trauma or anything, no interesting reason to point to - I just can eat a very large amount of food and still want more.
  • afatpersonwholikesfood
    afatpersonwholikesfood Posts: 577 Member
    Yup. I was fat by kindergarten. I look normal weight in pictures as a toddler. I was 200+ by middle school. I ate the same foods my siblings did, but I didn't have an off switch. I would eat until I was sick. My mom would put snack cakes and such in her closet as I got older, but I would find them and eat them secretly. I would eventually get caught when she discovered empty boxes. :D Everyone else in my family was normal weight.
  • Etsar73
    Etsar73 Posts: 260 Member
    No l was thin most of my life up until l hit about 30. Been a rollercoaster since then.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    No, I was never rail thin as a kid but I was definitely not fat. I had a little extra chub between middle school and high school but that went pretty quickly with Freshman PE. I didn't start putting on weight until my psychiatric diagnosis and the subsequent med-go-round (and utter lack of f's that I had to give)
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Yes. I started gaining weight at around age 8. Why? Because I liked food and ate larger portions of it. Nuts were scarce as a kid because they were expensive we didn't have a lot of money. They were like my holy grail of food. Once things became financially better and I had access to more of them I started gaining weight. This also happened to be the age I started developing a special liking to olive oil but was never taught how to moderate it.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    I was a skinny kid. My weight gain didnt start until after my heart problems (alot of people assume my weight caused the bad heart) People like to think they know best when talking to overweight people about health conditions, Like we deserve it....its disgusting.