Intermittent Fasting Buddies needed

Need some buddies who find intermittent fasting great for weight loss. Ive lost 2 stone in the past with this method but fell off the wagon and put it all back on so have started again last week,... and lost 5lbs!! Love to hear from u :smile:


  • m0nsterdad
    m0nsterdad Posts: 37 Member
    I do a 5/19 but it really is more of a 4/20...
    My prob is my feeding window is late 6-11pm, and find myself eating just before bed, and I generally eat one meal during that period. When I was younger I saw more results with this format, is it better to eat multiple meals in your window and possibly move the window to earlier in the day?
  • Nodaysoff86
    Nodaysoff86 Posts: 40 Member
    Yeah count me in, i have lost 30 pounds doing it. I cycle it tho, one month on one month off.. Works for me... Also i way all my calories in two meals alloted in my window..
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    CaffeinatedConfectionist Posts: 1,046 Member
    edited May 2016
    Feel free to friend me. I do a roughly 20:6 - I don't eat (aside from coffee) until I get home from work, typically. Then several snacks and a large dinner. I have always eaten this way naturally, but it wasn't until I got on MFP that I realized there was a term for it. For a long time I believed the "must eat X number of small meals per day to keep your metabolism stoked" BS, and tried to follow all those other idiotic "guidelines." All I did was make myself miserable and hangry all the time. I know that works for plenty of people, but I'm an IF all the way kinda gal.
  • nadiabooboo
    nadiabooboo Posts: 8 Member
    Just started again. Twice a week I fast. Lost 25 pounds this way using my fitness pal - last year -but then fell off the wagon and gained most back. Please friend me!!!
  • rach91xXx
    rach91xXx Posts: 2 Member
    Hi.. Could you please explain to me how this sort of fasting diet works? I've never heard of it before and would like to try it.
  • rach91xXx
    rach91xXx Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you so much for that.. Really helpful.. I'm going to read more about this and then will give it a go, hopefully I'll see some results. Thanks again and good luck on your journey.
  • llbrixon
    llbrixon Posts: 964 Member
    Add me
  • llbrixon
    llbrixon Posts: 964 Member
    I love IF because I can balance my calories with ease for 2 meals and snack instead of 3 meals and 2 snacks.
  • LeoZandi
    LeoZandi Posts: 38 Member
    Yup 18/6 is me :)
  • mecoconleche
    mecoconleche Posts: 86 Member
    I usually push my first meal 4-8 hours after waking up, then feasting on a 1200 calorie meal lol
  • angelwowings23
    angelwowings23 Posts: 128 Member
    You can add me. I just started with an 16:8 protocol last week.
  • jasr2013
    jasr2013 Posts: 3 Member
    mamiaof3 wrote: »
    Need some buddies who find intermittent fasting great for weight loss. Ive lost 2 stone in the past with this method but fell off the wagon and put it all back on so have started again last week,... and lost 5lbs!! Love to hear from u :smile:

    Hi! Add me I'm into the bullet proof if. Down 20 pounds in 5 weeks :)
  • RebWMcg
    RebWMcg Posts: 2 Member
    I've read so much about IF and decided to start last week. I lost 3 lbs. My plan is a 16 hour fast daily (first meal at 10 AM and last meal at 6PM), Monday-Thursday. My 8-hour eating window, as well as weekends,
    is low carb, i.e. carbs from non-starchy vegetables and berries.
  • beachbumbod
    beachbumbod Posts: 4 Member
    I'm a 16:8 IF gal, but not low carb. Just counting cals
  • DanFoster98
    DanFoster98 Posts: 4 Member
    I started IF a few weeks ago and immediately saw results. I did my same diet the first week and then 2nd week onward I prepped my meals on Sunday's and the results are actually awesome. I plateaued about 6 months ago at 175 lbs and in 2-3 weeks I dropped 10 lbs already in weight . I started off with the lean gains method of 16:8 ( 16 hour fast 8 hour feast ) and then after getting used to it switched to a 20:4 and must say I enjoy it a lot . I drink a lot of water and 2 cups of coffee a day to curb my hunger until my eating period which is 5-9 pm and that's it - simplicity. I don't find the long fast that long at the moment and actually don't mind it either because it allows me to do things without worrying about eating. It also REALLY works around my schedule so that's also really nice. I would say a major component tho to IF is sticking to a good macronutrient percentage. I personally do 40% protein intake , 20-30% carb and fat ( each ) depending on the day ( higher carb on workout days and higher fat when not ). This method has so far worked wonderfully already and I can physically see my waistline and fat disappearing. Feel free to ask any questions about technicalities and sign me up to be a bud
  • JZygmunt72
    JZygmunt72 Posts: 262 Member
    someone add me and teach me this way!!!!!! please!
  • 120goalzz
    120goalzz Posts: 5 Member
    I'm new to it and really like it. Doing 5 days at around 1500 calories and 2 days at 600-700 calories. I do work out 6 days a week, but fasting days are low intensity like yoga or a walk. It's perfect for my lifestyle and just my way of eating- I'm not a grazer! Definitely would rather eat nothing all day and then have a giant cheeseburger for dinner. ;)
  • Hottamoli
    Hottamoli Posts: 7 Member
    Can you please explain how it works. It sounds like something I'd be interested in trying.