Did you get fat as a kid?



  • sarahthes
    sarahthes Posts: 3,252 Member
    Had a bad start--I was 10lbs14oz at birth AND my mom had untreated gestational diabetes. Still, I was upper end of normal or barely overweight until high school. Then I gained, stopped eating, lost to upper end of my healthy weight, then regained. I was still overweight (not quite obese) when I graduated, but I was also extremely active and had super muscular legs (martial arts & rugby) so my body fat was a bit lower than my weight would suggest.

    Then I went to college and gained 40lbs my freshman year. And then gained a bit more, got married, and yo-yoed between 240-275 lbs depending on the season and how much money we had. I was 250 when I started losing the first time. Got pregnant at 204 and ate all the things. 271 when I delivered. Down to 234 when I got pregnant again. I think I was around 260 when I delivered. Baby is 15 months and I'm about 236. I'm not having more kids so I should manage to reach goal this time!
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,495 Member
    Nope. I was super skinny. I was one of those kids who never wanted to stop moving, always running, jumping, or climbing something. Hunger was an annoyance to be quickly fixed so I could move on. I'm still like that. I just took a week off from work and spent every day moving and eating very little. It is the sedentary lifestyle my job forces upon me that encourages weight gain. I was not made to sit at a desk all day. :(
  • MeiannaLee
    MeiannaLee Posts: 338 Member
    Yes my mom is a fat enabler.
  • xtina315
    xtina315 Posts: 218 Member
    Nope. Was actually under weight until I had my first child. And have been over weight since then.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Yep. Loving grandmother who would let me eat what I wanted. Was always told it was "baby fat", but when you are a 5th or 6th grader who is picked on this doesn't fly. Finally lost weight in 7th and 8th grade. High school I was pretty much anorexic. Would eat nothing for breakfast, a pack of HoHos and a coke for lunch then pick at dinner. Also didn't help I had a boyfriend who would scrutinize me and say I was fat. So yeah lots of mental stuff there. I still have a poor self image, but am working on it and have really been discovering a healthier way of living for the past 2 years. Daily struggle and trying to raise my kids to understand what healthy eating is like so they don't follow in my footsteps.
  • megzchica23
    megzchica23 Posts: 419 Member
    I wasn't even 100lbs when I graduated High School. I was a stick until my mid 20's where I finally reached a healthy weight. But unfortunately since I was use to eating anything I wanted and never gaining a lb it hurt a lot in my late 20's. Just like my mom said, it all caught up to me by 30. Heh.
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    No. Never overweight until my early 30's. I was a very tall little girl that could eat and eat and never gain an ounce!
  • Ruatine
    Ruatine Posts: 3,424 Member
    Yes, my weight issues started when I was about 9. I was very thin, even underweight as a young child. After my family moved to the south, I started gaining weight. I've thought a lot about why that might have been. It's difficult to pinpoint. It was the first time we hadn't lived in housing on a military base, so I went to a school not on a military base, and we shopped at non-military grocery stores, but I don't know if that directly contributed. I was incredibly active as a kid - always riding my bike all over the neighborhood, but we didn't eat well - ice cream for dessert almost every night, big portions, not a lot of fresh fruit/veggies, lots of pre-packaged foods (Little Debbie snacks were always in the pantry). I don't ever remember being taught about nutrition growing up - not in school, not at home. I leaned out a bit in my teens after a growth spurt but packed on even more weight after moving to the northeast and becoming incredibly sedentary as a teen.

    In my entire adult life, I've never been at a "normal" weight for my height. It's something I'm very much looking forward to reaching. Should I ever have children, nutritional education will definitely be a part of their upbringing - not in a shove it down their throats, my children will never be fat kind of way, but in an everyday, food is fuel kind of way.
  • stephinator92
    stephinator92 Posts: 162 Member
    I was diagnosed as overweight when I was 6 years old. I was a VERY active kid but also loved to eat. I learned (probably from my parents) about turning to food as an emotional coping mechanism and my weight continued to climb following my parents divorce at 8-9 years old. Coupled with many, many hours of being home alone my weight still climbed, but was manageable. I had various family members & doctors "helping" by telling me to lose weight, but never quite giving me the proper tools. I found a sport I loved in horseback riding and couldn't continue when it became too expensive, and the lack of motivation for other activities directly related to that caused another weight spike. The final massive weight spike in childhood came the year I turned 13 - 50 lbs in one year. I have never had one day that I could remember where I haven't thought about my weight and it has taken me years to try to disassociate myself from feelings of worthlessness attached to my fat.
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    Kids teased me in elementary school and called me fat, but when I look at my old pictures if those kids weighed 80lbs I weighed 95. Not hugely overweight, but just enough to make life hard. Junior high school I started joining organized sports, by 9th grade I was in pretty good condition, but never skinny- stayed about 130lbs. I became obsessed and developed an eating disorder. My mom was so happy to show me off because I had lost weight but it was really non- sustainable, especially when playing sports.

    I did pretty good keeping my weight in check, well on the high side of the 'normal' bmi scale (135lbs). Then college hit--freshman 15, well more like 20... Actually the worst part was I used to work at K-Mart and there was a Lil Caesars (pizza place) in there. I was a broke college student and the manager had a bit of a crush on me. So even tho they are supposed to stop making pizza 30 minutes before the store closes, he'd make one every night for me about 10 minutes before cause he knew he wouldn't be able to sell it and give it to me to go home with...Needless to say, living on pizza pies for almost 3 years....

    I yo-yo'd throughout my 20s, through marriage and pregnancies and moving. A lot of excuses led to me topping out around 220lbs. I tried in my 30s to get control of it. I finally have got a grasp. I'm around my college weight now (155) and plan to get back to 135lbs before I hit 40 (7months to go!)

  • Panda_Poptarts
    Panda_Poptarts Posts: 971 Member
    Yes. I've been fat since I was 7. My mother couldn't cook and all we ever really ate was spaghetti and oatmeal and pre-packaged foods. Lots of junk food. I was also raised in an abusive household. In addition to treating food as a comfort, food was used as a punishment (e.g. bad behavior = no dinner). My brother and I both stockpiled food in our bedrooms and took to eating in secret late at night. As a teenager, the abuse was much worse and food was a coping mechanism. Bad habits were learned young. I've since lost 84lb, but I've got a good ways to go towards a 100% healthy relationship with food.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,912 Member
    edited May 2016
    Not fat as a kid. Had to lose 10 pounds to join the military. (Soon after they changed the standards and I would have been fine under the new ones.) Got two stupid fad crash diets from my recruiter - 1. banana diet and 2. cabbage soup diet. Lost 25-35 pounds before and during boot camp, which started 30 years of yoyoing. Wish I'd known then what I know now.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    edited May 2016
    Nope, I was tiny as a baby and a child. My mom's pediatrician recommended giving me lots of fattening stuff b/c I was considered underweight at 6m/o but she refused b/c they'd said the same thing about my brother, who was already having weight problems at 3y/o b/c she'd followed their advice with him and regretted it. Sure enough, I was at a healthy weight within about a year and stayed healthy throughout childhood.

    Then puberty hit me like a ton of bricks, and I've struggled with my weight ever since (30 now) :/
  • louisepaul16
    louisepaul16 Posts: 261 Member
    Nope. I was never skinny, but always a healthy weight. I swam, trampolined, danced, went horse riding, and was never overweight. Then I left school and started working in a call centre with odd shifts, and my oh my the weight piled on!

    I think j would have been an overweight kid if I hadn't have been so active. I've always loved food and has an overeating issue since I was probably about 14 I would say, but didn't recognise it as that then.
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Not fat as a kid. Had to lose 10 pounds to join the military. (Soon after they changed the standards and I would have been fine under the new ones.) Got two stupid fad crash diets from my recruiter - 1. banana diet and 2. cabbage soup diet. Lost 25-35 pounds before and during boot camp, which started 30 years of yoyoing. Wish I'd known then what I know now.

    I remember my navy recruiter gave me that cabbage soup diet. I was 7lbs over military standards...smh. It worked but boy oh boy
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    nope I was all boney it looked gross up and into my 20's then I started gaining weight. then I was put on meds for anxiety and depression which in turn me into a bottom less pit. I was always hungry. then from bad habits I got type two diabetes. I beat it once and got off the meds. fast forward 4 years no going to gym and barley working out. I didn't follow up with the doctor. now i'm on insulin plus the meds. so not worth it. but I will fight this. i'm not giving up
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    ...born fat. :(
  • GMAC2016
    GMAC2016 Posts: 249 Member
    edited May 2016
    Yes. No idea why but I obviously ate too much and played too little.

    I don't ever remember being anything but fat. I was about 170 in grade 6, first year I wrestled in school. I got the flu in grade 9 and lost maybe 20 lbs to wrestle at 204, was 240 in Grade 13, last year I wrestled was about 20 years old at University at 282. I have stayed around 280 for the past 25 years although I am definitely higher % fat. But Like I said, I don't remember ever being anywhere close to what would be considered "normal". It has definitely colored my personality and how I interact with people. Not in a good way.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,388 Member
    edited May 2016
    When I was 12 I started riding my bike to the park (maybe a mile) every day and getting a chocolate milkshake from the new gazebo there. Every day. I got up to 125 lbs (not real fat but that was my highest weight till after I got married at 23). Then I wondered why my mom kept forcing me in to sports, haha. I started track and cross country and never had a problem again (until aforementioned marriage and then pregnancy).

    edit: around 12 I also started going to the 7-11 with my new friend (who was fat) and getting cappuccinos and pringles every day after school. And then I started wearing one of my brothers plaid shirts open over all my clothes every day. Sooooo glad I got out of that phase quickly, lol.