What can you eat when you completely hate veggies?



  • AliceAxe
    AliceAxe Posts: 172 Member
    edited May 2016
    i love them but can get sick of them easily and my BF is very picky and doenst want to eat then so ive found ways to use them by grinding them up and putting them in stuff. it depends on what recipies and foods you like.

    I use a food processor and grind up onions garlic mushrooms cellery zuccini egg plant and squash and cook it in spagetti sause with meat, it comes out wonderfuly thick and flavorful. can do an awesome lazanna this way. ground veg for meatloafs and burgers are great too. also if you like salads like tuna or chicken salad potato annd macaroni, I add ground carrots cellery bell peppers onions. try adding ground veg to sauses too. msuhroom and onion gravey, for a white sause try onions and califlour. if you like mashed potatos making them with some cook califlower mashed into it, you hardly notice it. my BF HATES califlower and even he was ok with that. avacados can be subbstitued for a fat in some recipies also.

    salsas are great, you can grind up many varieties of fresh veg, I like doing one with tomatos ,onions garlic, multipule types of peppers, celery , some herbs like cilantro, parsely, mabee some corn and olives. you can make fruit salsas too.

    cakes and breads are great too with ground veg, zuccinni and carrot breads and cakes. see my post on the mug cakes for chocolate banana cake. I was also using a juicer , make a juice and then use the pulp in the cakes , you can bake ground fruit into pancakes also. applesause is a good substitue for sugar in some baking. often on boxes of cake mix you will see it in the alternative prep directions.

    use lots of herbs, and greens like herbs. I often add a bit of spinich and kale is good along with parsely in many dishes, soups and caseroles, stuffings, spinach and kale can be very versitile like that. I make an omlete with spinach shallots galic mushroms and ham that is very flavorful.

    hope this gives you food for thought ;)
  • teetertatertango
    teetertatertango Posts: 229 Member
    Keep trying with the vegetables. It can take 15-50 separate attempts to become accustomed to a new food. A long and tedious process but worth it in the end!

    Roasting gives a much sweeter flavor and changes the texture.

    Find sauces you like to cover up some of the taste...gravy, BBQ sauce, ranch, etc.

    Puree them into spaghetti sauce.

    Making thin matchstick slices helps me get certain raw vegetables down easier though I usually prefer cooked.

    For fruits, putting them in a smoothie with another stronger taste that you like helps (maybe chocolate?) Cooking things like apples and pears makes them sweeter and easier to get down.

    In the end, you just have to commit to it and do it. You will not die (allergies excepted), and if you feel like you will, some therapy might help you get over the mental block. There are some meals I put 100g of vegetables on the plate and just cram them in to get it over with so I can get to the good stuff. Mature, no, but I think it's better than not eating them at all. It gets a bit easier if you internalize the importance of veg/fruit and do not allow yourself any excuses. Tastes can (slowly) change! Over time, I've moved many vegetables to the tolerable level for me, which I view as a huge success. You have the chance to provide a great start for your daughter, now is the time to start eating fruit and veg!
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    edited May 2016
    What veggies have you tried, and how were they prepared? My husband hated veggies until I started cooking for him, but his parents used a lot of canned veggies, or served them very plain (no salt and pepper or butter), so he always thought he hated veggies :D. Honestly I'm sure there are some things that you won't like no matter how they are prepared, but what have you tried? You want to set a good example for your child - seeing parents willing to try new things is important to encourage kids to be willing to try new foods.

    That said, you may never be a fruit or veggie lover. That's okay too, there are plenty of nutrient dense non-veggie foods to be had (meat, eggs, fish, dairy, etc). I would encourage you to try some different veggies tho, and experiment with the preparation- that can make all the difference (boiled Brussels sprouts? Meh. Brussels sprouts browned in bacon drippings? Yowza. Steamed asparagus? Not bad. Roasted asparagus? Heaven on earth.)
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    As someone else said--eat what you have been eating, just less of it.

    With respect to the veggies--I'm assuming your profile picture is recent? You have a little one who is start going to try new foods soon... You should try to expand your palate by introducing new foods into your life kind of in the same way. I'm not saying to eat baby food, but if your baby is starting green beans, then introduce green beans into your diet as well. Eventually you should find something that isn't objectionable to you.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    I've never been a veggie or fruit person...ever. I'm trying to lose baby weight now and I can't seem to find anything that I can eat for meals or snack on. Any tips?

    Weight loss is about calories not type of food. So eat what you like, log it and stick to your calorie goal just like everyone else. If you post what your calorie goal is then people can give you ideas of foods that will fit that goal.

    Nutrition is about type of food. Vegetables and fruits provide important nutrients as well as fiber. Suck it up and eat some for your health. The variety of vegetables and fruits is enormous. What have you tried? What bothers you? Flavor, texture?
    Try them in different forms. Roasted or grilled, batter dipped, raw, in soups, stews, stir fries, on pizza, sandwiches, tacos. Pureed or chopped and added to sauces, smoothies, or ground meat for meatballs or meatloaf.
  • aashwill
    aashwill Posts: 64 Member
    If you completely hate veggies you can eat veggies, nothing stopping you.
  • samchez0
    samchez0 Posts: 364 Member
    I still don't eat my veggies and I'm losing weight. I'm also probably losing out on important vitamins and such but eating vegetables isn't necessary to lose weight.
  • stephinator92
    stephinator92 Posts: 162 Member
    Do you use Pinterest? If not,you should start because there are literally millions of recipes on there. Find creative ways to cook your vegetables. My favorites include: Creamed Kale, Kale Chips, Carrot Chips, Zucchini Chips (notice the theme?), Sauteed Peppers and Onions, Sauteed Onions, Sauteed Shallots, Caprese Salad with balsamic vinegar, Roasted Garlic added to meals....

    Also my favorite salad ever because it's just so incredibly delicious: Arugula, Pear, Dried Cranberries, Goat Cheese, Candied Walnuts (omittable), Red Onion & Balsamic Reduction... literally takes 10 minutes to prepare, will stay for a few days and is so yummy.

    Start experimenting with different ideas and new recipes - you won't regret it. As far as fruits are concerned there are definitely creative recipes for those too, like Banana Pancakes, Fruit Salad, etc... the more you eat that stuff, the more you will like it. Feel free to friend me if you need more ideas :smile:
  • emmaprocopiou
    emmaprocopiou Posts: 246 Member
    My husband dislikes most veggies, this stems from his mother and her dislike.
    However in the decade+ I've been with him he And I have found he doesn't hate them all equally.
    He may not like salad, raw tomatoes and sweet potato
    But will eat corn , cabbage, fine beans
    He will eat tomato based sauces into which I grate zucchini and carrots so they disappear.
    Meatballs or meatloaf I add in grated veggies.
    Peppers and onions in fajitas
    Roast dinners he likes them witha squeeze of lemon.
    Curried sauces are great at hiding veg flavour.
    Fruits in baked goods like pies or crumbles just go easy on the sugar
    If I make crepes , banana and a smear of Nutella is his favourite.
  • mathiseasy
    mathiseasy Posts: 165 Member
    I roast or saute allll my veggies, whoever said above olive oil+veg+salt+oven is sooo right.
    I overdo it on dips when I eat raw veggies so I plan it into my day. Love me Marie's ranch dip and carrots (the carrots are actually a vehicle for the ranch).
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,476 Member
    I'm puzzled when people say they hate veggies.

    There are so many different kinds of veggies each with different flavours and textures. How can you lump them all together like that?

    Personally, I don't do well with peppers. They don't sit well in my stomach and I end up feeling a bit queasy and burping them up the rest of the day ... even if I eat really small quantities of them.

    But fortunately, peppers are just one type of veggies and there are numerous other types which don't have that effect.

    Not only are there a whole bunch of different types of veggies, there are a whole bunch of different ways you can eat them.

    You can eat them raw, steamed, roasted ... in a slow cooker, in soup, blended into a drink ...

    My husband told me that he was not at all keen on sweet potatoes. However, I cut one up and put it in the slow cooker along with chicken mince and a whole bunch of other veggies he does like plus coconut milk and curry spices. It made a delicious curry which we both enjoyed. Turns out that sweet potatoes practically dissolve in a slow cooker and become a thickening agent for the sauce, and you'd never know they were there.

    All kinds of options!
  • Zella_11
    Zella_11 Posts: 161 Member
    aashwill wrote: »
    If you completely hate veggies you can eat veggies, nothing stopping you.

  • bellabonbons
    bellabonbons Posts: 705 Member
    It comes down to what is most important to you your health should be your priority. Fruits and vegetables are incredibly healthy and your body needs them.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    You should give vegetables a try honestly. I never new I loved raw brocolli and raw cauliflower until about two months ago.....I love eating it with hummus/dips and pasta salads! I never ever ever thought I would like raw veggies, but a friend made a recipe that included raw veggies and so I wouldn't be rude, I ate it, and it was delicious!
  • hstephenson96
    hstephenson96 Posts: 7 Member
    edited May 2016
    Well I totally get what you mean because I don't like veg either. The only way I will eat them is in soup which is blended so there are no lumps. Here's what you could have as a snack: Ryvitas, rice cakes, cereal bars (Alpen 70 cal) yogurts, nuts/seeds, weight watches snack bars. If you don't like fruit then a good way to get the nutrients is to either blend fruit or get fruit juice and freeze it and make ice lollies. I freeze innocent smoothies which are yummy. Nothing people say will change the way you feel about food and it's probs psychological which in your own time you will combat. Hope this helps :)
  • xtina315
    xtina315 Posts: 218 Member
    Omg idk how anyone can hate fruits and veggies. They are so yummy!!
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Tell me again why you can't eat vegetables? I mean, sure, everyone likes pasta or rice or ice cream better, of course. But why can't you eat them?
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    What do you love to eat? Eat that. Make it fit into your daily calories. For weight loss, eating at a calorie deficit is what's most important. Stick to your daily calories by weighing your food, and you'll lose the weight.

    Sure, you could try and learn to love fruits and veggies with everybody's suggestions, but you don't have to if you don't want to. You don't have to make your weight loss miserable. Enjoy it with whatever foods you love. :)
  • AlyM725
    AlyM725 Posts: 158 Member
    I always thought I hated zucchini, but as it turns out I just didn't give it a fair chance. Now I love it! Maybe that's what's happening to you? Throw some veggies in a soup or chili, or even shred some in to a turkey burger or turkey meatballs. Or roast some in a the oven with olive oil, salt and pepper. Roasting makes veggies taste amazing.

    My next veggie to tackle is asparagus. Maybe I didn't give it a fair chance either