Low carb high fat dieter here



  • exomos
    exomos Posts: 21 Member
    I just started Low Carb, High fat today! I'm doing up to 1,200 calories a day for the first three days and then bumping that up to 1,500 calories afterwards. I do up to 25g of carbs a day and everything else protein and fat. :)
  • lisamarieand2
    lisamarieand2 Posts: 2 Member
    Low carb here too
  • lelandsmommy1
    lelandsmommy1 Posts: 2 Member
    i am going to start this soon, but am VERY nervous!!! I am not a big meat eater or vegi eater either!!!
  • tls7777
    tls7777 Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2016
    I'm on the LCHF diet too! Did it before a couple years ago and fell off after just a couple weeks but this time I'm Not Stopping! Started the last Thursday in March of this year and still going strong! Any low carbers are welcome to add me!
  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    I have noticed that LCHF will not work to lose wt if we dont count calories. I learned the hard way. Followed it for four weeks straight out of Dr. Hymans book at the end of four weeks I gained 1.6 pounds boy was that a surprise to me. This past Monday I started it again but this time I am eating the allotted amount of calories figured by MFP.

    I also learned to track cals. I was so satisfied that i didnt reaize i was only eatng about 800 cals. lost weight for 3 weeks then stopped losing. Jumped it up to 1200 to 1500 and was back to losing.
  • garrettg_78
    garrettg_78 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey there
  • TerhiB
    TerhiB Posts: 3 Member
    Another low carber here! I started low carb lifestyle on 1st of march and have lost over a stone now. I would love to have low carb friends here on MFP to get some advice, hints and tips from. I'm on Instagram under name low-carb.finn_uk. I post a lot of pics of food, if anyone needs ideas what to cook. :) Please add me!!
  • Heartlight441
    Heartlight441 Posts: 278 Member
    I also am aiming for HF/LC! Would be happy for friends trying this with open diaries for ideas! Thx
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Suggest you check out the main low carber forum group here in MFP. It's where most of us Ketofiles tend to hang out:

  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    Just started Monday! Can't believe how much better I feel already. This diet never made sense to me when I would see/hear people talk about it. But, my Mom gave me a book called "The Carb Addicts Diet". I didn't read it for about a month. But she kept talking to me about it, and after experiencing some of the major issues she had pinpointed of being a carb addict, I finally read it. Now it makes sense to me.

    Like other poster's mentioned, though, I am still tracking calories and trying to stay under my allotment.
  • moe0303
    moe0303 Posts: 934 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    Junthe wrote: »
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    layak wrote: »
    I thought its suppose to be low carb high protein diet?

    Technically I'd say a more appropriate name is Low Carb, Moderate Protein, Moderate Fat. The "High Fat" in weight loss SHOULD refer to the body fat you're burning for energy rather than dietary fat if you're doing it correctly. Higher dietary fat is more the territory of maintenance LCHF imo.

    Too much protein will turn into glucose, lower carbs will not satisfy you therefore, raising good fat will satiate and will not raise your inslin levels therfore the fuel your body will reach for is fat you store on your body. This will help you lose weight.

    I've lost 49lbs since February 1st so I don't think weight loss is an issue for me but thanks ;) . My macros are set up at 75% fat, 20% fat, 5% carbs as well (to fit my OKL chart specs reasonably well) but I would never eat the entire fat macro (which I think a lot of non-LCHF people think we do, thus why I said this WOE could use a renaming) because that makes no sense in weight loss when you need to be burning the fat off your body.

    Furthermore you have to eat a pretty significant amount of protein to have issues with glucogenesis as I understand it (If I recall the last article I read on the subject it was something wild like 300g+!). Eating a moderate amount of protein would be highly unlikely to "turn steak into cake" and I've yet to be in any LCHF group that would disagree with that outside of MFP.

    I prefer a ratio of 60% fat, 30%fat, and fill in the rest with fat. ;)

  • 20jaracapa20
    20jaracapa20 Posts: 17 Member
    I just started the LCHF WOE yesterday. :smile:
    Feel free to add me!
    Would love to have supportive friends walking the same path!
  • 20jaracapa20
    20jaracapa20 Posts: 17 Member
    dmariet116 wrote: »
    Been on LCHF for almost 3 weeks now. I have already lost 13 lbs! Yay! The first 5 days I followed the Adkins fat fast to get into ketosis faster. And after the 2nd day, I lost all cravings for carbs but I did feel a little nauseated from eating so much fat. Now I have added moderate protein so I don't have that problem. I still watch my caloric intake as I believe a calorie is a calorie. I have a goal of losing another 50 lbs.

    And THIS is why I feel nauseated! Thank you. I've been a hot mess all morning!
    This is why I needed to find this thread!