Curves or no curves



  • lisahebert186
    lisahebert186 Posts: 736 Member
    Best thing to do is get into the shape you're happy with,

    and that shape will attract someone who likes that shape.

    no matter how you look, there will be people who don't like it - and just as many people who love it.

    problem with the internet is there are a lot of out and out mean haters, who bash everything with the loudest voices.

    That's the truth. I guess I'm not even sure how I want to look. I just want to feel better about myself and having someone say I'm beautiful or attractive would be nice. It's easy to say don't worry what others think but it's a lot harder feel that way.
  • LozaMacdee
    LozaMacdee Posts: 1 Member
    Oh God..first time I thought I'd look at the community and already going to leave and crack on myself!! Really?? What do guys like?? What do other women think of other women?? Who gives a *kitten*!! What do you think of you!! Are you happy, do you find you attractive, healthy, confident? I'm 36, got three boys, lost over 4 stone got about a stone to go, I run and use a kettlebell everyday. I'd say im in I've had three bairns. I love myself. I really do. Once you realise how little what you look like matters, you'll get on just fine in life. No nonsense Scots woman
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Tsartele wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    Tsartele wrote: »
    A woman is supposed to have an hourglass shape to her. Its what defines a woman and makes her instantly recognizable. Some are more pronounced than others personally I like something proportional, not overly exaggerated and kind of right in the middle. She needs to have feminine hips and a nice set on top.

    Every time I venture into one of these threads I immediately regret it anytime I see absolutely anything you have ever posted.

    So what your saying is that were not getting engaged anytime soon ??? Darn my luck.

    The original question was "But what do guys like?" I stated what I liked and you get pissed not my fault.

    Actually no, you stated what a woman is "supposed" to look like. That was literally the first thing you said.
  • RonwynAngel
    RonwynAngel Posts: 15 Member
    People like different shapes but we know most guys will admit to liking larger boobs. Some like big butts. All like someone they can talk to, have a laugh with, likes their food so they will enjoy a dinner out, is open to liking them. Bigger hips don't bruise as much if you get what I mean. Be yourself and call out the s...heads on their BS. Love yourself and try to be fit and healthy.
  • duckforceone
    duckforceone Posts: 121 Member
    i like women of all types... curves or no curves...
    but a flat stomach is the ultimate for me to look at...
  • lisahebert186
    lisahebert186 Posts: 736 Member
    I asked for opinions and I'm happy I have gotten those comments from those who actually stated their opinion.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    No preference here, curves can be just as sexy as no curves and visa versa.....but she better have cute feet!!!!!
  • lisahebert186
    lisahebert186 Posts: 736 Member
    headofphat wrote: »
    No preference here, curves can be just as sexy as no curves and visa versa.....but she better have cute feet!!!!!

    Lol, I love my feet!! I had no idea a guy would even care what a girl's feet looked like.
  • lilkimi525
    lilkimi525 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Different strokes for different folks!!!! There are many different flavors out there.... I've been on both sides of that coin.... I do feel personally I like the curves much better.... It does give me a sense of confidence being curvy. That's just my opinion.... I love it!!!
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,082 Member
    lilkimi525 wrote: »
    Different strokes for different folks!!!! There are many different flavors out there.... I've been on both sides of that coin.... I do feel personally I like the curves much better.... It does give me a sense of confidence being curvy. That's just my opinion.... I love it!!!

    Need to see some curve pics so we can verify the level of curviness... :)

  • lisahebert186
    lisahebert186 Posts: 736 Member
    wilsoncl6 wrote: »
    I just read a report that men are genetically predisposed to be more attracted to women that have a curvature in their lower backs that create a more protruding butt. It implies that men tend to like a but that protrudes (more so if that protrusion is caused by the spinal curvature than by buttock mass) than a non-curved lower back to butt region. I tend to agree. It supposedly has something to do with the idea that it suggests to men that the woman with that body type can bear multiple children better. Not sure about the multiple children part but I do find that little back curve extremely sexy, even more so if it ends in a nice round booty.

    Hot damn, big butt and three kids. I'm hot!!!! Lol
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Wouldn't it be amazing if different people had different tastes, and there was no reason to conform yourself to anyone's ideals?
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    The word curves is very controversial online. I have discovered since joining mfp four years ago. I am small and petite. I guess the correct word for my body type is shapely. Because I am small and petite with a small waist and a shapely behind (11 inches bigger than my waist). Regardless of what anyone's shape is, I think all bodies are beautiful. Be your best self with health, fitness. Have fun with your body! That's what I do. Life is too short to not just enjoy the body that you have to the fullest.
  • lisahebert186
    lisahebert186 Posts: 736 Member
    Wouldn't it be amazing if different people had different tastes, and there was no reason to conform yourself to anyone's ideals?

    Yes however, I was really just asking to see what others liked. I wasn't setting out to start a debate on how people shouldn't judge others or people need better self esteem. I was honestly just curious.
  • girl_inflames
    girl_inflames Posts: 374 Member
    I prefer curves, and i prefer women with curves. I had the same dilemma when I started losing weight. I missed my hips when I started getting smaller but my waist also got smaller (yay)! Now I just have to focus on working my bum. It's shrank too much.

    Focus on how you want you to look and if you like it. Not so much on others. You'll be much happier that way :smile:
  • Noelani1503
    Noelani1503 Posts: 378 Member
    There are people attracted to every size and shape. One person's ideal is another's deal breaker.
    Focus on how you want you to look and if you like it. Not so much on others. You'll be much happier that way :smile:

    Definitely this. And if you want the way you look to be pleasing to someone else, it's much more satisfying if your appearance is pleasing to you first, and the other person appreciates it too.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Wouldn't it be amazing if different people had different tastes, and there was no reason to conform yourself to anyone's ideals?

    Yes however, I was really just asking to see what others liked. I wasn't setting out to start a debate on how people shouldn't judge others or people need better self esteem. I was honestly just curious.

    Well, I like my body. I enjoy it. I see the beauty in it. It's mine. But, I see all of the same in bodies that are very different from mine. Some people do have preferences. I know my husband does. But, a lot of people see beauty in the variety. There are all different types of beauty. Not just one.