(POST 3) BATTLE OF THE BULGE - Summer Slimdown Challenge!!



  • journey2size10
    Morning all, water challenge is complete already and just got back from my workout 75 mins!
    My regularly scheduled off day is on sunday but since I know I will splurge some on monday, I will get in a good cardio day and complete 45 mins extra, then hit it even harder on monday, goal is 90 mins!
  • Soufsidekitho
    Soufsidekitho Posts: 21 Member
    I had a great workout this morning! The Body Pump class lasted about 50 minutes, then I jumped on the Elliptical machine for another 10 minutes. It wasn't too hot outside, so I decided to wash my car in the front yard....which took about 35 mins. I always feel great after a workout! I'm going to really work on getting all of my water in today and here on out!

    When the weather prohibits me from getting out to the gym, or evening go to the park for a walk, I workout at home! I have a treadmill in my garage. So even though I'm not a huge fan of machines, it comes in handy on days like this. I also have a Wii with a variety of workout games (Zumba Fitness, Wii Fit Plus, Just Dance 2 & MJ Experience). I also have workout DVDs such as Zumba Fitness and 30 DS. So there's no excuse for me not to workout, even when the weather is bad.
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    I started a new weight lifting routine today. It will have me going to the gym 3x per week instead of the two days I've been getting. I may still add a 4th day of running outside, too, which would put me up into 20 miles per week.
  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    I have gone off track in the last couple of weeks. I have been celebrating grandchildren's birthday parties, year end parties and father's day and somewhere in there I started to slip up. I have been doing very little exercise using the rain for an excuse not to walk( It has been raining almost all of June). Hello Karen -- you have a treadmill and an eliptical trainer sitting right in front of you!!!
    Anyway a climb on the scale is my wake up call. I know I can do this. There is so much love and support with this challenge and on this website.
    My goal for this week is no less that an hour of exercise over and above my regular work. I can do this with the help of my friends. Thanks all

    You Can do this! I can do this! We all have the advantage of having Kristy and all the BOBers with us on our journeys! How great is that! So when we have a backslide, we take a deep breath, we don't beat ourselves up, and we push on! Woo hoo!

    Moofer: I thank you for your support. I know I can count on everyone here for encouragement and support but it is still good to hear it. Bless you.
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    my goodness, I have so much energy today! got the challenge handled and then some!
    realizing that I am gonna haveta really step it up now that I have registered for the annual mud run!
    I don't think I have ever signed on for anything this ambitious before and to top it off...
    only 3 weeks to train LOL
    no pressure right? :explode:
    it's ALL GOOD! I can't wait to get out there amongst all the other
    crazies and just GO FOR IT!!!

    best wishes to BOB winners this week, I am proud to be in your dedicated company:drinker: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Met yesterday's challenge today! I totally did NOT want to work out today. Not even a little bit. but I did it.
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    Although I did not do a specific exercise for 45 minutes yesterday, I did do 4 hours of cleaning house. Lifting, bending, chucking, reaching. It was amazing. So much junk is GONE from my life! Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh of relief!!
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    WEDNESDAY JUNE 29TH - DAY 44! - "Walkin on Sunshine"

    We are in WEEK 7!

    Week 6 Results will be posted soon - SEND ME YOUR JULY 25TH GOAL WEIGHT!

    *I never received today's challenge*

    Fill your MFP cups! Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water DAILY!

    Today's challenge is to NOT OVER INDULGE in the 'bad things' you crave!

    Eating less without feeling denied is as close as your dinnerware. That's because while a small portion served on a large plate can leave you craving more, a smaller plate gives the visual signal that you already have more. "People go by physical cues," when they eat, Grotto tells WebMD. We know we've had enough because we see the bottom of our bowl or plate. "A smaller plate full of food just feels more satisfying than a large plate with that same amount of food on it." And don't forget smaller bowls, cups, and spoons. For example, try savoring a bowl of ice cream with a baby spoon. Not only does the pleasure last longer, but your body has time to register the food you've eaten.

    MOTIVATIONAL SONGS OF THE DAY *For those doing the walking challenges*
    1. Walk Like an Egyptian - The Bengals http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWP-AsG5DRk
    2. Walk This Way - Run DMC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4B_UYYPb-Gk
    3. Walk it Out - DJ Unk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxjZM-d_ShI
    4. Im Gonna be (500 miles) - The Proclaimers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbNlMtqrYS0
    5. Walkin on Sunshine - Katrina & the Waves http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPUmE-tne5U

    How do you ensure you don't over indulge in the bad and feel full off the foods you do eat?
    I bought smaller bowls and bigger cups - that way when I drink 'a glass' of water its really 3! My plates and bowls are smaller so when I eat cereal or anything else it comes to 1 serving. I also have tiny cups (a little bigger than a shot glass) for when I want icecreams or something not so healthy and I eat it with tiny spoons.

    STAY MOTIVATED: VISIT OUR WEBSITE - www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge *newly updated*
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    Tuesday: well I didnt think I was going to get the 45mins in but I DID! so woohoo! for that...except I ate like total crap yesterday but I've been drinking 3+ liters of water a day so been doing good on that...had to up my calories back to 1500/day because 1300 was just leaving me starving...been struggling A LOT this week and keep gaining for some reason (im attributing it to either the medication I am taking OR pre menstrual because AF is due next week) so please dont judge me on next weeks weigh in...

    Wednesday: When I find myself craving "bad" foods I usually will try and drink more water so that I am full...I was craving all kinds of pastas and stuff yesterday it was BAD...the first real day I've had any cravings like that and so last night I didnt do so well but I just told myself that today is gonna be a new day and to keep on truckin because I'm not going to go back to where I was...Im signing up for a gym membership today so Im super excited to get in there and get the best workouts I can with better equiptment

    Happy Hump day everyone almost time for the holiday weekend! 3 day weekends are always great I can't wait!
  • journey2size10
    Morning ladies...
    I only keep clean foods in the house, so that when I'm craving something, I would have to get up and go get it...most of the time that deters me cuz I'm lazy and don't like going to the grocery store cuz its always so crowded!!
    When I do give in to cravings, I get what I want and keep it moving. Also when I eat out, I eat the veggies and protein first before carbs..
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    The following have not weighed in this week; Whered ya go?!?

  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    WEEK 6 Results are in!!!

    Our biggest losers are:
    :bigsmile: Julie77x with 2.55% of BW lost!!
    :bigsmile: Hananiah with 6.8lbs lost!!


    (this is the start of a new 5 weeks so everyone who started during the first 5 weeks are now all lumped together. Anyone starting the BOB challenge during this 2nd 5 weeks will be grouped together according to when they started!)

    :flowerforyou: Please add our new members as friends and give them encouragement!!

    go to www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge for complete results!
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member

    WEEK 6 Results are in!!!

    Our biggest losers are:
    :bigsmile: Julie77x with 2.55% of BW lost!!
    :bigsmile: Hananiah with 6.8lbs lost!!


    (this is the start of a new 5 weeks so everyone who started during the first 5 weeks are now all lumped together. Anyone starting the BOB challenge during this 2nd 5 weeks will be grouped together according to when they started!)

    :flowerforyou: Please add our new members as friends and give them encouragement!!

    go to www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge for complete results!

    I'm actually Amber89 lol :)

    As far as over indulge in the bad by buying smaller portions, like the little containers od skinny cow ice cream that's only 150 calories. I also buy the smart ones sundae things so it feels like I'm being bad, but it's not as bad as a sonic blast or a blizzard. I also buy the packets you can add to water when I'm craving a Dr. Pepper. Sometimes it gets really bad at work because I work at Sonic and sometimes it's like I can smell the Dr. Pepper or Root Beer several feet away and then I want to get me a cup but I just go and drink some of my flavored water instead. I'm surrounded by "bad" food almost every single day and sometimes I do break down and have those chili cheese fries but I make sure I've worked out that day or am going to when I get off.
  • lynnie07
    lynnie07 Posts: 52
    Awesome job for the biggest loosers! Way to go! I need to get my *kitten* into gear and no more bad eating. Enough is enough! I'm gonna do this and not let my emotions get the best of me. I have control! Focus, focus and focus on my goal. I know I can do this...
  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    i have forgotten to check back into the post, i'm bad! Completed wednesday's challenge without knowing about it, haha.

    Have a great thursday!
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    congrats to our losers!!!!! and welcome new members.
  • summer_of_69
    summer_of_69 Posts: 28 Member
    Nicely stated! It does feel good to feel like you are making it happen yourself, you are changing yourself inside and out, and becoming powerful. I feel the same way! :bigsmile:

    (forgot to put in quote i'm replying to, which was:)

    My confidence level has been boosted to the utmost extreme...i feel as though i can do anything, survive anything, push through when im exercising and i can feel healthiness entering my body when im exercising and when that happens it excites me to know that i am determined to change my life.....I can see changes in my own body and i know at the end of this journey i will be sexy, healthy, and beautiful....i already am beautiful but a little more so at the end:).....this website is outrageously awesome....i get so much out of the camaraderie with everyone, and the encouragement helps me to push as well....everyone can relate to everyone and knows what im going through.....this site is a blessing and i thank God for my friend who told me about it several months ago

    ***in it to win it....and LOSE it***

    Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.
    - Mary Anne Radmacher

    June 10: CW: 211
    Goal wt. for July 12: 200 lbs.
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Congrats to all the losers this week! Keep up the great work!

    I have a love-hate relationship with the scale - last week I loved it , this week, not so much. Although I have been under calories and have even stepped up exercise, I've gone up a few ounces each of the past few days - no idea why! Also, I've really upped my water consumption. Trying to focus on the NSV's this week! Thinking I need to change up something, but not sure what it is!
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    Congrats to all the losers this week! Keep up the great work!

    I have a love-hate relationship with the scale - last week I loved it , this week, not so much. Although I have been under calories and have even stepped up exercise, I've gone up a few ounces each of the past few days - no idea why! Also, I've really upped my water consumption. Trying to focus on the NSV's this week! Thinking I need to change up something, but not sure what it is!

    Girllll if the scale at my job didnt weigh so much I'd throw it out a window!!! hahaha I am HATING the scale this week thats why Im just trying to up my exercise and water consumption and really watch my calories...I had one bad day earlier in the week but I stocked my fridge with healthy foods last night so Im hoping next week to see a difference I HOPE!!!!

    Great Job to all the losers this week!!!! Keep on rockin!!!
  • jabbogurl
    jabbogurl Posts: 193
    Hey BOBers!

    I've decided that I'm taking a month off for weighins. I've been watching the scale too much and its bouncing around and frustrating me, although I can tell that my clothes are getting looser. I'm going to keep on running and just got me EA Active 2 and started the 9 week challenge. I want to stay off the scale though. I'll still be around and reading the posts, but not weighing in. Hopefully, at the end of July we'll see a difference! :glasses: