Weekly Weigh In Challenge for June



  • ElleMcQueen
    ElleMcQueen Posts: 30 Member
    edited May 2016
    Name: Leslie (feel free to friend me, I'm new and need motivation!!!!)
    Age: 30

    Starting Weight May 29th: 316.8
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 305.8

    Weigh In Week

    June 5:
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week:
    Total LBS lost this month:

    Weekly Goals: To hit 10k steps a day & 2.2 lbs lost a week

    Struggles: Walking outside in the midwest heat/humidity & husband being out of town, so no walking partner

    Successes: Counting calories and staying under my goal!
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    I think that is a great idea!
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    edited June 2016
    Name: Laurie
    Age: 43

    Starting Weight May 29th: 247
    Goal Weight July 3rd:242

    Weigh In Week

    June 5:
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week:
    Total LBS lost this month:

    Weekly Goals: Stay away from soda! Get back to walking daily after being ill with bronchitus, sinusitis, and a left ear infectio.

    Struggles: Soda


    Wow!! Obviously not feeling well! Should be bronchitis and left ear infection! I type these words every day all day long!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member

    Wow!! Obviously not feeling well! Should be bronchitis and sinus infection! I type these words every day all day long!

    Well you aren't feeling well so its normal. I make many many typos and am perfectly fine ha.
  • theresafama
    theresafama Posts: 7 Member
    I am so happy to see so many people join the challenge. I am very excited to kick June's butt with each of you. To keep things going in our weight challenge group I am going to do a sort of challenge where each day I will post a question and you all give your answer. We might just learn new things about each other. It's 30 questions and starts tomorrow. You don't have to participate if you don't want. It's just to make this a bit fun. Stay tuned!

  • theresafama
    theresafama Posts: 7 Member
    Great Mariecela, I'm looking forward to it!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    @ElleMcQueenonce you are in here 9m the top right there is a star. Click on it and the page will be bookmarked. The you will have it on you bookmarked pages and you will receive notifications for the posts that are on here.
  • wellsjc
    wellsjc Posts: 23 Member
    Count me in!


    Starting Weight May 29th:277.2
    Goal Weight July 3rd:265

    Weigh In Week

    June 5:
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week:
    Total LBS lost this month:

    Weekly Goals: Start swimming, keep walking, hit spin class

    Struggles: Weekends and beer

  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Hello everyone, Happy Hump Day!

    Welcome to a new month. I hope you are all as excited as I am for it.

    As I mentioned in my previous post I found an activity we could all do together. Its a sort of challenge/questionnaire to keep conversation going on in our group. You can answer in detail, or give 1 word answers or not answer at all its up to you. But wouldn't it be much more fun if we all participated?

    So here is the first challenge:

    Give us 10 facts about yourself. ;)

    10 facts about me:

    1. I hate the beach. Sand is the worst thing ever lol
    2. I love gardening. Currently working on my veggie garden so I can have fresh veggies this summer.
    3. I play the guitar.
    4. I love to sing Karaoke.
    5. I am extremely allergic to cats which sucks cause I love cats.
    6. My kryptonite are Doritos and Tacos.
    7. I hate being touched by strangers or for people to invade my personal space.
    8. I believe the zombie apocalypse will happen one day. (be ready)
    9. I love horror movies.
    10. I love a good tv series. At the moment Game of Thrones, the Walking Dead, and Penny Dreadful. Ive been known to watch stuff like Greys Anatomy as well.
  • ElleMcQueen
    ElleMcQueen Posts: 30 Member
    I got over one of my struggles today! Went and took a 30 min walk alone! My husband is out of town, so that was pretty hard for me. He is motivating me, and keeps me from being so self conscious while out there. I'm just hoping I can keep it up!!!
  • beurredepeanut
    beurredepeanut Posts: 23 Member
    10 facts about me :)

    1. I love the show American Dad
    2. I make big babies. My oldest my 12 pounds at birth. Yes, that is 1-2 lol. He is tiny now ;)
    3. I am French-Canadian.
    4. I love love love coffee and everything coffee flavoured.
    5. My number one goal beside losing weight is running a marathon.
    6. I'm extremely scared of spiders no matter how tiny they are.
    7. Favourite book is Pride and Prejudice. Never get sick of reading it.
    8. I have 7 tattoos and a neck piercing.
    9. Craziest thing I did was going skydiving and I definitely want to do it again!
    10. I love going camping
  • beurredepeanut
    beurredepeanut Posts: 23 Member
    I got over one of my struggles today! Went and took a 30 min walk alone! My husband is out of town, so that was pretty hard for me. He is motivating me, and keeps me from being so self conscious while out there. I'm just hoping I can keep it up!!!

    Great job!!
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,154 Member
    10 Facts About Me:
    1. I am a Bible believing Christian.
    2. I LOVE the beach (but I would agree that sand is quite annoying) - though the white sand on the west coast of FL beaches is quite beautiful.
    3. I enjoy stand up paddleboarding, and I race at an amateur level.
    4. I probably have an online non-violent gaming addiction (currently Bush Whacker 2 is my game of choice, though I'm also an alpha tester for Eleven Giants (Glitch re-make)).
    5. I have three cats.
    6. I tend to write tomes when I post.
    7. I sometimes have a problem with not eating enough - tracking calories has helped me with this.
    8. I can be rather lazy and just do not much of anything some days.
    9. I do love my sleep...naps are awesome!
    10. Peri-menopausal hormones are currently kicking my butt making it challenging to stay on track with eating and exercising properly.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    I got over one of my struggles today! Went and took a 30 min walk alone! My husband is out of town, so that was pretty hard for me. He is motivating me, and keeps me from being so self conscious while out there. I'm just hoping I can keep it up!!!

    Good job getting out there. I know how you feel. I live in France and they have yet to go through the obesity epidemic here so I really stand out. But I get out there and get moving because in the end I am doing this for me not them. Congratulations getting out there and surpassing your fears. Keep it up!
  • mickeygirliegirl
    mickeygirliegirl Posts: 302 Member
    Name: Michelle

    Starting Weight May 29th:182.3
    Goal Weight July 3rd:170

    Weigh In Week

    June 5:
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week:
    Total LBS lost this month:

    Weekly Goals: 2.0/week - I know my goal weight is above that - it's just an ultimate goal to strive for without restricting below 1200 cals.

    Struggles: Eating enough (I know, this is horrible, but I struggle at work because I get caught up in things and don't stop to eat lunch).

  • ElleMcQueen
    ElleMcQueen Posts: 30 Member
    I got over one of my struggles today! Went and took a 30 min walk alone! My husband is out of town, so that was pretty hard for me. He is motivating me, and keeps me from being so self conscious while out there. I'm just hoping I can keep it up!!!

    Great job!!

  • ElleMcQueen
    ElleMcQueen Posts: 30 Member
    I got over one of my struggles today! Went and took a 30 min walk alone! My husband is out of town, so that was pretty hard for me. He is motivating me, and keeps me from being so self conscious while out there. I'm just hoping I can keep it up!!!

    Good job getting out there. I know how you feel. I live in France and they have yet to go through the obesity epidemic here so I really stand out. But I get out there and get moving because in the end I am doing this for me not them. Congratulations getting out there and surpassing your fears. Keep it up!

    Thank you so much!!!!
  • ElleMcQueen
    ElleMcQueen Posts: 30 Member
    10 Facts about Me:
    1. All the way from K-12th there was never another Leslie in my class
    2. I met my husband on MySpace...when it used to be cool
    3. I work in the medical field as a LabTech and work with doctors all day long, but I am scared to death to go to the doctor myself
    4. I love love love the city - I don't understand why people care to live anwywehre it takes longer than 5 (10 min tops) to get to a Target!
    5. I never shot a gun until I was 30, and now I am a better shot than my husband (who taught military arms in the USAF)
    6. Some folks crave sugar or salt...I crave greasy fried foods or meat
    7. I am Catholic and attended Catholic school my entire life
    8. I have two step cats (my husbands) that I love dearly
    9. I don't sleep much, even as a baby my mom said I would just sit in my crib all night and play
    10. I love to bake...which is not good for my diet!
  • TeresaRichardson
    TeresaRichardson Posts: 1 Member

    Starting Weight May 29th:226
    Goal Weight July 3rd:216

    Weigh In Week

    June 5:
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week:
    Total LBS lost this month:

    Weekly Goals: Stay on weight loss plan

    Struggles: Love Potato Chips
