Has anyone read "Skinny *****?"



  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    cheese, I can take it or leave it....not that important in my life... never heard of being addicted to cheese...never heard of cheese eaters anonymous..BUT lots of things I'm quite sure I haven't heard of.... no cheese for you, cheese for you, to each his own. Guess I'm not addicted to cheeese I do like cheese sometimes though.....

    CHEESE.jpg well I"ve heard some don't eat anything with a face:wink::tongue:
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    After reading all of this, I must say......SBS is someone who ,after almost a year ,I have religiously believed in and read every bit of knowledge she posts. She knows her stuff and would buy her book ANYDAY over whoever wrote that book.

    She truly is educated and I revel in the knowledge of everything she shares with us.

    That being said......you go SBS! never would I read a book called "Skinny *****" I would, however, read SBS"s book called "Strong *****".:drinker:
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    After reading all of this, I must say......SBS is someone who ,after almost a year ,I have religiously believed in and read every bit of knowledge she posts. She knows her stuff and would buy her book ANYDAY over whoever wrote that book.

    She truly is educated and I revel in the knowledge of everything she shares with us.

    That being said......you go SBS! never would I read a book called "Skinny *****" I would, however, read SBS"s book called "Strong *****".:drinker:

    Ditto! :drinker:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member

    She gave me a few referrals for reading so I'll pass it along to you and anyone else who may be interested. The main authors are Dean Ornish MD, and Mark Hyman MD. Dr Hyman has a website called www.ultrawellness.com that I haven't quite investigated, but it looks really good. Dr. Ornish was a physicial advisor to Pres. Clinton during his administration, so I would say they are pretty proficient in the subject. :)
    I recall reading a number of books years ago by Dean Ornish, very good books, sound advice, I don't recall him saying anything against milk back then but his books have changed with the times. Do you have a particular website your doc gave you for him? I can sure google but wondered if something in particular was given to you regarding him?

  • nguill6
    nguill6 Posts: 133
    I read parts of it because my roomie was going to try it. Basically they suggest you eat vegan. While I don't eat meat, I will NEVER give up eggs, milk or honey! Also, green tea and half a grape fruit is not a sustainable breakfast; I don't care what anyone says. This is probably the reason they are *****es as well as skinny- who wouldn't be irritable on a diet like that!
  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    I bought it and went on their "diet" for a month and I just felt awful, weak and tired all the time. I didn't even have the benefit of losing weight. I think it was a waste of time.
  • nightangelstars
    nightangelstars Posts: 337 Member
    I read parts of it because my roomie was going to try it. Basically they suggest you eat vegan. While I don't eat meat, I will NEVER give up eggs, milk or honey! Also, green tea and half a grape fruit is not a sustainable breakfast; I don't care what anyone says. This is probably the reason they are *****es as well as skinny- who wouldn't be irritable on a diet like that!

    :laugh: :laugh: :love: :drinker:
  • weesel80
    weesel80 Posts: 186
    I read the book and found it entertaining, but for me personally, not a meal plan I would follow. I think you need a healthy balance of all food groups in your diet. And exercise at a moderate level for at least 30 minutes a day. If you do these 2, you should lose weight, or for those who don't need to lose weight, maintain it. Funny, isn't what they were saying back in the 1950s?? LOL...:laugh:

  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Recently, on the Martha Stewart show, Dr. Andrew Weil said that the main group in North America who promotes dairy as "healthy" is the dairy council/industry!!! So just be aware.

    Most of the vitamins in the processed milk that appears in the grocery stores has had the vitamins/minerals (cal, mag, D) added back in liquid form.

    I agree that you have to do your own research, and make up your own mind about what works for you body and what doesn't.

    The Blood Type diet would dictate that I be a vegetarian and not consume dairy (as a type A), and sure enough, avoiding those things, in general, works for me. It's just another piece of information to inform the big picture.

    The natural health community does not advocate dairy, and advocates only moderate consumption of meats (or none).

    The study that was published on the correlation between weight loss and dairy had its results replicated with a calcium/magnesium/vit D supplement, confirming that the weight loss was actually enhanced by the vitamins/minerals, not the dairy itself.

    The health stats on North Americans indicate that vegetarians and vegans (as a group) have the lowest incidence of obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

    Good luck to everyone at finding what works for you!
  • Phoenixflame
    Phoenixflame Posts: 560 Member
    Ehh...parts of the book made me laugh, but others just mademe eyeroll. I guess I've always hated the "you're eating a rotting carcass!" argument against meat. Makes me want to reply, "Damn straight, how's that rotting broccoli you're eating?"

    And what's this about America being the only culture to consume milk past infancy? Um, no. Go to Israel, India, Greece, or virtually any other country and chat up the locals.

    I have nothing against vegans, but parts of Skinny B!tch are just plain uneducated.
  • wannaBme
    wannaBme Posts: 143

    I happened to skim through your original question, and went to Borders tonight with my husband. I saw the book so I was curious to see what they said about meat. Funny thing is that I took my newborn to the pediatrician this week and long story short, she does not recommend any milk once the child stops breastfeeding. She said that there are plenty of studies that prove that animal protein does leach calcium from bones, thus inducing osteoporosis, and it also worsens chronic diseases. And what's worse, for kids it can cause early chronic diabetis etc. I'm a carnivore myself as so is everyone in my family, but I'm always eager to learn more and if that's truly the case I'll definitely curb our animal protein eating habits.

    She gave me a few referrals for reading so I'll pass it along to you and anyone else who may be interested. The main authors are Dean Ornish MD, and Mark Hyman MD. Dr Hyman has a website called www.ultrawellness.com that I haven't quite investigated, but it looks really good. Dr. Ornish was a physicial advisor to Pres. Clinton during his administration, so I would say they are pretty proficient in the subject. :)

    Thank you very much for the website address. I am always interested in learning new things.:smile:

    My husband and I read "Fit For Life" by Dr. H and M Diamond many years ago. They were they first ones to shed some light on possible effects that dairy products could have on human bodies.

    We immediately stopped feeding milk to our 3 children ... ages 6 months, 2 and 4 years old. We did continue to feed them limited quanities of yogurt and cheese. They used soy milk on their cereal and when he was 1, the youngest had it in his bottle. My children NEVER had an ear infection or a sinus problem since we took them off milk. They had had many ear, nose and throat issues previous to this change.

    As a possible bonus, their teeth were so cavity free that the dentist asked what kind of diet we were feeding them. It might or might not have been due to the "no milk drinking" but when you mentioned how dairy can leach calcium ... it could have been be the different. The calcium leaching qualities of dairy are mentioned in the Skinny B*tch book as well.

    Today, my kids are very strong, healthy active adults. One is playing top end Junior hockey.
  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    I didn't read everyone's posts because I am off to bed in a few, but I did read the book and wanted to add my 2 cents. Well, I read 75% of it and stopped because I was done with it at that point!

    I would have appreciated a disclaimer on this book! I am not a vegan and have no plan to become one. I was looking for more nutritional info and figured a book that wouldn't read like a textbook would be more fun. I was wrong!

    I heard some of what they were saying, but mostly I was just so turned off by being called so many different names by the authors and the really biased way they presented their info that I couldn't take it seriously. I have tried to take some of it into consideration, but I am a big believer in balance. As long as I am balancing out everything that I eat with a variety of different types of food, then I will be just fine! I am at MFP because of this philosophy and choose to stick with what I am doing rather than change how I do things because of lame scare tactics. I think being vegan would be a good idea for some people and for various reasons, but it isn't for me.

    HOWEVER, the cook book is kind of cool! They don't give nutritional info for their recipes and it is really hard to add up some of the random ingredients, but I tried the vegan pad thai and it was yummy.

    I'm going to stick with my balanced approach to eatting, despite having to avoid meat for a few days after reading this book! I say skip it and get you info elsewhere - if for no other reason than because they are so darn rude! :explode: