Eat Less Vs. Exercising More

Let the battle begin! Confused....let me explain. I'm discovering that there are two "teams" if you will, of people, team less and team more.

Team Less Goals:
I'd rather eat less than have to go run to burn off what I just ate.
Not eating the piece of cake or eating the piece of cake and then needing to exercise for 30 mins to burn it off? I'd rather not eat it.

Team More Goals:
The more I work out the more I'm allowed to eat.
I'm going to go do Bikini Body Boot Camp so I can eat some cheese cake tonight.

I belong to team less. I attempted Couch 2 5k several months ago, after 3 days I decided my ancestors were the ones who said "forget this I'd rather farm, instead of chase bison." I exercise because I want to and it's fun, but I do things I like doing, I realize there are people who love running. I'm not knocking y'all. However there are people who hate running but will run just so they can eat more and stay on track. I would just rather eat less and do exercises I like.

Which team are you?


  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    I am definitely and eat less person. I am exercising to burn fat quicker and get skinnier faster..not to indulge..
  • beefluv86
    beefluv86 Posts: 86 Member
    Team more! I like earning treats and knowing that when I eat heavier meals that I am feeding my body for a workout later that day.
  • riley711
    riley711 Posts: 298 Member
    Depends on the day, month, hour....what side of the bed I got up on!! Some days I'm an eat less, and other days...especially if I know I want to eat something really good...I'm an exercise more person. Like the commercial says.."sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't!!":laugh:
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I like a balance of the two, but I believe if you MUST choose one or the other, Team More is probably a healthier option for most people. Exercise does wonders to improve one's health.
  • amyamadea
    amyamadea Posts: 17
    I am definitely an eat more. I know that if I totally deny myself a treat now and then I'd just end up bingeing massively so I'd rather eat one or two biscuits and work off the extra 100 calories, than eat like a whole pint of ice cream and be left with 1500 calories to somehow burn off.
  • Smurfette64
    Depends on the day, month, hour....what side of the bed I got up on!! Some days I'm an eat less, and other days...especially if I know I want to eat something really good...I'm an exercise more person. Like the commercial says.."sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't!!":laugh:

    I totally agree - some days I'm team more and sometimes team less - however I find I am probably more consistantly TEAM LESS :drinker:

    I too like to exercise because I want to and find walking way more enjoyable than running - although I do speed walk which for me is only just slightly slower than I can run anyway :laugh:
  • ckdub428
    ckdub428 Posts: 453 Member
    I am so Team Less, but I secretly want to be on Team More, except that I think my "ancestors" were farming people as well instead of bison people. I was very much Team More in high school and early college and as I got older I got lazy and now so out of shape I just found Team Less. Its done me ok though. Lost half of my weight I wanted to lose, but think I am going to have to change teams to lose the last 12 pounds. I have been at a plateau for a few weeks.
  • Chubby_bunnyy
    Chubby_bunnyy Posts: 50 Member
    I've definitely done both of those things... But I feel scared to eat too little because I'm afraid that my metabolism might drop too low. I have a sweet tooth so sometimes I'll work out and burn 700-800 kcal for a pastry. I love food so much sometimes I feel like I'm not living until I have one haha. Oh and also I guess it depends on what you want, if u are on team less then it'll be easier to weigh less but you'll lose more inches and get more definition, plus boost your metabolism on team more. But then again exercising makes ppl sometimes overindulge and gain
  • kittydolan
    I am new to this, so I hope I am eat less and exercise more. I am an amputee so it will take some motivation to get me out walking for exercise. I just need to execise my mouth less.
  • scrothers
    scrothers Posts: 1
    I am team More however I still have trouble with the binge eating now and then. It is usually when I feel sad and try to make myself feel better through food which I sometimes can't make up the calories even with working out for the day. This usually happens when I try being team less and working out for a few days without treats. My best balance seems to be a little bit of chocolate or treats that I plan to have after working out. That way I tend to be happier about doing something good for my body and get to eat guilt free dessert!
  • maryloo2011
    maryloo2011 Posts: 446
    I used to be Team Less... but I was a skinny noodle so to say. Ultimate "skinny fat".

    After joining here, definitely switched over. Now I exercise (Which has WAY more benefits than *just* being able to eat more, by the way. Hope that doesn't come as a surprise.... ) so I don't need to worry that much about when I do want that extra serving of insert food here. Now I have muscle -- was actually referred to as "athletic" last week! NSV!!!
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    i'm team more! i also have had problems with not eating for days then binging for days... i give myself cheat days here and there as well i've decieded once a month i get a total cheat day but i also have little cheat meals if they fit in my calories.
  • BohemianDestiny
    BohemianDestiny Posts: 47 Member
    More often than not, I am Team More. I like to eat a little more food than most people. I like having the extra calories either at the end of the day, or in case I make a mistake. However, I hop the fence fairly often though, cuz I get lazy. :P
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    If you don't like to run, don't. But don't just exercises less. Pick an activity that you like other than running, and enjoy it. There are so many things you can do/pick.
  • AMSalaz
    AMSalaz Posts: 16
    There's so much more out there than running! When I broke my toe and couldn't run (mind you, I run half marathons) I felt like a slug. I found that I burned just as many calories and had FUN doing it while DANCING! FInd a dance studio in your area that offers something you like! You'll tone and burn all at once and hopefully have a smile on your face!
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    Team More for sure!

    I love to eat and struggle to stay at 1200 calories. i'm happy eating 1600 calories, but struggle to get through the day without feeling like i'm on survivor if i have to only eat 1200.

    I hate running and anything high impact, because I have dodgy knees prone to injury... but there's plenty of other stuff i love.
  • joanneeee
    joanneeee Posts: 311 Member
    i am team exercise more, eat more. i pretty much just exercise more so i can eat more because i love food dearly.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I'm on Team Balance. Though I have a bad habit of over-doing the cardio sometimes. I do it because I enjoy it. I don't believe in exercising more as an excuse to eat more.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member

    Totally! :drinker: (i'd clap but we don't have that smiley! )

    ETA. I don't run then think "yay now I can eat cheesecake." I think yay "I just burned some fat beautiful muscles here I come". :wink: