Tom Brady Diet

Any football nerds out there? And Brady haters? ;)
Tom Brady is well known for being a nutrition nut: he and/or his trainer actually said this once: "Sometimes we have a treat. Like raw macaroons or avocado ice cream."
NOT a treat in my book! :s
But I don't think anyone can deny: the man gets results! To play football at his level, approaching 40 years old...! Aaron Rodgers is on record recently for saying that he is going to approach nutrition more like Brady because as he gets older, his 80/20 approach isn't working as well for him.
Frankly, as someone who believes that many diets can contribute to health and fitness, this annoys me. I don't WANT Mr. "Raw Macaroons" who thinks Coke is poison to get better results with his diet than Rodgers gets with an 80/20 approach. It perpetuates myths about what is healthy and necessary for peak health and fitness! Or maybe they aren't all myths...?
What do others think?


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Any football nerds out there? And Brady haters? ;)
    Tom Brady is well known for being a nutrition nut: he and/or his trainer actually said this once: "Sometimes we have a treat. Like raw macaroons or avocado ice cream."
    NOT a treat in my book! :s
    But I don't think anyone can deny: the man gets results! To play football at his level, approaching 40 years old...! Aaron Rodgers is on record recently for saying that he is going to approach nutrition more like Brady because as he gets older, his 80/20 approach isn't working as well for him.
    Frankly, as someone who believes that many diets can contribute to health and fitness, this annoys me. I don't WANT Mr. "Raw Macaroons" who thinks Coke is poison to get better results with his diet than Rodgers gets with an 80/20 approach. It perpetuates myths about what is healthy and necessary for peak health and fitness! Or maybe they aren't all myths...?
    What do others think?

    Have you ever had a raw macaroon or avocado ice cream?

    Raw macaroons are pure sugar and fat. They're incredibly delicious and I indulge in them when I have the calories. Not because I'm all about "health" but because I like delicious stuff (yes, I also eat more normal cookies). Same with avocado ice cream. They're treats.

    I don't agree with Brady that soda is poison, but I see no need to disparage his food. Some of it sounds quite tasty.
  • determined_14
    determined_14 Posts: 258 Member
    I love that there are other people in the world that talk about this! :D
    I've been doing some digging into the specifics of Brady's diet, and it looks like he eats mostly good, nutritious food (80% plants, lean proteins, limits low-nutrient food ("junk food"), but as with many functional diets, the myths mixed in contribute unnecessary confusion and restriction (no nightshades?!, fruit has too much sugar in it, pink salt is better than while salt, etc.)
    Hopefully Rodgers can take the good parts and dispense with the crazy. (Not like I care about his results-- I'm a Detroit fan! :p )
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
  • TeamScorpioRI
    TeamScorpioRI Posts: 56 Member
    If it works for him, then great! You can't deny he gets results. The guy is in great shape for an athlete his age. When your body is your job, you do whatever is necessary to maintain that.
  • KombuchaKat
    KombuchaKat Posts: 134 Member
    I am a huge Pats fan! Season ticket holder for 24 years!

    On another note, I think his diet is a bit over the top! He doesn't even eat eggplant because it's a shade vegetable. There is probably some merit to most of it. Most people could never stick to how they eat, it is far too restrictive. On the other hand, they both make a crap ton of money with their bodies, one modeling, one an elite athlete, so for them they probably feel it is necessary. I wonder if they will stick to it until they die? And if their kids will eat like that when they are grown.

    It kind of makes sense about the nightshades as they can contribute to joint degeneration. Mostly this is only something people sensitive to nightshades need worry about, but again, Tom Brady is trying to cheat the clock and continue to play professional football as long as he can so any edge he can get is worth it.
    One other thing I would like to say as someone who was raw vegan for a while (and stopped because it WAS indeed too restrictive for me) raw macaroons and avocado ice cream are actually super yummy! I wish I could afford to have someone make that stuff for me as a treat!
  • questionfear
    questionfear Posts: 527 Member
    1) Dammit, I want a macaroon now.

    2) I've known people who legitimately avoid nightshades, though I don't know how much is woo science and how much is real. Personally I would cut you if you took away tomatoes.

    3) This sounds less terrifyingly fishy than The Rock diet...
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I am a huge Pats fan! Season ticket holder for 24 years!

    On another note, I think his diet is a bit over the top! He doesn't even eat eggplant because it's a shade vegetable. There is probably some merit to most of it. Most people could never stick to how they eat, it is far too restrictive. On the other hand, they both make a crap ton of money with their bodies, one modeling, one an elite athlete, so for them they probably feel it is necessary. I wonder if they will stick to it until they die? And if their kids will eat like that when they are grown.

    It kind of makes sense about the nightshades as they can contribute to joint degeneration. Mostly this is only something people sensitive to nightshades need worry about, but again, Tom Brady is trying to cheat the clock and continue to play professional football as long as he can so any edge he can get is worth it.
    One other thing I would like to say as someone who was raw vegan for a while (and stopped because it WAS indeed too restrictive for me) raw macaroons and avocado ice cream are actually super yummy! I wish I could afford to have someone make that stuff for me as a treat!

    They sell raw macaroons at my Whole Foods, but I don't buy them often because they're so calorie-dense and I find it hard to not eat the whole package at once! Hail Merry makes a salted caramel version that is incredible.
  • KombuchaKat
    KombuchaKat Posts: 134 Member
    I love that there are other people in the world that talk about this! :D
    I've been doing some digging into the specifics of Brady's diet, and it looks like he eats mostly good, nutritious food (80% plants, lean proteins, limits low-nutrient food ("junk food"), but as with many functional diets, the myths mixed in contribute unnecessary confusion and restriction (no nightshades?!, fruit has too much sugar in it, pink salt is better than while salt, etc.)
    Hopefully Rodgers can take the good parts and dispense with the crazy. (Not like I care about his results-- I'm a Detroit fan! :p )

    LOL, I actually agree about the pink salt. Any raw salt is better than the processed, stripped of all nutrients salt that is normally used. Also the iodine in idodized salt is synthetic so the body does not use it very efficiently, could be a reason so many of us are having thyroid issues...
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    Anyone have a raw macaroon recipe they like?
  • KombuchaKat
    KombuchaKat Posts: 134 Member
    I am a huge Pats fan! Season ticket holder for 24 years!

    On another note, I think his diet is a bit over the top! He doesn't even eat eggplant because it's a shade vegetable. There is probably some merit to most of it. Most people could never stick to how they eat, it is far too restrictive. On the other hand, they both make a crap ton of money with their bodies, one modeling, one an elite athlete, so for them they probably feel it is necessary. I wonder if they will stick to it until they die? And if their kids will eat like that when they are grown.

    It kind of makes sense about the nightshades as they can contribute to joint degeneration. Mostly this is only something people sensitive to nightshades need worry about, but again, Tom Brady is trying to cheat the clock and continue to play professional football as long as he can so any edge he can get is worth it.
    One other thing I would like to say as someone who was raw vegan for a while (and stopped because it WAS indeed too restrictive for me) raw macaroons and avocado ice cream are actually super yummy! I wish I could afford to have someone make that stuff for me as a treat!

    They sell raw macaroons at my Whole Foods, but I don't buy them often because they're so calorie-dense and I find it hard to not eat the whole package at once! Hail Merry makes a salted caramel version that is incredible.

    OMG that Hail Merry stuff is SO good! The raw meyer lemon tart is to die for!
  • KombuchaKat
    KombuchaKat Posts: 134 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Anyone have a raw macaroon recipe they like?

    Check out the cookbook "Raw Food, Real World."
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,573 Member
    I am a huge Pats fan! Season ticket holder for 24 years!

    On another note, I think his diet is a bit over the top! He doesn't even eat eggplant because it's a shade vegetable. There is probably some merit to most of it. Most people could never stick to how they eat, it is far too restrictive. On the other hand, they both make a crap ton of money with their bodies, one modeling, one an elite athlete, so for them they probably feel it is necessary. I wonder if they will stick to it until they die? And if their kids will eat like that when they are grown.

    I don't eat eggplant because I think it's disgusting. :smiley:
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    its their job to have those bodies. my job requires me to take classes from time to time to keep up with changing software. i wouldn't expect tom brady to take my class to stay abreast of technology.
  • determined_14
    determined_14 Posts: 258 Member
    I am a huge Pats fan! Season ticket holder for 24 years!

    On another note, I think his diet is a bit over the top! He doesn't even eat eggplant because it's a shade vegetable. There is probably some merit to most of it. Most people could never stick to how they eat, it is far too restrictive. On the other hand, they both make a crap ton of money with their bodies, one modeling, one an elite athlete, so for them they probably feel it is necessary. I wonder if they will stick to it until they die? And if their kids will eat like that when they are grown.

    It kind of makes sense about the nightshades as they can contribute to joint degeneration. Mostly this is only something people sensitive to nightshades need worry about, but again, Tom Brady is trying to cheat the clock and continue to play professional football as long as he can so any edge he can get is worth it.
    One other thing I would like to say as someone who was raw vegan for a while (and stopped because it WAS indeed too restrictive for me) raw macaroons and avocado ice cream are actually super yummy! I wish I could afford to have someone make that stuff for me as a treat!

    They sell raw macaroons at my Whole Foods, but I don't buy them often because they're so calorie-dense and I find it hard to not eat the whole package at once! Hail Merry makes a salted caramel version that is incredible.

    Can I just say I freaking love that you worked a "Hail Mary" (or merry) into this conversation?! :D