Starting with Herbal Life!



  • shennin001
    shennin001 Posts: 113 Member

    I actually didn't know it was bad. I know it's not too realistic, but not bad. I researched online, but to be honest I am finding both Good and bad reports. Regardless, it's not something i want to stick to since i know there is no way i am going to drink a shake all My life, especially since it's so expensive. Oh and let me explain the boost part...I'm stuck at 220 lbs.! I've tried eating less and eating healthy, but I can't get down and it has me a little discouraged. Therefore, i decided to try herbal life to get me below the 220 and maybe the 200s, ha. I will definately look into those comments about it being bad for your liver. They changed their formula so i wonder if this is current. Anyways, Thank you all for your concerns and comments.
  • shennin001
    shennin001 Posts: 113 Member
    lol she didnt ask about herbal life, she asked for advice in sticking to the plan....jesus guys, i know you're all desperate to impart your sage advice on the girl but not one of you answered the questions.


    Meal replacement shakes i find tend to work best in the middle of the day, some people can do with replacing breakfast but i find having an actual meal, replacing lunch and then a real meal for dinner is easier ( i use protein shakes and blended porridge oats etc but same applies)

    Im a fan of IF (intermittent fasting) and that usually works well around shakes of all kinds.

    to herballife or not to herballife...thats your choice

    Yeah some ppl are a little too passionate about their opinions, but I get what they're trying to say. Thank you though :) and thanks for the advice :)
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited June 2016
    shennin001 wrote: »
    I actually didn't know it was bad. I know it's not too realistic, but not bad. I researched online, but to be honest I am finding both Good and bad reports. Regardless, it's not something i want to stick to since i know there is no way i am going to drink a shake all My life, especially since it's so expensive. Oh and let me explain the boost part...I'm stuck at 220 lbs.! I've tried eating less and eating healthy, but I can't get down and it has me a little discouraged. Therefore, i decided to try herbal life to get me below the 220 and maybe the 200s, ha. I will definately look into those comments about it being bad for your liver. They changed their formula so i wonder if this is current. Anyways, Thank you all for your concerns and comments.

    All you need to do is weigh and log ALL your food, no cheat days/meals, hit your calorie goal, and wait out any water weight fluctuations. Weight loss is slow and most of all, you need patience. Don't be discouraged. Changing habits takes time; getting them to feel normal takes even more time.

    Oh, and good reviews for lousy products, you can be certain they've written themselves.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited June 2016
    shennin001 wrote: »
    I actually didn't know it was bad. I know it's not too realistic, but not bad. I researched online, but to be honest I am finding both Good and bad reports. Regardless, it's not something i want to stick to since i know there is no way i am going to drink a shake all My life, especially since it's so expensive. Oh and let me explain the boost part...I'm stuck at 220 lbs.! I've tried eating less and eating healthy, but I can't get down and it has me a little discouraged. Therefore, i decided to try herbal life to get me below the 220 and maybe the 200s, ha. I will definately look into those comments about it being bad for your liver. They changed their formula so i wonder if this is current. Anyways, Thank you all for your concerns and comments.

    If you're stuck at 220 then what you've been doing isn't working. Eating less and eating healthy is what's needed but you have to eat less than you burn - how have you been tracking what you were eating before? Portion size is usually the problem, we can be eating perfectly healthy foods (although that is really not a requirement/necessary) but if we are eating TOO much of anything then we won't lose weight. Start using a food scale, weigh your foods, log every single thing meticulously and I promise you, the weight will start coming off.
  • BillMcKay1
    BillMcKay1 Posts: 315 Member
    Bob314159 wrote: »
    So if the OP asked how to stick to her suicide plan - we should help?
    lol she didnt ask about herbal life, she asked for advice in sticking to the plan....jesus guys, i know you're all desperate to impart your sage advice on the girl but not one of you answered the questions.


    OK calm down strawman.

    OP didn't ask if you would critique her choices she asked when and what meals she should replace not if she should replace them.

    World must be looking mighty fine from that there high horse.

    I don't care for herbal life stuff, but with the modicum of helpfulness that I can muster up for a random Internet person I try to funnel it into a useful reply. Not hate on her choices and tell her what she should do with her life and how she should spend her money.

    Get over yourselves.

    @Mr_Stabbems okay so she buys her own Herbal Life but will she also pay for the liver transplant(s), anti rejection medication & worse of all whose going to unnecessarily die because she received (a) liver(s), that could've saved someone whom didn't make a reckless choice but won't simply because she made it onto the list, before someone whom didn't intentionally ruin their liver did?

    LOL I can show you studies that support flat earth and studies that support anti-vaxx nonsense etc etc etc. I have found that without a doubt you should ALWAYS believe stuff posted on internet blogs.

    The company has been around since 1980. I agree it is overpriced and in all honestly the macro profiles of their shakes and protein powder are not the best. But, if they had been causing liver failure in everyone who drank a freaking shake over the last 36 years I doubt they would still be in business.
  • Wicked_Seraph
    Wicked_Seraph Posts: 388 Member
    edited June 2016
    shennin001 wrote: »
    I actually didn't know it was bad. I know it's not too realistic, but not bad. I researched online, but to be honest I am finding both Good and bad reports. Regardless, it's not something i want to stick to since i know there is no way i am going to drink a shake all My life, especially since it's so expensive. Oh and let me explain the boost part...I'm stuck at 220 lbs.! I've tried eating less and eating healthy, but I can't get down and it has me a little discouraged. Therefore, i decided to try herbal life to get me below the 220 and maybe the 200s, ha. I will definately look into those comments about it being bad for your liver. They changed their formula so i wonder if this is current. Anyways, Thank you all for your concerns and comments.

    "Eating less" and "eating healthy" may still not be enough if you're not at a deficit.

    I speak from experience. Started at 226 and had a very generic "I'MMA EAT LESS" goal. I didn't actually know, numerically, what to aim for, but boy did I try! I even gave MFP a couple of stabs, blindly aiming for the most aggressive goal while not quite understanding how they reached that number in the first place, and trying to consistently welllll below 1200 calories. Hell, if I can lose 2lbs/week on 1200, imagine 1000! Or 800! I got cranky, irritable, and always ended up nuking my deficit when I would inevitably get tired of drinking broth all the time. I spent months logging half-heartedly, restricting and binging, and trying every quick fix I knew. I still gained weight. I didn't start losing until I started reading posts and researching things like BMR, TDEE, and trying to understand WHY some could eat more than others, and why my numbers were what they were. My goal is still 1200/day, but I also know that below a certain higher number, I'm still ok if I got over. And that alone helps. I also forced myself to be patient and accept no "quick fixes".

    Weight loss is slow, and will definitely not going down in a perfect negative slope, but eat at a deficit and it WILL happen. I don't weigh all my foods, but after getting a scale I try to weigh as much as possible.

    Just be patient. None of us get to this weight overnight. I would suggest saving your money and using towards rewards for kickin' *kitten* at becoming a better you :smile:
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    shennin001 wrote: »
    I actually didn't know it was bad. I know it's not too realistic, but not bad. I researched online, but to be honest I am finding both Good and bad reports. Regardless, it's not something i want to stick to since i know there is no way i am going to drink a shake all My life, especially since it's so expensive. Oh and let me explain the boost part...I'm stuck at 220 lbs.! I've tried eating less and eating healthy, but I can't get down and it has me a little discouraged. Therefore, i decided to try herbal life to get me below the 220 and maybe the 200s, ha. I will definately look into those comments about it being bad for your liver. They changed their formula so i wonder if this is current. Anyways, Thank you all for your concerns and comments.

    The only experience I have had with Herbalife is seeing that stuff make my best friend so sick she ended up in the ER. I'm glad I didn't get sucked into that product and I will continue to stay far away from that.
  • onestepcloser125
    onestepcloser125 Posts: 3 Member
    I just started my herbalife and I take my shake as breakfast! I lost 5 pounds in 4 days! I do 1 cup of milk 3 cups of water 2 scoops of healthy shake 1 scoop of the protein half banana and scoop of prolessa to stay full. Some ice if needed. Follow me and I will post 1 diary of my meals so u can see.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    I just started my herbalife and I take my shake as breakfast! I lost 5 pounds in 4 days! I do 1 cup of milk 3 cups of water 2 scoops of healthy shake 1 scoop of the protein half banana and scoop of prolessa to stay full. Some ice if needed. Follow me and I will post 1 diary of my meals so u can see.

    If true, congrats on losing so much water weight.
  • teambellyring
    teambellyring Posts: 9 Member
    edited June 2016
    Smh-the shade from "missus"
  • FionaPlum
    FionaPlum Posts: 37 Member
    I'm on day 16 of Slim Fast and have lost 9 lb so far so I completely understand what you mean by a little boost. I Don't know anything about Herbal Life personally but I have noticed there is a group on here for people following that. Maybe you could join that and get more info and support there.
  • valerieuk1708
    valerieuk1708 Posts: 90 Member
    Just a word of caution to OP. I've done Herbalife 11 years ago in hopes of losing weight and I did. In a month or two I've lost 20lbs and at that time it was all I needed however it wasn't something I could sustain for the rest of my life and I stopped. I gained weight with vengeance, I went to pile on 50lbs in a matter of a year.
    There is no magic pill or potion out there otherwise we all would be slim and world wouldn't have obesity problem. It's education about food/exercise, determination and other things that will make you lose and keep it off.
    If you are here please take your time to read through forums and educate yourself about portion control, calories in vs calories out etc and make comintement to yourself and you WILL lose weight and spare yourself some money (shakes don't cost little) in the process.
    Have a good day!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    MissusMoon wrote: »
    I just started my herbalife and I take my shake as breakfast! I lost 5 pounds in 4 days! I do 1 cup of milk 3 cups of water 2 scoops of healthy shake 1 scoop of the protein half banana and scoop of prolessa to stay full. Some ice if needed. Follow me and I will post 1 diary of my meals so u can see.

    If true, congrats on losing so much water weight.

    Like all diets, it would not just be water. They would lose some fat too. But generally large losses of weight quickly are due to: glycogen depletion, modifications of waste in ones bowl, modifications to water retention cause by sodium, fat and other lean body mass.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Smh-the shade from "missus"

    It's called truth. Smh.
  • suzyjane1972
    suzyjane1972 Posts: 612 Member
    I just started my herbalife and I take my shake as breakfast! I lost 5 pounds in 4 days! I do 1 cup of milk 3 cups of water 2 scoops of healthy shake 1 scoop of the protein half banana and scoop of prolessa to stay full. Some ice if needed. Follow me and I will post 1 diary of my meals so u can see.

    Strong first post......don't tell sell this crap