


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited June 2016
    kkmsann wrote: »
    Hi any one doing the Slimfast diet ?wanna be buddies on here? X
    Aww, I wish you received a better response on here. Everyone's journey is different and we all do what works for us and meets our lifestyle needs. People use all kinds of meal replacements line Shakeology, Protein Powders etc. but for whatever reason Slimfast gets a bad wrap. I'm not a Slimfaster but I definitely replace meals for breakfast as I'm rushing out the door. I encourage you to keep doing what's working and be open to suggestions if your feeling stuck! We got this. My preferred replacement is Garden of Life Raw Organic Meal and I just add 1/2 banana and Greek yogurt to fill it out. Good luck!
    Slimfast has a bad rep, but so does Shakeology and a lot of other "supplements" and "replacements". I think the general response is good. For me, sitting down for meals is important, and I would consider a banana and a yogurt a good breakfast. But what I think, feel or whatever, isn't important. Finding something that's helpful is important. And what's helpful is individual. If these shakes really help you and you really prefer them to food, carry on!

    And you ARE eating food - look at all the foods (and work) you put into those shakes, and you still think of the shake powder as the main ingredient (and quick and easy). This is the modern equivalent of Stone Soup :s

    Camish911 wrote: »
    I haven't done the actual Slimfast diet, but I have used the shakes as a replacement for breakfast and/or lunch. Need to start doing that again.
    It's thinking like this that we won't easily accept - that these shakes are somehow necessary to lose weight and superior to food.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    choppie70 wrote: »
    Meal replacement shakes of any kind leave me ravenous less than an hour later! Any time I have tried them, I have wound up way over on my calories because I am so hungry.
    FionaPlum wrote: »
    A meal replacement person with their head screwed on can be more successful keeping the weight off than a calorie counter who misguidedly thinks they are 'finally free of calorie counting'

    I am not sure how meal replacement plans help a person to "screw" their head on. There is little thinking about how to make good choices about food. Grabbing a premade shake will teach you nothing. Also, by your reasoning, won't a shake person think they are "finally free of eating shakes"?

    The reason I am successful this time is I have learned about food. I have learned how to be around food, and eat the right kinds of food and manage my intake - none of which is stressed on a meal replacement diet. I will probably never be free of calorie counting because it has become second nature. I am more conscious about the foods I eat and more informed about the calorie content in them. If I relied on shakes to do it for me, I would have learned nothing!

    I think the poster meant that a person with their "head screwed on" was a person who already understood how calories worked and is able to use the shake short term to drop some weight then move in to maintenance with calorie counting, making sure to avoid a surplus. As opposed to a calorie counter who gets to their target weight then stops because they feel they are done and can go back to their previous eating patterns, hence gaining back the weight.
  • catsdogsh
    catsdogsh Posts: 130 Member
    For goodness sake, nothing like friendly support here! Slim fast products are a tool and most contain protein so they aren't evil! Would I go on the slim fast diet plan? No. But anything that helps especially during my hectic lifestyle is fine by me.
  • lauraemily84
    lauraemily84 Posts: 140 Member
    MissusMoon wrote: »
    Don't we all?!!! I think there's a misconception that slimfast is all shakes - you do eat proper food just calorie controlled!

    I eat pizza, ice cream, steak and I drink wine. All in my daily caloric goals and I've lost 38lbs.

    That's super well done x
  • louisepaul16
    louisepaul16 Posts: 261 Member
    I used to do slimfast and if it works for
    You that's great. Didn't work for me personally.

    Just a word of caution on the sugar content (I'm doing a low/no added sugar approach to weight loss so I have a huge sugar radar!) one serving of the shake has nearly the entire recommended daily amount of sugar in it for a woman. Personally I think this is awful for a company to push something that is "healthy" and for weight loss that is so high in sugar, but anyway.

    If it works for you, and it's a diet for short term results that you need, for a wedding or holiday or whatnot, then great! Go for it. If it's a lifestyle change, maybe consider looking at other approaches before deciding what is best for you. Good luck.
  • lauraemily84
    lauraemily84 Posts: 140 Member
    Thank you for your responses,

    Can I ask - as I'm on Slimfast diet am I not aloud to post on here? And to see if anyone else is doing the same or similar diet? I'm just looking for support - I feel like any of my posts about Slimfast I get a lot of negativity?

    I understand everyone has the own opinions on the Slimfast/ meal replacement. Just so you know I started it to loose 7lb. I do eat pretty healthy anyway but I was eating bigger portions and created a lovely little muffin top haha so I started my diet as I was a little short on time - also I have two young children I spend a lot of time in/out going to pre school, toddler groups/ collect from pre sch etc and often don't have much time to prepare a low cal meal for lunch. I'm aware I need to go on to a maintain plan as would anyone once there at there goal! I'm planning on having one meal substituted and try to have a lower cal breakfast or lunch. I used to have a massive bowl of cereal and biscuits so I'm learning that I need to portion control more and cut out high cal snacks.

    I do eat a good dinner I don't just have shakes!

    Thank you to the supportive posts and the friend requests it's great to have support no matter which diet you choose x
  • louisepaul16
    louisepaul16 Posts: 261 Member
    MFP is for anyone who is interested to lose/gain or maintain weight. You are of COURSE allowed to post on here! ☺️
    Whatever course of weight loss you decide to follow people will say it's wrong or not the best way blah blah. I got a tonne of negativity for trying to support someone who wanted to do a 30 day sugar detox, people all jumped on saying it wasn't healthy to cut out sugar etc. (I don't want to get into that debate again FYI! Haha) but whichever way you decide to
    Try and lose weight, it's your journey and go for it. I know a lot of people are trying to impart wisdom and advice but some people go about it the wrong way.

    Good luck with your journey! Feel free to add me if you'd like (even though we are not following the same plan!)
  • aureum79
    aureum79 Posts: 30 Member
    I did slimfast last year I loved their chocolate shake unfortunetly I didn't lose weight now I know why I didn't because I was eating too much at dinner time what I though what was a good meal I was eating it's double so probably once a while it would be nice to go back to slimfast maybe not everyday but definetly once or twice a week .At the moment I am not eating breakfast but do have my lunch and dinner and it's going pretty well I have lost 1 1/2 stone.I do find at times it gets quite stressful to make lunch for my self dinner is fine as everyone in our house sits together.So I might buy slimfast for next month just to take the hassle out from making lunch for myself I used powders but I am thinking maybe I should buy the prepared shakes.Best of luck with your plan I am sure it will help you lose your weight
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    emdeesea wrote: »
    I don't really understand the use of shakes either. So if one shake is about 200 calories (I'm just putting in a number here, I don't really know how much they are)... why don't you just count out your calories to make a 200 calorie breakfast or lunch?

    I mean I understand the need for maybe something quick sometimes or on the go, but honestly, are you going to drink shakes forever? Because when you do lose the weight from restricting calories with shakes, THEN what? Do you go back to eating your regular diet (that made you gain weight in the first place)?

    Part of calorie counting is learning portion control. I mean the shakes will work, but they'll teach you nothing at all about modifying your behavior. So you'll end up on that cycle of shakes to lose the weight... go back to regular diet and gain weight... go back to shakes... go back to regular diet... lose, gain, lose, gain.

    But I guess that's how Slim Fast makes their money. Keeping people on that endless cycle.

    OP, perfect advice!

    When you say you would eat massive amount of cereal for breakfast, why not weigh out a portion of cereal. I used to overeat cereal too. I now know what a real portion looks like. SlimFast left me ravenous. The people MFP are just trying to help you.
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    Thank you for your responses,

    Can I ask - as I'm on Slimfast diet am I not aloud to post on here? And to see if anyone else is doing the same or similar diet? I'm just looking for support - I feel like any of my posts about Slimfast I get a lot of negativity?

    I understand everyone has the own opinions on the Slimfast/ meal replacement. Just so you know I started it to loose 7lb. I do eat pretty healthy anyway but I was eating bigger portions and created a lovely little muffin top haha so I started my diet as I was a little short on time - also I have two young children I spend a lot of time in/out going to pre school, toddler groups/ collect from pre sch etc and often don't have much time to prepare a low cal meal for lunch. I'm aware I need to go on to a maintain plan as would anyone once there at there goal! I'm planning on having one meal substituted and try to have a lower cal breakfast or lunch. I used to have a massive bowl of cereal and biscuits so I'm learning that I need to portion control more and cut out high cal snacks.

    I do eat a good dinner I don't just have shakes!

    Thank you to the supportive posts and the friend requests it's great to have support no matter which diet you choose x

    Of course you are allowed to post here, just know that as with most things Internet related, you will get a lot of responses from people with limited knowledge trying to tell others what to do. The anonimity allows disrespectful freedoms that people wouldn't take in real life.

    Seriously, how many people walk up to you and actually tell you what you should be eating?
  • kaitlinfurby13
    kaitlinfurby13 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm doing Slimfast most days and have lost close to 40 pounds. I just lose easier with the slimfast for some reason. Every couple of weeks I will go off of it for a couple of days to make sure I can maintain the loss and so I'm learning to eat properly. Also I weigh and log everything I eat, so I don't know why people think you can't change your lifestyle while doing slimfast. Most people might not, but it isn't impossible.
  • Elenatizzard1
    Elenatizzard1 Posts: 5 Member
    Just started slimfast today!!
  • lauraemily84
    lauraemily84 Posts: 140 Member
    Of course you can post if you do Slimfast, Shakeology, the Cabbage Soup Diet or whatever plan you want.

    But remember that MFP is a calorie counting site. So most people here are...wait for it...counting calories.

    If I went on a Slimfast website and talked about how I thought eating all foods in moderation and not drinking my calories was the way to go, I wouldn't expect a favorable response.

    I understand people on here are using calorie controlled diet to loose weight - Slimfast is also a calorie controlled diet the only difference as I can see is I have a shake or usually a bar in replacement. The calories I usually have in either a shake or a bar are 210-230 cals I think I could weigh cereal and try that thank you il give that a go. But what lunch suggestion could I have " real food" 210-230 cals ? Two slices of bread are around 200 cals without any filling? I'm struggling with that hence why I personally find it easier to make up a shake or have a bar. I'm not on here to create any arguments or even asking for opinions originally - I really did/do want to meet others that are following a similar diet to me for support