So weak



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited June 2016
    Like if a package of oatmeal is 100 calories, it doesn't mean it's exactly 100, it can be up to 20% more or less

    Perhaps if you opened your diary we could offer better advice? Like ditching the already digested oatmeal (I'm only sort of kidding) and eating steel cut or just slow cook oats instead.... More bang for your caloric buck. Yes, oatmeal is just one data point, but seeing your diary would help...
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited June 2016
    Usually more


    You're undereating. Eat more and build some muscle and you'll be better off long term. You're so young and setting yourself up for a lifetime of sluggish metabolism and weakness eating that little.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Yes I'm 22, are you losing or maintaining? What's your caloric intake?

    I don't know, really, I don't really count calories. Somewhere around 1800 maybe?
    I've been maintaining about 15 years, but am trying to lose the 5 menopause gave me. :smile:
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Like if a package of oatmeal is 100 calories, it doesn't mean it's exactly 100, it can be up to 20% more or less
    It is always best to weigh even the prepackaged stuff. That way you know for sure. That oatmeal package can be from 90-130 calories, but you won't know if you don't weigh the pre-packaged foods...and you can have your extra 100 cals. :)
  • ksilletti246
    ksilletti246 Posts: 34 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    Usually more


    You're undereating. Eat more and build some muscle and you'll be better off long term. You're so young and setting yourself up for a lifetime of sluggish metabolism and weakness eating that little.

    I said before that whenever I eat more and work out I gain weight. I have a hard time maintaining so it's either eat low calories or eat more and work out which would only lead me to gain weight in unwanted areas
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Do you also feel dizzy and tired while maintaining or only when you diet?

    If you always feel weak you need to get checked. I tend to have problems maintaining my iron and B12 sometimes and as soon as I start feeling dizzy I know for a fact it's time to get a checkup.

    If it's only when dieting, have you tried not lowering your calories? To be honest, I find it unlikely that you would gain on 1300 calories and then (putting your maintenance at somewhere around 1200 or less). Are you sure you really are gaining and not really panicking about the initial gain caused by extra food? How much are you losing when you are averaging 1100 calories? 1 pound a month? Do you feel too weak to exercise right when you start dieting or are you always too weak to exercise?

    It looks to me that some of it might be mental. Dieting is a pretty mental process. So instead of lowering your calories try to eat at maintenance, but then create your deficit by exercise alone. A 15-20 minute relatively easy jog would give you the deficit to lose that 1 pound a month you are currently losing without having to lower your calories.
  • MsBuzzkillington
    MsBuzzkillington Posts: 171 Member
    I would recommend getting checked out by a doctor. They can run tests and check your blood for deficiencies.
  • MsBuzzkillington
    MsBuzzkillington Posts: 171 Member
    I would recommend getting checked out by a doctor. They can run tests and check your blood for deficiencies.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    Do you do any strength training? Or only cardio? Or anything at all?
  • ksilletti246
    ksilletti246 Posts: 34 Member
    Do you also feel dizzy and tired while maintaining or only when you diet?

    If you always feel weak you need to get checked. I tend to have problems maintaining my iron and B12 sometimes and as soon as I start feeling dizzy I know for a fact it's time to get a checkup.

    If it's only when dieting, have you tried not lowering your calories? To be honest, I find it unlikely that you would gain on 1300 calories and then (putting your maintenance at somewhere around 1200 or less). Are you sure you really are gaining and not really panicking about the initial gain caused by extra food? How much are you losing when you are averaging 1100 calories? 1 pound a month? Do you feel too weak to exercise right when you start dieting or are you always too weak to exercise?

    It looks to me that some of it might be mental. Dieting is a pretty mental process. So instead of lowering your calories try to eat at maintenance, but then create your deficit by exercise alone. A 15-20 minute relatively easy jog would give you the deficit to lose that 1 pound a month you are currently losing without having to lower your calories.

    When I was eating about 1400 calories a day I gained 8 pounds over the course of like 4 months which is why I'm back on a low caloric diet because I gained so much weight so fast. I've been eating 1050-1150 calories for about 25 days and have lost 3 pounds. I'm just always tired. I'm usually always too tired to exercise which is why I think it might be a deficiency. Thank you!
  • DaddyHertz
    DaddyHertz Posts: 10 Member
    Personally i can tell you after i started working out, got some bcaa's into my system along with a good multiviatmin like ActiveMV from dotFIT I started feeling full of energy, a mix of cardio and weights
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    Usually more


    You're undereating. Eat more and build some muscle and you'll be better off long term. You're so young and setting yourself up for a lifetime of sluggish metabolism and weakness eating that little.

    I said before that whenever I eat more and work out I gain weight. I have a hard time maintaining so it's either eat low calories or eat more and work out which would only lead me to gain weight in unwanted areas

    Do what you want but actively working toward adding muscle will give you better results than will generically eating more and working out or continuing as you are.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    I'm eating around 1050-1150 calories a day. I gain weight when I eat around 1300-1400 a day. So eating low calorie seems to be the only way I can actually lose weight, and I'm not losing weight fast either.

    That's such a small swing between the calories for losing and the calories for gaining that I suspect you're mistaking a few pounds of water weight from glycogen replacement at maintenance (1400 calories) for gaining fat. That's likely where the 8 lbs came from that you're talking about in the last four months, plus a couple of pounds of normal weight fluctuation.

    If something consistently made me weak, dizzy, and tired, and made me anxious, I would stop doing it.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    I'm eating around 1050-1150 calories a day. I gain weight when I eat around 1300-1400 a day. So eating low calorie seems to be the only way I can actually lose weight, and I'm not losing weight fast either.

    That's such a small swing between the calories for losing and the calories for gaining that I suspect you're mistaking a few pounds of water weight from glycogen replacement at maintenance (1400 calories) for gaining fat. That's likely where the 8 lbs came from that you're talking about in the last four months, plus a couple of pounds of normal weight fluctuation.

    If something consistently made me weak, dizzy, and tired, and made me anxious, I would stop doing it.

    This is what I was thinking too although I wasn't able to put it into words as well.

  • huntersmom2016
    huntersmom2016 Posts: 185 Member
    The lowest calorie intake recommended is 1200. I highly recommend eating no less than that and start exercising to get your body looking the way you want. And exercise gives you energy! I hope this helps.
  • SeptemberFeyre
    SeptemberFeyre Posts: 178 Member
    You might be low on vitamin D3, which can make you tired and weak. I don't understand the numbers on you though. I am just 2 inches taller than you and am 41 and lose weight on 1400 cal with no exercise. Did u weigh your food when u were eating 1400 and gaining? I'd visit the Dr. And get a vitamin blood panel check and check for anemia.
  • emmylootwo
    emmylootwo Posts: 172 Member
    If this were me, I would definitely take the advice here and go see a doctor. Anemia would be my best (uneducated) guess as to what might be behind the weakness. But your calorie dilemma sounds very bizarre to me. I wouldn't think a 1200-1300 calorie TDEE is normal... I might look into getting my BMR professionally tested. I might also look into strength training and gaining muscle, with the general idea being to "bulk" and gain muscle and then to "cut" and slowly lose fat. In this sense, the added lean muscle mass will make you looker thinner and will also increase your BMR. In other words, I might focus on changing body composition rather than just losing weight overall. Hope you feel better soon OP.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,564 Member
    Take vitamins


    vitamin c

    B complex

    Fish oil

    All are good

    No, don't!
    Get checked for any deficiency and then treat those. Those vitamins are usually too low dose to be of much use in a real deficiency. At the same time if you have some blood tests done they will come back as normal as those vitamins still influence your blood tests - meaning a potential deficiency remains untreated. Thus get it checked out! Get at least your active Vitamin B12 (not serum B12 which is useless, but Holo TC) tested, ferritin, vitamin D3, folic acid, and thyroid tests including fT4 ad fT3, maybe antibodies.