After you cheat on your diet, how do you deal with the guilt??



  • bchgrl8
    bchgrl8 Posts: 55 Member
    I find that if I don't have that one thing that I'm craving..I'll eat everything else to compensate for it, in turn eating more calories then I would have to begin with. It's all about sensible choices.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited June 2016
    I rub my belly and move on! My cheats are not cheats they are planned awesomeness and usually needed for a diet break! LOL
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    micca35 wrote: »
    After 7 weeks of eating no junk food...I broke down and ate a bag of cool ranch doritos and a smores oreo cookie :( now I feel horrible. How do I deal with the shame...

    Move on. Nobody's perfect. Just let it go and move on.
  • StacyChrz
    StacyChrz Posts: 865 Member
    I have come to realize that I am making a change that I must be able to sustain for good. That means that sometimes I am going to eat things that aren't all that healthy. I just have to remember that the overall majority of my choices are healthy and one meal or one day isn't going to undo all of the good I've been doing.

    I do try to log everything so I can see where I stand on a weekly basis, but otherwise I feel no guilt.
  • amanda000002014
    amanda000002014 Posts: 73 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hmmmm, if you know your going to feel guilty don't do it. What is guilt bit failure to live up to a rule or the law.
  • ald783
    ald783 Posts: 688 Member
    Hmmmm, if you know your going to feel guilty don't do it. What is guilt bit failure to live up to a rule or the law.

    It's not that simple, and that places eating or overeating in a way more important category than it deserves. It's going to happen whether or not you tell yourself it'll never happen. I think it's more important to get over it and not give it more weight than something so trivial deserves. It's food, not kiddieporn.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • indiacaitlin
    indiacaitlin Posts: 691 Member
    By accepting that I don't live to diet.

    You're human, sometimes we need some Doritos and an Oreo and that does not make us bad people or a failure at dieting. Your life shouldn't revolve around losing weight, balance is key! Just enjoy the little cheat day and get back on track, in a few days/weeks you'll forget you even had a wobble :)
  • wi_maint_man
    wi_maint_man Posts: 99 Member
    I wish I knew, I have a history of mild depression, when I overeat I feel bad for a few days, being an "all or nothing " person I try to stay on track all the time, not saying it works well for me but I try and I feel good when I'm on track.
  • Rushbrook60
    Rushbrook60 Posts: 95 Member
    Oh bless you. Don't worry too much. A bag of crisps won't ruin all the effort you've put in so far. I had a Chinese and felt awful about it, but after a couple of days, I stopped telling myself off about it and told myself just to get back on the band wagon. I have and I haven't had any take aways since.

    I don't see this experience as dieting but rather as a lifestyle change. I aim to keep this going for the rest of my life so that I stay as healthy as I can. My body needs an overhaul first, so loosing weight, then I'll swap to maintaining.

    If you restrict yourself entirely from the odd treats now and then, this will become monotonous and unbearable. You need to let your hair down a little bit, just not every day. Everything in moderation hun.

    It's only one little treat. Don't punish yourself for it, just carry on. Anything is achievable if you set your heart on it...yours being your overall weight loss goal.

    Good luck hun