Funny people at the gym.....



  • Angie80281
    Angie80281 Posts: 444 Member
    Anyone else get bothered by this scenario? I was on the elliptical, machines empty too my left and to my right, all of a sudden I look over and someone is right next to mine. I mean really? You have a choice of 10 other machines but you choose to be right next to me? Now I can't fart because you will instantly smell it.....COME ON PEOPLE

    Just go ahead and let loose! I bet it'll stop them from taking the machine next to you again! :laugh:
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    A lady at the Curves I go to grunts and does the four count the whole time she's doing the circuit.

    Goes a little like this:

    *grunt* 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 *grunt* 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 *grunt*...

    Sad thing is, she's loud (easily heard over the music) and she is not even counting to the beat of the music or with her body movements.

    One of these days she's going to get to 5, I have faith in her.

    ahhahahaha this totally cracked me up :)
  • mostein
    mostein Posts: 200 Member
    i have one during my Zumba class who just can't seem to turn her body the way everyone else is..she will be the only one in the class who dances a circle to the left when every.single.other.person is dancing in their circle to the right...

    I love watching people in Zumba that are completely lost! I also love it when there are guys in the class, when they do hip movements it is hilarious!!! I also love watching people in step classes that are not coordinated. Some people are not meant to do certain activities, I know I am not meant to do sports, especially baseball, I embrace this so that I can laugh at other peoples inabilities to do certain activities!!
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Oh man where do I start...

    One guy i saw at the gym for a while was this guy who wore a shirt with the sleeves cut off and cut all the way down the sides except for abotu 2 inches at the bottom, he wore his undies up so they showed out of his basket ball shorts, and then he wore sweats over his shorts but left the shorts showing like 3 inches... he had a tri level goingon... He would walk around feeling his ab muscles while he LOUDLY talked on the phone.

    One guy who is a treadmill incline hold on the the bars type of guy wore these itty bitty shorts and a cropped tank top... his beer belly was exposed for allllllll to see lol.
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member

    1. Older lady in her late 40's early 50's ... out for the older and late 40s and early 50s in the same sentence. I used to think that until I had my 40th birthday party
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    And we wonder why some people are intimidated and feel nervous about going to the gym.

    Meh, let em make fun of me. This was meant in a light hearted manner. Sometimes, things do look strange to us.

    I know people look at me sometimes and think, "What the hell is she doing?"
  • InfamousQ
    InfamousQ Posts: 266 Member
    This dude comes to the gym in pajamas's, flip flops, and a hoodie doing curls everyday.....
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    i have one during my Zumba class who just can't seem to turn her body the way everyone else is..she will be the only one in the class who dances a circle to the left when every.single.other.person is dancing in their circle to the right...

    I love watching people in Zumba that are completely lost! I also love it when there are guys in the class, when they do hip movements it is hilarious!!! I also love watching people in step classes that are not coordinated. Some people are not meant to do certain activities, I know I am not meant to do sports, especially baseball, I embrace this so that I can laugh at other peoples inabilities to do certain activities!!

    I didn't know how to do my ju jutsu moves until I practiced them. This just isn't true. The only way it is, is if you believe that you can't do something, you won't be able to.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    This dude comes to the gym in pajamas's, flip flops, and a hoodie doing curls everyday.....

    One day he will drop a dumb bell and watch that toe pop like popcorn.....too vivid?
  • allypally9
    allypally9 Posts: 23 Member
    Theres an odd woman at my gym who i havent seen in a while. Does all the cardio with large weights in each hand and then does about 20minutes of 'jigging around' at the back of the gym. Cant help but smile if I notice she is in!
  • kw2s
    kw2s Posts: 16
    I go to the gym afterwork and all the treadmills are always full. There isone lady dressed to the 9s standing ON the treadmill without the belt going for twenty minutes texting.... it seriously irriates me bc shes not getting a proper work out and two other people want to machines... tho she does have incredible outfits.
  • allypally9
    allypally9 Posts: 23 Member
    There are also the people that get on the treadmill, set the incline way high and then hold on to the monitor throughout their workout.

    Or those who set the speed up ungodly fast, run on it for a few seconds, grab the arm bars, jump up and hold themselves up, land their feet on the sides of the machine while the machine is still going on at the ungodly pace, rest for a long time, and then jump back on.... over and over. You want a HIIT workout, there are better ways. :P

    I think you must go to my gym!! haha
  • cbratthauer
    cbratthauer Posts: 228 Member
    I just really hate the loud grunters. Sometimes when I hear them I can't hold my laugh in I hope they don't know I'm laughing at them. I'm usually with my personal trainer though so maybe they think he said something funny? But we'll occassionally make fun of them while I'm working out
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    He hasn't come in for a while...but there is this guy who is about my same height 5'1 and is very thin. Well anyways he comes in with his sunglasses on stands in front of the mirror puffs out his chest does a few curls walks around for about 10 -15 mins does another set with the sunglasses never coming off the whole time and leaves...oh I forget to say I usually work out around 9:00 pm. Is it really that bright in there??? Hahaha
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I just really hate the loud grunters. Sometimes when I hear them I can't hold my laugh in I hope they don't know I'm laughing at them. I'm usually with my personal trainer though so maybe they think he said something funny? But we'll occassionally make fun of them while I'm working out

    Haha....guess neither of you lifted enough weight to justify a grunt yet?

    I love the people that do 1 set and then talk for 20 minutes then do another set....what is the point?
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member

    1. Older lady in her late 40's early 50's ... out for the older and late 40s and early 50s in the same sentence. I used to think that until I had my 40th birthday party

    Did your view change because you turned 40, or is it because you forgot your age among other things because you are 40?:wink:
  • bluemist248
    bluemist248 Posts: 207 Member
    Normally I dont seen to care when i am at the gym but yesterday I was at the gym and the new manager came to say "hello" which I would of been more then fine with if it wasn't midst me trying to do my set.

    Anyone else get bothered by this scenario? I was on the elliptical, machines empty too my left and to my right, all of a sudden I look over and someone is right next to mine. I mean really? You have a choice of 10 other machines but you choose to be right next to me? Now I can't fart because you will instantly smell it.....COME ON PEOPLE

    It's that last line that sent me in stitches laughing! I love honesty like that. :laugh:
  • cbratthauer
    cbratthauer Posts: 228 Member
    I just really hate the loud grunters. Sometimes when I hear them I can't hold my laugh in I hope they don't know I'm laughing at them. I'm usually with my personal trainer though so maybe they think he said something funny? But we'll occassionally make fun of them while I'm working out

    Haha....guess neither of you lifted enough weight to justify a grunt yet?

    I love the people that do 1 set and then talk for 20 minutes then do another set....what is the point?

    Oh yes there are these kids that come in late Sunday nights that stay for longer than I do, but while I'm there (an hour) they probably do about 10 minutes of actualy workout. The rest is all talking
  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    Old gym (in rural Nevada) one crazy woman - She would use the Precore Elliptical on max incline, no resistance, with 10 pound ankle weights for about 3 hours every morning while she read her book. The speed of her "steps" barely kept the machine going and she would b!tch up a STORM if anyone used a fan anywhere near her! THEN after her "workout" she would light a cigarette as soon as she stepped out the door.

    Current gym - I call them the lunch time lifters - two men, mid twenties, lift insane amount of weight, one or two times per exercise, then move on to the next lift. They do this three times per week and they spot each other, so I am not sure if they are really lifting or if it's more of a team lift. They also grunt while doing it - it's funny to watch
  • sfmathews
    sfmathews Posts: 36 Member
    Yea, it seems the kids are there to hook up or be seen. I always thought the mall was the place for that?
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