Anyone starting C25K?



  • sparklyglitterbomb
    sparklyglitterbomb Posts: 458 Member
    totally.. I dreaded it. I actually lost sleep that week worrying about it. :) Again, a huge mental hill on that one.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Would anyone want to have a group to do check ins? I know mine is 3 days a week but it might be a fun place to check back and post progress? Everyone feel free to add me too!

    There's a group for C25k:

  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    I just started today! Week 1 Day 1 felt good. I was a bit surprised. I'm a big walker, but had quit running due to various pains (knee, foot).

    I did the whole C25K a few years back and was very happy with it. Excited to be starting again!
  • ToriGabrielle
    ToriGabrielle Posts: 25 Member
    On week 2 now
  • Stripeymitten
    Stripeymitten Posts: 74 Member
    I'm on W7 D2. Feel free to add me, I'm happy to give support as I have been exactly where you are but I'm getting there!
  • SpiritHippo
    SpiritHippo Posts: 53 Member
    I went through couch to 5K and really found D it helpful. I let my running completely go over the years though and I just started all over last week. Right now I'm just trying to keep moving through one whole song and then catch my breath and repeat. I plan to do two to three running days each week so if you want to add me or start a forum I would be happy to participate.
  • Aetheana
    Aetheana Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in! I'm doing Week 3 right now. I'm doing a 5K on July 2 come hell or high water, so I hope I'm ready for it. I'm also doing another one July 31. All I want to do is finish without dying. :)
  • Motiv8tedMom
    Motiv8tedMom Posts: 89 Member
    Still going strong, although the more run sections the harder it gets. My running partner said it was silly, we should just run for 8 minutes straight, because its not as hard on your body to start/stop/start/stop. I just gave her a look like she was crazy because getting through 60 seconds is already tough enough for me!
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    I did Week1 Day2 yesterday, and walked today. Feeling great! Although I know it won't be this easy for long...
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    I'm up to week 7 but o have slacked off a bit the last week or two, need to get back to it, might try on the weekend.

  • cjw6
    cjw6 Posts: 94 Member
    Recently finished it. Totally amazed that it works, couldn't run a minute at the start, now doing 5-6 k 3x week. I did a few weeks twice and took a month longer than you are 'suppsed' to. I never believed I could actually do it. Found the first 'long' run (week 4 or 5) psychologically tough just cos I didn't think I could. But I did! No looking back. Stick with it, trust the programme, it's awesome.