Do you still workout even when you don't want to?



  • TiffyBear415_xx
    I'm havin the same problem. I've worked out once this week and none last week cuz I didnt feel like it. I've got to learn to suck it up and just do it cuz I've realized that I feel waaay better after I make myself workout. We can do this!!
  • babs23
    babs23 Posts: 86
    You're gonna feel sooo much better after you're done with your workout. I always do. Just go!

    PLUS - Your SIL is going to suffer the consequences of eating fast food and not gaining weight. Slowly but surely she's going to develop serious health problems. Heart disease, diabetes, etc... please don't be jealous of that. :)
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    i make myself work out for 10 mins. If I still feel crappy after those 10 mins i stop because i know my workout will not be very productive. Like today, I went hiking in the morning and wanted to do Insanity in the afternoon. I got home and had a terrible headache. I made myself get up and do the warmup. My body was telling me it had enough for the day.

    This is a great idea !
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    Been there, can totally relate. I still work out, even when I don't want to. I love feeling like I have accomplished something!
  • Frenshan
    Frenshan Posts: 44
    Yes I always exercise even when I don't want to. When I get started or just show up for a class at the gym, I usually snap out of my laziness and feel sooo good that I actually worked out!!! ;)
  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    you'll never regret a workout, but you will probably regret not working out...

    What a true and simple new mantra. I'm putting that on my bathroom mirror and reading it every morning.
  • cspence2270
    cspence2270 Posts: 229 Member
    I do this too. I have to work out first thing in the am. My husband helps and gives me that little push at 4:30 am, 6:00 am on weekends 6 days a week, if I'm not feeling that urge to get my butt out of bed. Believe my there have been days when I roll over and just lay there, but the truth is I don't go back to sleep I just lay there and argue with myself then I just feel crappy for the rest of the day. I had always hated to work out first thing but my husband said you have to do it first, then you don't have it hanging over your head all day and your body continues to burn more calories throughout the day, and you can always find excuses at the end of a long work day not to work out. But if you do it first thing then your done and your day starts with a clear head and usually a great pump. My rule is that unless I'm puking or have a fever get up and just do it.
  • keesees
    keesees Posts: 4 Member
    Just started on here but know exactly what you mean. I find tho if I don't do my exercises I still have a lot of energy to do other things like cleaning, walking the dog, yard get the picture. I think sometimes we over-look the little things we do each day as exercise; they add up too. But....nothing is better then your full gym workout. So turn off the TV, turn on the music and clean your butt off <wink>
  • MoonIite
    MoonIite Posts: 341 Member
    Well I tried doing my short toning workout, but could only muster 10 minutes. I already took two rest days, but since I didn't get much sleep last night I'm lacking the energy to do my workout.
  • Nomi3
    Nomi3 Posts: 13 Member
    I HATE working out. I don't like it, but I love the way I feel when my workout is over. Next time I am really struggling I am going to try this 10 minute rule people have mentioned. Sounds like a great idea!
  • CherrySunday
    CherrySunday Posts: 301
    you just have to push yourself out the door and make yourself go; believe me you'll feel so much better for doing it! I trick myself with a reward beforehand, maybe that can work for you? i have about a mile walk to my gym, so I buy myself a shot of espresso at the coffee shop by my place, that helps with a kickstart for me!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I know exactly how you feel... and since TOM is due for her monthly visit, it makes it even worse!

    If your body is telling you it needs time off, then it honestly needs time off. Go get a good nights sleep and start again tomorrow.. I'm sure you're workout will be fabulous!
  • sfmathews
    sfmathews Posts: 36 Member
    I'm going against the grain here but listen to your body. There are definitely times to suck it up and work out whether you feel like it or not but there are also times when you need to rest and you really need to rest one day a week. The times when I've pushed myself when I've literally felt too tired to work out I've usually gotten sick the next day.

    I do like the one suggestion someone had, try working out for 10-15 minutes and see how you feel. If you still feel too tired then stop the workout and rest, at least you'll know you tried.

    If you've been working out steadily every day then skipping one day to let your body rest is ok but you have to get right back to working out tomorrow.
    This is me tonite. I've learned that if I push myself too hard and don't rest, I don't feel any better after working out and generally feel worse the next day. I feel guilty about not working out tonite, but know that I will be ready to go back full steam ahead tomorrow.
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I just had one of those days yesterday.
    I didn't feel like doing my workout, but I did it anyway.
    I have it in my mind that if I don't move, I won't change.
    There are times our bodies need to rest so we don't over-do it,
    but other than that, I don't want to make any excuses for myself.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Cottonay, never compare yourself to anyone.
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    When I feel like that, I will get myself out for a minimum of ten minutes. If after that, I am still feeling drained, I'll stop but I would say 99% of the time, it gets me energized and in a good mood and I am able to have a great workout.
  • MoonIite
    MoonIite Posts: 341 Member
    I know I should never compare myself to anyone, but it's hard when I'm surrounded by family members and friends who are skinny and eat whatever they want . I'm the only one who workout at home and keep a healthy diet. Sometimes it hard to stay motivated when I see them eating food that I know may not be good for me. I try not to deprive myself of chocolate or sweets (they're my biggest downfall) but I know I can't go back to my old eating habit of getting two-three extra servings.
  • bcbman
    bcbman Posts: 96 Member
    Those are the days you really have to push through. I have a similar day today as I was leg weary from a bike ride yesterday. I forced myself to get to gym and ended up doing 70 mins on the treadmill. It was low intensity but I still got to burn some calories. As others have said in these posts, I would have regretted not going. Very glad I forced myself to go.
  • chrisuy
    chrisuy Posts: 39 Member
    I, like others, force myself out the door and tell myself to workout for at least 10 minutes. I can't remember ever stopping there, but I have cut longer workouts down if I'm just not feeling it that day.

    Whatever the case, I always feel better after my workout is done regardless of how I felt before I started!
  • hillview2
    hillview2 Posts: 212 Member
    Yes unless I haven't had a rest day in 6+ days (then I rest). I go for a walk and tell myself just for 20 mins, Once I get out, I GO usually for at least an hour.