Chalean Extreme Group Starting Monday 5/23



  • rachel0923
    rachel0923 Posts: 137 Member
    Thanks for the welcomes! I've been logging my strength days as a flat 200 calories burned. Cardio days as 300, and then another 50-100 for abs or yoga. I have an HRM, but it has been misplaced during our recent move, so I've just been guesstimating. Hopefully the HRM will turn up soon!

    This morning was Burn Intervals, which I love, and Ab Burner, which I don't love. I like the calories burned in Burn Intervals without feeling like I'm getting bored doing solid cardio :)

    I accidentally took three rest days last week with my husband out of town, so I only get one this week. It's tough knowing I have to be up at 5am every morning, when I usually get to sleep until 6 on Thursdays!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Hello, Rachel and MaineGirl!! MaineGirl, I am sorry for your loss. I am happy that you've decided to get on the wagon though. Glad to have you with us!

    Michelle, I'm glad your back is better and you can up the weights!!

    Marianne, you're going to love TF. Between the two 45-minute classes, I would do the EZ. It doesn't have any fire drills. Though I prefer the regular 45 class (and there are only 2 fire drills in it).

    Today was HIIT 20 and Tone 30. I repeat - the resistance bands definitely provide an ample amount of resistance. My arms are TIGHT right now! :laugh:

    Have a great day, ladies!!
  • JayelleC
    JayelleC Posts: 83 Member
    Hi All!

    I made it through my first week of CLX. I really enjoy the workouts with the exception of the ab routines. I find them quite challenging but I guess that is the point. I am heading out of town this weekend to visit family so I will be missing a workout on Friday (weights) and a workout on Saturday (Cardio & Stretch). I am going to try to find a way to work it into my schedule for next week.

    My eatting hasn't been the best but it has not been horrible. I need to get back on track with that. I am going to focus on that this upcoming weekend as best as I can!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Newly committed to logging food here at MFP and am in week #4 of Burn Phase of Chalean Extreme. Doing it with my beautiful 20-year-old daughter and loving the time together, and having a workout partner! Usually I workout alone - I have done Slim-in-6 and Turbo Jam. I love Turbo Jam, and I'm really enjoying Chalean Extreme. NO weight loss though :( Hoping to clean up my diet and see the pounds start to drop! Had a VERY tough year, grieving the very sudden death of my mother last spring, starting a new FT job, and sending yet another one of my babies off on his senior year, graduation and now in the fall off to college. Still one at home though :)
    What does everyone log for calories burned and for exercise since you can't put in the actual workout? Do you add it under strength training? And if so, how? Thanks for any advice - I can't figure this part out!

    Donna - So sorry to hear about the loss of your mother and I hope that your next year is much happier with less stress! I hear you about sending off your babies - mine is a senior this year and I"m already going into withdrawl!! I usually work out with my daughter too, it such a great thing to share and we love spending time together working out (and cooking!) Welcome to the CLX group! :flowerforyou:
  • alishadg
    alishadg Posts: 11
    Hi everyone! Is it okay if I jump right in & join? My name is Alisha & I've completed the CLX Burn phase & the Push phase, but was out of town last week, so I haven't yet started the Lean phase (sort of nervous about that! :wink: ). Looking forward to the inspiration & encouragement! Thanks!
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    Welcome everyone,
    Just a quick note before I go to a TF workout (which though I loved TJ---I love TF more!)

    Alisha...yes you can jump right in and I just started lean's tough but I think it will be the one to really show results!!!!!

    about logging...I've just been using the Burn it up and Intervals as (high aerobic) cardio and logging in the rest as strength. Although, after yesterdays Lean 1, I may have to rethink that !!!

  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Ok.. Today was Burn it Off and recharge. Good burn out of it.. Tomorrow will be Burn 1.. I have a lot of catching up to do. Glad to see everyone here!!
  • Thanks for the welcome! Today was Burn Intervals, saving Ab Burner for tomorrow because we got a late start this afternoon. After MUCH deliberation I decided to suck it up and invest in the SelectTech weights, and I've had them for about a week and I LOVE THEM. But I've noticed that I am using heavier weights because I can, and WOW what a difference! I am really fatigued!

    I'm going to dig out my HRM and start using it to count calories. I don't know why that didn't occur to me! :tongue:

    Cleaned up my diet and recorded all of my calories yesterday, and what do you know - the scale dropped this morning:smile:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Afternoon, all!! I hope everyone is still on the ball. It's quiet in here! Work is nuts - has been since yesterday - so hard to post. Just wanted to check in and wish everybody a good day!!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    Hi all....!

    I've been kind of slacking this week....

    Sunday - no exercise
    Monday - no exercise
    Tuesday - Push Circuit 1, no cardio
    Wednesday - no exercise
    Today - Push Circuit 2 and Turbo Fire 45 EZ (new to class)

    meh...... I just feel lazy.....

    But weigh in was this morning, and I still lost 1.4 pounds.... so all is good....

    Turbo Fire.... wow... ! I sweated like a little rain cloud...! But I enjoyed it.... burned 539 calories and didn't even really push it....
  • rachel0923
    rachel0923 Posts: 137 Member
    I've managed to Push Play all four mornings this week... one more to go and then I will be caught up from last week's extra rest day!

    My diet is out of control. I wish I could just eat what I'm supposed to eat! Life gets hectic and the first thing I lose control of is my food intake. I don't even think before I eat something. Some weeks are worse than others. I think this is a big part of lack of weight loss. I've always had this food problem and was able to maintain my weight through exercise. Lately I've actually been gaining instead of maintaining, which is discouraging, to say the least...

    What are your plans for the weekend? How will you survive the booze and food-fueled festivities?
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member

    What are your plans for the weekend? How will you survive the booze and food-fueled festivities?

    I'm in London... so no festivities here... thank god.... I can keep on track (kind of).... lol....
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    My weekend plans: driving 2 1/2 hours to see my daughter's Honors Band concert at Band Camp. Spending the rest of the weekend tackling the girl's room while she is gone - gonna need a hazmat uniform and a shovel!! :laugh: Hope to get it painted and redone completely before she gets back as a fun surprise!!

    Burn 2 on the roster for today - bowler lunges are my nemesis!! :tongue: The things we do for a cute backside!!

    Rachel - I hear you on the hectic life wrecking your diet!! I swear I am constantly on the run and it gets to be a real challenge. I don't know if this helps, but I found that planning my eating for the entire day the day before and entering it into MFP helps - if it's not on my list for the day, it doesn't go in my mouth!! My daughter and I plan out our dinner and lunch menus for the week on Sundays before we go grocery shopping and we only buy what is on the list. Cuts down on the grocery bill and makes the diet easier to maintain. Hope this helps!!
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Today was Burn ! and Extreme Abs.. WOW! Extreme Abs is hard! I am up to 20lbs on the lower body and 15 on upper except for the flys which are 10s... I am getting stronger. I haven't lost any inches inmy waist but have lost in my arms and legs... I will post my 30 day results at that time.
    I also ran 3 ,miles... I am on Fiya!
  • Recording ALL of my food, and following 3 simple rules in addition to Chalean Extreme - eating small snacks/meals every 3 hours, NOT eating anything 3 hours before bedtime, and limiting sugar. Feeling in control again!
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    Lean 2 done...tough...I can do this?!!! Yes I can and you can too. If you thought the other two were tough...hold on to your seat but it is worth it!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    My diet was not so great yesterday.... sodium was over 3000mg.... but guess what....

    I had to weigh in again today for my monthly weight-loss challenge, and I'm down another 0.4 lbs.... woohoo.....!!!!!

    Maybe the rest days this week have done me some good....?
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    My diet was not so great yesterday.... sodium was over 3000mg.... but guess what....

    I had to weigh in again today for my monthly weight-loss challenge, and I'm down another 0.4 lbs.... woohoo.....!!!!!

    Maybe the rest days this week have done me some good....?

    Yeah I've been messing around with more sodium for the last couple of days. I've been lazy not wanting to cook so the microwave and I have been best friends! Congrats on the lost.

    Burn Circuit 1 completed this morning. Now I have 20 additional push ups to do and zumba class tonight.
  • rachel0923
    rachel0923 Posts: 137 Member
    Rachel - I hear you on the hectic life wrecking your diet!! I swear I am constantly on the run and it gets to be a real challenge. I don't know if this helps, but I found that planning my eating for the entire day the day before and entering it into MFP helps - if it's not on my list for the day, it doesn't go in my mouth!! My daughter and I plan out our dinner and lunch menus for the week on Sundays before we go grocery shopping and we only buy what is on the list. Cuts down on the grocery bill and makes the diet easier to maintain. Hope this helps!!
    That's a good idea! I always plan meals, but it seems like something happens that throws everything off track (ie, being out of town for a day, having a sick kid, etc). And being an adult, able to drive to the store, buy crap food with the money I earn, just makes it too easy for me to get off track! Hopefully this week with the switch to Push makes me a little more motivated to keep my eating clean :)
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    Happy 4th of July weekend. Hopefully you will have the will power to keep calories w/in reason yet still enjoy yourselves. Idea...I love turkey burgers b/c I can put salsa on them. Helps ALOT with calories.

    Have fun! Bev
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