Eat Less Vs. Exercising More



  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    I think I'm on Team Less. I rather not eat the junk so I wouldn't have to burn it off later. I'm not really a big foodie or crave for certain foods unless I'm on my t.o.m which I hate. Although I do enjoy certain exercises as it makes me feel better when I'm stressed out.
  • FitCoachJen
    FitCoachJen Posts: 139 Member
    I'm on Team Satiety. I eat a well balanced diet including certain high-calorie lower-nutrient (they're not "bad", "cheats", or whatnot) foods, in moderation. I exercise to be a better athlete and because it feels great.

    I like to feel comfortably full. I also like to lift heavy things. It balances itself out :-)
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I like a balance of the two, but I believe if you MUST choose one or the other, Team More is probably a healthier option for most people. Exercise does wonders to improve one's health.

    I agree 100%.
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    I'm losing weight so I can DO more, so that puts me firmly in the exercise more camp. I want to be able to eat as much healthy food as I can because I don't want to live feeling hungry or like I'm dieting, and exercise is what allows me to do that. I don't use it as license to eat junk.
  • DeanDowney
    DeanDowney Posts: 22
    More!!...and less. lol I try to do both. I can't see the point in exercise if you just eat those extra calories. I'm still confused about the extra calories gained through exercise. Providing I eat my 1200 calories any exercise cals are a "burn" surley? If I eat 1200 ans exercise 500 is thata bad thing? :frown:
  • Well from the research Ive done, to lose weight diet is more effective then exercise so Im definatley on team less. I still do plenty of excercise but I do find the less I eat the more weight I lose despite whether or not Im putting in alot of exercise. Some people will argue with me but thats just how it works for me!
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    More!!...and less. lol I try to do both. I can't see the point in exercise if you just eat those extra calories. I'm still confused about the extra calories gained through exercise. Providing I eat my 1200 calories any exercise cals are a "burn" surley? If I eat 1200 ans exercise 500 is thata bad thing? :frown:

    I wouldn't want to live on a net of 700 calories for the rest of my life, not when I can lose weight and maintain my goal weight by eating 2100 and exercising 4-5 times a week (which averages my net calories at 1700). I'm eating the maintenance calories of an active person at my goal weight which causes enough of a deficit to lose .5 to .8 pounds per week until a I meet my goal weight and stabilize. If you like living on 1200 calories, go right ahead, I won't tell you not to - I just know I don't want to live like that if I don't have to.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    If I eat 1200 ans exercise 500 is that a bad thing? :frown:

  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    What about people like me who are Team Both?

    I don't eat less to avoid exercise, and I don't exercise more to eat more calories...but what I do is eat less to lose fat, exercise more to burn fat, and in the end find the perfect balance of calories in and calories out so I feel satisfied yet move towards my goals without depriving myself of food or overtraining. :bigsmile:

    This is a great answer.
  • It depends on the day....but I would say that most days I am team less.
  • Depend on the day. Like this week I am on team less. I am taking a few days off training because I am getting burned out. Next week I will be on team more. It's pretty much a balance.

    I kind of feel like I am like that some days also...there are days I find it easier to go and "kill" a workout and there are others that I am not burnt out and tired. Either way whether I workout or not I do my best to not go over my calories.
  • sparrows7
    sparrows7 Posts: 59
    For me if I don't eat less, I don't lose weight. Exercise makes me look and feel great but I don't lose weight from just exercise. Its all about diet for weight loss and exercise for having a good body when it comes to me.
  • chellekoren
    chellekoren Posts: 273 Member
    Depends on the day, month, hour....what side of the bed I got up on!! Some days I'm an eat less, and other days...especially if I know I want to eat something really good...I'm an exercise more person. Like the commercial says.."sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't!!":laugh:

    What she said. I have found something active I REALLY like doing, so I do that for both reasons: health and fun. However, whether I exercise this day or not depends on my mood.

    I guess I should add, I am VERY motivated to keep a certain level of activity due to fear of making my activity harder. Make sense? If I miss ONE week of training, I PAY for it the next and I am miserable and frustrated with myself until I am back to up to par.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Team More! I'm not all about using my exercise calories for treats all the time but those extra calories definitely come in handy to give some cushion for events. Like tomorrow, I know I'm going to a BBQ party in the afternoon - hopefully I'll have time to burn some calories in the morning so I can have a couple drinks and try a bite of all the yummy foods. That way I don't have to worry about it...

    I started thinking this way because I noticed, at least with most of the thinner people I know, they don't track their foods or anything but still stay slim because they are active and eat right on a regular basis - and therefore don't have to worry about little indulgences now and then. This is how I'm trying to reform my eating/activity habits because it seems to work!
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    Team More!
    i am team exercise more, eat more. i pretty much just exercise more so i can eat more because i love food dearly.

    I can quote this verbatim! Sometimes I'll plan extra workout sessions just so I can have a little bit extra at a meal. I'm like that rabbit with a carrot dangled in front of him, to get him to move.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I just need to execise my mouth less.

    Hehe...this made me chuckle, but it is so true for most of us!
  • Derameth
    Derameth Posts: 58 Member
    Unless you're crazy (in my humble opinion) Running is not fun! Sweating your brains out is not fun.... BUT Remember that exercise comes in all manners...and not only does it help you lose weight, it builds your INTERNAL parts....cardio for your heart and lungs, building muscle to help your joints....It also decreases stress...

    Eating less is an option, but the More you exercise, the better it is for you TOTAL body health.... Remember we won't be fat forever, so we need our body operating at a maximum.....Trust me at 60 I know I need to continue to build my muscles around my joints...
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    Well said, Derameth! :)
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    Currently Team Less I suppose, but i'm still exercising to burn more fat and get in shape. It's a lot about losing weight but also a lot about getting healthy for me.