Sixers Love Yourself Challenge - Week 2



  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hey ladies!!

    Back in Missouri now, start classes again on Tuesday. SUPER tired from the long drive today though so am just relaxing a bit after taking down my Christmas tree haha. Hope you all had a good weekend!!!!
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Just had to share a little :heart: for today:

    At dinner, we (the fam) were talking and my daughter was telling her daddy about the Wii game she was playing, Disney's Sing It. She was talking about a song from HSM star Corbin Bleu. My husband asked, "now which kid is that in the movie" and she said, "you know, he played Chad, he had the fuzzy hair". So here is my love in that. I love that my husband and I have not taught our children to identify people by their race. When I was growing up, my parent's would have said, oh the black boy in the movie. But my sweet kiddo didn't even go there, and that is because we choose not to do that. Looking forward to the new week. Have a great night!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hi girls.

    Firstly...I want to apologize...I have NOT been good at posting and motivating and doing the usual cheering on that I do. I have something going on in my life that I am still not comfortable sharing (but I promise I eventually will) which has kept me in my own little world. I promise that I am okay and that I WILL be back on here full-swing eventually! And I totally think about each and every one of you all the time! You are all wonderful and you will ALL acheive your goals! I am rooting for you although I may not post it all the time! I know that I have things going on, I am taking a leave of absence from here...I may still lurk and post occasionally, but probably for the next couple weeks, you won't hear to much from me. I will try and get on from time to time to check in, but just as a heads up, if you don't see me on here, no worries...I'm alive and okay. :wink:

    And I LOVE that I am strong. I know that I can get through ALL the challenges that I face.

    Have a WONDERFUL day and days to come if I don't talk to you. I seriously love you all and know that when I am ready to be back on here full-swing, you will be ready for me!

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    bless you will be ok, i believe that, you have a great heart and are a great what you need to do....your live is what is most important.....we will keep your space warm and cozy waiting for your return.....remember we are here if you need to just of luck to you, and i will say a prayer for you...:heart: ya.....

    i will most likely have a gain tomorrow, i know why, so i am not upset about it, just putting things together again. i need to get my eating in order. i need to stick to my carb count, to make my decision on where my eating is going. something the doctor and i discussed and i need to figure out for me. just rambling, sorry.

    i :heart: today is i burned 1000 calories at the gym today....real proud...been awhile since i have done that.

    off to shower and finish laundry and get to the doctors.

    later girls
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643

    I just wanted to take a moment and give a :heart: for the day but for all of us! I love the fact that we are all here for eachother! I love that we can come to this thread and ask a question and not get attacked or made to feel stupid for asking. I have been reading alot of posts lately on MFP that do just that and can only be happy that I can come here and ask ANYTHING and no one here will make me feel like an idiot or attack me as a person. Thanks so much ladies! I do alot of lurking here but I always come back to this thread for a reason!

    Back later with personals!

  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    I got to the community center for my monday workout. I am always glad to get it in, because once the day gets going and I think I can get it in later, it never happens. I have been pretty good with my meals today, but am thinking about going out to dinner and don't know that I can handle it without eating too many calories.

    Kristen, Hope all is well with you. We miss you and hope you return to full swing here soon. Things just aren't the same without you.:heart::heart: :heart:

    Cathy, You should be proud, burning 1000 calories in one visit to the gym is AWESOME!!!

    Amylou, Glad to hear you made it back. You had a long break; everyone around here has been back in classes for at least a week.

    Hope you all have a great day & I'll check in tomorrow:flowerforyou:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    well, the doctor didn't give me good news. i went thinking i was having bad acid reflux attacts. he tells me that it's my gall bladder and that since i have been having major and often attacts, he is sending me for a ultrasound, first thing tommorrow morning, if it looks inflamed must be removed asap. if not, than he is giving me a few weeks to have it taken out. when i had my hystertomy many years ago, they did a test and it showed that it was disfuntional and and didn't work. the doctor than said don't worry about it. well, my doctor today tells me no it should have been done then while they were in there, now it is causeing me problems that could have been raising cain in my tummy. i just want the attacts to go away they are VERY painful, last for over an hour. i will have to follow a low fat diet. DH said while he internet surfing on it, he found that i won't absorb fat any more. i wish.
    well, off to put my jammies on. need to fast for this test.....
    see ya in the morn'.....
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Kristin :heart:

    Deb, I agree with the morning workouts. LOVE 'EM!!

    Cathy, so sorry to hear that you'll get to look forward to more intervention. No fun! But good that it's diagnosed and not sitting silently. Good luck tomorrow :flowerforyou:

    Amy, so glad you're still around :heart:

    Sorry, busy day around here but wanted to say hi! I've been having a really really challenging time but so far I'm succeeding. I had to go to the grocery store and I had more than one moment where I was standing holding something and running a dialogue in my head about what was really going on. It's a compelling reminder about taking it one decision at a time which is what I was coaching myself. Telling myself that I just need to avoid THIS. One hurdle only. And reminding myself how glad I'll be that I DIDN'T go for the chocolate or cookies or what have you. WHEW! I leave for my work out in 20 mins which will be great!!!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Rhiannon, yeah for minute by minute decisions. They are hard sometimes, but you're still making them.

    Cathy, holey moley! Broken fingers, busted gall bladder, and you still burned 1000 calories? You are an inspiration! I'm surprised to that they didn't remove it at the same time as your other surgery. At least it will be taken care of, and you'll feel better soon, I hope!

    Deb, good to hear from you. I notice you've not been posting your love yourself comments. I'm waggling my finger at you! :laugh:

    Amy, I'm glad we all found the 6ers as well! Such a great support system!

    Shanell, Those jumpy houses can be fun. Heck, my 15 year old son still always wants to go in them!

    AmyLou, welcome home, and back to classes! Good to be back?

    Kristin, you just do what you need to. We'll be here when you need us!

    I knew Saturday I was getting sick. I came home from the swim meet so tired, and had a scratchy throat. I denied it that night, saying it was from breathing in the chlorine all day. But I woke up yesterday and it was even worse, then today, I could only squeak... And cough. I'm definately getting in my water, because I have to keep my throat moist or I can't stop coughing. Today I love that even though I feel like death, I still went to to work. A lot of times I blow it off, because I can--small office, just me and my boss-- but today I did it. I'm glad I did too...
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    well, the doctor didn't give me good news. i went thinking i was having bad acid reflux attacts. he tells me that it's my gall bladder and that since i have been having major and often attacts, he is sending me for a ultrasound, first thing tommorrow morning, if it looks inflamed must be removed asap. if not, than he is giving me a few weeks to have it taken out. when i had my hystertomy many years ago, they did a test and it showed that it was disfuntional and and didn't work. the doctor than said don't worry about it. well, my doctor today tells me no it should have been done then while they were in there, now it is causeing me problems that could have been raising cain in my tummy. i just want the attacts to go away they are VERY painful, last for over an hour. i will have to follow a low fat diet. DH said while he internet surfing on it, he found that i won't absorb fat any more. i wish.
    well, off to put my jammies on. need to fast for this test.....
    see ya in the morn'.....

    I would be interested in knowing your symtoms(sp?). I am a long time sufferer of acid reflux which doesnt seem to be healing with the strongest of meds, changed diet, etc. My SIL who is in school to become a Nurse Practitioner thinks it is my gallbladder and not acid reflux. The more and more I hear of people suffering from those attacks the more I start to see her point. If you dont mind sharing??
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Hi all-

    Cathy, so sorry to hear about all the craziness that is going on with you these days. I will pray for good results tomorrow, though I am not sure which is the better option.

    Rhiannon-you are abolutely right, minute by minute is the way to take it. I had a decision like that today, I will share in a bit.

    Krisitin-I haven't ben around as long as the others, but I still wish you the best with whatever decisions you must make at this time in your life. I see you are in Iowa as well, at least you get the positive of the "heatwave" we are having this week, +20 degrees :flowerforyou: you do what you need to do and we are here if you need us.

    pdx-I hope you get your issues figured out, perhaps this new info will lead to some healing discoveries for you.

    Today, I am over on my calories and my fat intake, but I did get my workout in and still have my situps to do tonight. I heard about the 200 situp challenge on here yesterday and I have decided to take it. So today is day 1, week 1.

    I have fabulous news to share. It may not be big to anyone else, but for me, it was a landmark. Today, I went to the Y. I was a bit limited on time, but I was determined to get in at least 30 mins. I got on the treadmill, made it to 4.5 mph and just jogged my way all the way through for 30 mins, one minute at a time. Normally when I am on the treadmill, I have to move the speed up and down to allow for rest but today I was determined not to. I burned something like 362 calories with all the time I was on there. So today, I :heart: that I didn't made my inner voice be positive and say, you can do it for just one more minute.

    Good night Ladies! See you in the new thread tomorrow.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    WOW congrats kge8580 on the the run.....had you worked up to running for 30 mins? or did you do it a little at a time? i have been working on c25k again. now it looks like i might be holding off yet again. just not my time to run.....

    pdx....let's see, DX for reflux a years back. over a year ago i had a really bad attack, wasn't getting the gurd in the throat or anything, just allot of chest and back pain. couldn't breath felt like a heart attact. DH took me to the er. they said it was a bad reflux attact, which can mimick a heart attact. my dad has had three. anyway was on prilosec until it went over counter, switched to nexium. still was having these pains. attacts start in the back around bra strap and move to the right side, to the front upper rib cage. by this time it's all the way around (for gall bladder it is normally just right side, if it's infected it's all around). the pain is stabbing, squezing, burning, if you take a deep breath it feels like someone is stabbing you. it comes on 1 or more hours after i eat, and lasts 1 or more hours. it just goes away, just as suddenly as it can come on. i get sorta sick to my stomach, he asked today if i get a fever during them. i don't think so, but i might, i get sweaty. i never get the yucky stuff in my throat. that is another reason why he is turning from the reflux. i do get constipated allot too. while he was pushing on my right side stomache it was very painful. i hope this helps. we find lots of info online. i won't know anything tomorrow. doctor said he would see me in a week, unless it was bad than he would call me. if it's just stones than it doesn't have to come out asap, just soon. he laughed and patted me on the shoulders, just needs to come out, i will give you a few weeks to set things up. he's a sweet doctor, i really like him...i'll keep you updated...
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    WOW congrats kge8580 on the the run.....had you worked up to running for 30 mins? or did you do it a little at a time? i have been working on c25k again. now it looks like i might be holding off yet again. just not my time to run.....

    Thanks, Chipper. I actually haven't really worked up to it. I just sort of did it. I think my body is just feeling so good from me actually getting some activity in most every day for the past week. I know it sounds crazy, but it has made a big difference. I have never run for that long before. Thanks for being excited about it with me! :happy: How on earth did you burn 1000 cals at the gym? I am not sure I can do that. What do you do?
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hi ladies!!

    I went ahead and made tomorrow's post for Week 3.

    Deb - I know! It was a really long break and I'm hoping I can remember how to study!!

    Robin - It is good to be back, and I'm hoping to be back here in full force as well. Haven't been tracking cals as I should be!

    Cathy - I hope everything gets figured out with the ultrasound tomorrow! We will be thinking about you!

    Kristin - I will echo what everyone else has said, but you know we are always here if you need us!! :heart:

    Katie - Good job!! I think i've only done that once, and it was probably 3 or 4 years ago and I haven't seen that since!! Awesome!!!

    Rhiannon, Amy - Good to hear from you both as always, hope your days finished out well!!

    Hello to anyone I missed!!! First day of classes tomorrow for this semester, only have one though so it shouldn't be too bad. Hope it gets out in time to watch the inauguration festivities though!!! :bigsmile:

    Need to get back on track with's been a while, to say the least!! I think when I left off I was on Week 3 maybe? and that was probably a month ago! Yikes!! Hope to do that tomorrow and outside if it stays nice enough here. Otherwise on the treadmill or the Shred DVD, felt really pretty good after I did that the last time.

    Not sure on meals yet, perhaps should get some groceries tomorrow so I can actually make something. hehe:laugh:

    Love you all, have a great night and see you in the morning for Check-in!!!! Gain, loss, or maintain, you are all fantastic women that I am honored to be in this challenge with!! :heart:
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Quickie.... catching up for me!

    :heart: - I love that we have each other too (Amy said this first). It makes me smile to know I we can depend on each other.

    Lauryn- You are very strong and I am proud of you for sharing. You will make it through this. I am sure of it. I have always told you, your positive spirit motivates me. Enjoy that running and I will keep you in my prayers. All things happen for a reason. You are amazing. Keep up the good work

    Katie- great job w/ the weight loss Congrats girlie.

    Cathy- 1000 calories is wonderful at the gym. That's why you have such great weight loss numbers. Congrats and keep it up!

    Amy- Glad to see you keeping up the good work. :)

    Amylou- Yay! Back to the normal schedule. Take care and you can do it. Thanks for the post.

    Kristin- You are strong! I know you will stay positive through everything. I can't wait until you get back. :wink:

    Rhiannon- keeping the pounds removed is the KEY to this game. I am glad you learned your lesson from the friday I believe. I have those moments too. You always motivate me. I want to plan meals like you one day ...... hopefully soon. :happy:

    Takecare ladies. Thanks for the support and being such great friends.